Finnish and Hawaiian


I would like to invite all interested to a discussion on Finnish and Hawaiian on the Ka`ahele Hawai`i forum here :

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    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • mustahammas

      The title of the discussion that I mentioned is "Aloha and Welcome!"

    • a Finn

      Aloha Mustahammas,

      I was very surprised to see your posting regarding Hawaii, it is nice to see someone from Finland having interest for the Paradise Islands. Me, I am a Finn and have been living in Hawaii for 40 years. Your posting gave me an opportunity to to express my disappointment for not being able to bring Hawaii and its culture lifestyle to Finland. Specifically I am talking about "Hula" , several years ago I did ( with help from Finnish friends ) brought "Hula Show" to Finland where the dancers were promoting Dole products at Helsinki supermarkets. Watching the shoppers take on the show with fond interest, and amazement gave me an idea, why not do this show in a environment were Finns could watch it in a relaxed atmosphere and really enjoy piece of Hawaiian culture. So, I got thinking cap on and to my PC wrote letters to several businesses were I thought this show would be a hit. Some of the companies that I wrote "Kalastajatorppa, Silja Line, Viking Line, Several other restaurants " The theme would have been dinner and cocktail show, were after dinner one would enjoy a TRUE Hawaiian Hula Show, same for the cocktail show, at the Sil;ja or Viking it would have been called "Hawaiian Cruise" were at the ships the girls would not only perform a Hula Show but would have hala classes for the passengers etc etc. Potential of this would have been that we could have had a show also in Stockholm and the girls could switch from cities to ship etc. I any case I thought I would share this with you as I still think the idea is a great one, I mentioned "I think" as to this day I have NOT received any replies from Finland to my proposals all of them I sent several years ago. I mentioned in the beginning of this note I was "disappointed" I say this only to mention that I can not understand why, no one replies to correspondence from Finland, even if it is only to say "No Thanx" Should you wish anythiong from Paradise .....let me know.

      • mustahammas

        >> Should you wish anythiong from Paradise .....let me know.

      • Finnish names in Hawaii

        As a Finn living in Hawaii, would you know if the name Elina is really common there? I was working at a cash register of a shop in Ireland, and an Americal lady handed me her credit card for payment. And indeed it was Elina, a name that I thought was profoundly Finnish. I asked her, and she said it was Hawaii'an, but didn't want to elaborate any more.... Probably found me a bit weird asking about her name at the till! =)
        Thanks in advance if you are able to help!
        And you're right - was really rude from all of those companies not to bother to write you back!

      • Finnish names
        Finnish names in Hawaii kirjoitti:

        As a Finn living in Hawaii, would you know if the name Elina is really common there? I was working at a cash register of a shop in Ireland, and an Americal lady handed me her credit card for payment. And indeed it was Elina, a name that I thought was profoundly Finnish. I asked her, and she said it was Hawaii'an, but didn't want to elaborate any more.... Probably found me a bit weird asking about her name at the till! =)
        Thanks in advance if you are able to help!
        And you're right - was really rude from all of those companies not to bother to write you back!

        ELINA......No it is not Hawaiian however, it is Finnish form of Helen. It might also be a variant of Elena......or......An Indian name meaning intelligent.
        Yes ,very sad that the Finns have not mastered the art of replying to correspondence especially when there is Euros to be made. I could write a very
        L O O N G article of no replies from Finland and the potential loss of monies. ie: About 30 years ago I wrote to Tunturi regarding "mopeds" as Honolulu is a perfect place for mopeds weather never gets under 65-70 F. and I did not see one moped in town also the bike dealers I talked to never heard of such a thing.....needless to say I wrote to Tunturi about the possibilities etc etc. I am still waiting for a reply
        by the way there are about 25,000 mopeds now in Hawaii..........

    • Anonyymi

      mustanaama.. missä päin Hawaijia asustelet?

    • Anonyymi

      Elina is a Finnish name and quite common herne. It is derived from Helena and it means aurinkoinen , loistava.. sunny and shiny. The name day is on the 10 th February.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Mitä hittoa tapahtuu nuorille miehillemme?

      Mikä on saanut heidän päänsä sekaisin ja kadottamaan järjellisyytensä normaalista elämästä ja ryhtymään hörhöiksi? https
      Maailman menoa
    2. Muistatko kun kerroin...

      että palelen..? Myös nyt on kylmä. Tahtoisin peittosi alle.
    3. En sitten aio sinua odotella

      Olen ollut omasta halustani yksin, mutta jossain vaiheessa aion etsiä seuraa. Tämä on aivan naurettavaa pelleilyä. Jos e
    4. Martina jättää triathlonin: "Aika kääntää sivua"

      Martina kirjoittaa vapaasti natiivienkusta suomeen käännetyssä tunteikkaassa tekstissä Instassaan. Martina kertoo olevan
      Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut
    5. Hei, vain sinä voit tehdä sen.

      Only you, can make this world seem right Only you, can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone Can make a change
    6. Kuka sinä oikeen olet

      Joka kirjoittelet usein minun kanssa täällä? Olen tunnistanut samaksi kirjoittajaksi sinut. Miksi et anna mitään vinkkej
    7. En vain ole riittävä

      Muutenhan haluaisit minut oikeasti ja tekisit jotain sen eteen. Joo, ja kun et varmaan halua edes leikisti. Kaikki on o
    8. Kellä on rumin tukka?

      Kuka on haapaveden rumin ihminen? Vinot silmät ja ikivanha mersu?
    9. Oon pahoillani että

      Tapasit näin hyödyttömän, arvottoman, ruman ja tylsän ihmisen niinku minä :(
    10. Kuinka paljon nalle harmittaa

      Kun mä saan panna hehkua ja sä et? :)