Abusing Children, Moral Right by Nationality
With great sadness, with unbelievable pain you read everyday in newspapers, in magazines, in the Internet about children that have been abused. Abused by strangers, by friends, by parents.
By adopted-parents. Those children that already have lost their first chance to have a real home, with loving mom and dad, with warmth of love. Those children who had waited for years, wishing and dreaming that a loving mom would find them, would save them, would love them, would give them a home they never had. Sometimes the words “be careful what you wish for” come alive.
Stories about adopted children that have died because of their adopted-parents faults are always frightening, it is too scary to think what these little ones felt and thought in the last seconds of their lives… There simply is no understanding, no forgiveness, no justification to abuse and kill the ones who already had nothing in their lives.
In the press you see stories about little kids adopted abroad from Russia and killed by step-parents. These become scandals on diplomatic levels. There are labels and names for foreign step parents. And then there are stories nobody knows about. Stories only published in Russian press. Stories that terrify, stories that make you want to scream and just close your eyes and shut your mind because you want to believe that it JUST COULD NOT HAPPEN in this world. But here they are, it is happening, so close to us, with witnesses and with kind blindness from authorities.
Here is a story about a little boy, who happily found his new mom and dad. In Moscow, creme de la creme of Russia. A boy who just one year after being adopted made it to the hospital with no place in his little four year old body that would not have been burned, hurt or hit. And his adopted-mom who explains that little Gleb just fell from the stairs and hit himself. Clumsy like that. But the little boy saying that mummy hit him with a hot water-boiler. And the doctors who diagnosed the boy having been severely abused and not just once.
It is a heart-breaking story. Story that makes people not want to believe it, because it is scary to live in a world where that can happen. This world that depends on kind people, volunteers who try to help, who try to find safe places for these kids. Unfortunately, in our non-perfect world those people with right intentions are nobodies.
So to continue the story, parents were seen as good and responsible by the authorities. This despite a video being found made by the step-parents showing the face of the four-year old with one eye swollen shut from beating, front teeth broken… With the explanation that the boy just fell by himself, clumsy clumsy little boy… just a nice home video.
So while the version of perfect step-parents and a clumsy little boy was still the right one, the adopted-daddy being a manager in one of the banks in Moscow and the people in charge being truly understanding, the daddy got Gleb home from the hospital. Through the back door of the hospital, with kind help of the hospital security. Not a joke.
Only later that day did the real version start to get acceptance. Authorities accepting that maybe after all the parents DID hit the boy, maybe they DID hurt him continuously without any fear or any morals. And so finally a decision came to begin an investigation and that the little boy should not be given back prior to that. But this was only four days after the boy came to doctors and media and press started to talk about the abuse. And just a few hours after the boy had already left the hospital with his adopted-dad.
On Monday (today is Friday btw) the authorities will have a document that gives them the right to take the children from those parents. Yes, children since there is also a two-year old little girl who was adopted by them. But, surprisingly enough, right now they can not find the parents and kids. So we just need to wait. Maybe next time the little ones will fall from the stairs clumsily enough to be dead. No hurting kids talking, no bad parents.
So just an idea, if you hurt and abuse an adopted kid from Russia in EU or USA - you should be scared, because there are diplomats, judges, police and big scandals waiting in the press both Russian and foreign. But if you are local, not a big deal. You can hit your adopted-son a bit with hot water-boiler, breaking teeth, just with love and with hope for understanding from the clever people in charge. Just enough that the kid is still alive. Still alive? Many people do not believe that this little boy will be alive the next time he will be found. If he ever will be found.
So from Russia with love. One of the greatest, strongest countries in world. Too big to care about it’s little children, those who do not have anybody to care about them.
Sources and links to related articles:
Moral Right by Nationality?
mum from Sweden
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