Mr. Green and three other soldiers went to the family`s home in Iraq. There Green and two others raped the teen. Green killed her parents and sister, then her ! And it was American president who led these soldiers into the war against innocent people of Iraq.
Americans are animals ?
- transatlantic
American people are shocked and outraged by these horrible crimes. U.S. does not condone criminal behavior by its military and the few cases that have occured have been addressed by courts.
Mr Green received his sentence last week and will spend the rest of his life in jail without possibility of parole. He is a young man and could possibly spend the next sixty years in prison. He will never walk free again and will leave the prison only in his casket. That it is not a light sentence but sadly will not bring back the Iraqi family destroyed by his senseless act - and nothing ever will.- Politics of U.S
This family would have never been destroyed and Mr Green would have never been convicted without the mindless crimes in foreign politics of U.S. ?
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