In these days there is a lot of talk about huge amounts of money. In some countries these sums are different compared to each others. There are millions, milliards, billions, trillions etc. In Europe 1000 millions is one milliard but in the USA it seems to be one billion. Normally one billion mathematically is one million millions. And consecuently one million billions is one trillion. Could someone please explain the differencies how it works in various countries.
Billions and trillions
- fransh man
first . lets go with this in al word is the same math.. . so in europe we say on milliard = 1000 . hei u are right obout your acount .
- billion
is thousand millions. I've not heard anyone speak about milliards.
- jhsfc
one milliard is the same than one billion - because in europe we say . mill = 1000 and in anglo countries they say bill = 1000 . so u can see it is only the languish different . but the amount is the same . and one trillion is one million million . this is one trillion . #
- languish
jhsfc kirjoitti:
one milliard is the same than one billion - because in europe we say . mill = 1000 and in anglo countries they say bill = 1000 . so u can see it is only the languish different . but the amount is the same . and one trillion is one million million . this is one trillion . #
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