Elikkäs oli tuossa pari päivää sitten harvinaisen tylsää niin tulipahan tarinoitua tällainen. Arvostelut ja rakentava kritiikkiä ovat tervetulleita!
Once in the Edinburgh was a little mouse,
who wanted some cheese,
but there was no treats like these.
After the treat he decided to go,
even though his mother cried: “Please, no!”
So he gave his mother a kiss and a hug
and said to his brother: “Bye, and good luck!”
He ran from Scotland
through England and Wales,
across the Channel
in France, he met two hares.
From hares he asked:
“Do you have some cheese,
any kind of treats like these?”
They shook their heads and said:
“No, not at all.
Not anymore, this time on fall.”
So mouse kept on running,
through fields and forests,
over the hills to the eagle’s nest.
From eagle he asked:
“Do you have some cheese,
any kind of treats like these?”
Eagle shook his head and said:
“No, I don’t have any cheese,
any kind of treats like these.
But, my guest, please don’t leave!
As a treat, you’re one for me!”
For mouse, tried the eagle to reach,
but quickly, in haste, turned he away,
and ran down the heights to a small village of May.
There he met an old and lonely bear,
who was fixing a cuckoo clock’s gear.
From bear he asked:
“Do you have some cheese,
any kind of treats like these?”
Bear looked him down his nose
and lowered his head so very close.
He said, with voice so low:
“Why are you here, after some cheese,
your home is more worthy than treats like these!
I’m sure your mother is crying for worry on you,
and here you just run, yelling: ‘Woohoo!’”
Mouse looked down feeling shame.
Why he played like his life would be a game?
He raised his head and asked the bear:
“Please, can you take me home from here?”
Bear smiled and said:
“I cannot be stopped by anything, anyone,
so jump on, and I’ll run, I’ll run,
all the way to Edinburgh
and, perhaps, some cheese I can borrow.
I thank your mother,
I say: ‘Bye’ for your brother,
and then I come back here
and fix this broken cuckoo clock’s gear.”
The old bear got his adventure,
mouse has cheese and is no more gone
and mother got back her oldest son.
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