Obama is again under military pressure worsening situation abroad. US army has occupied Haiti airstrip and prevented European relief planes entry to the only delivery point at Port-au-Prince. Prevention of delivery of Doctors w/o Borders hospital has grave effect to situation of the suffering population. Instead the air port is reserved for american military and politians use. These actions are direct continuation of the Bush regime policies and are neraring the definition of Crimes against Mankind.
US worsen situation in Haiti
- Farncophone
Only french speakers can help Haiti !
- are you kidding
US is not occupying the airport of Port au Prince but is in charge of it at the request by the Haitian government. US military is doing a fine job directing traffic at the airfield that has only one runway and normally handles about 15 flights a day. Now they are operating at maximum capacity of about 100 flights per day. Unfortunately (or fortunately) there are more flights arriving than can be safely accomodated at one time. Some flights have to wait for their turn to land, at which point they might decide to head for a different airport, like the flight for the Doctors without Borders did. This is not exclusive to European flights but many American flights have been forced to turn back as well and return later.
These actions are direct consequence of the circumstances on ground and cannot be blamed on Bush or politics. - sfasf_
The Haitians themselves are not doing anything to help the situation. They are attacking each other over food and drink, looting every single place they can get into and they have decided to let the volunteering foreign helpers do all the work. In this kind of situation they should help one another and work together to survive. Having seen some very graphic pictures from Haiti I am absolutely repulsed by the people. The women in mass graves had still their clothes on, but they were always pulled down exposing their breasts or genitals. The people there are disgustingly animalistic. No one can help them.
- usassa asuva
of the country is hiding at the airport, we haven't heard a peep from him.
- seen all
usassa asuva kirjoitti:
of the country is hiding at the airport, we haven't heard a peep from him.
Corrupted and lazy - that's the image of Haitians. On same island are Dominicans who prosper. Same land, same weather, everything but Haitians get nothing done.
I do feel sorry for them. Maybe something good comes out of this.
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Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
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