Into a tent where a gypsy boy lay,
Dying alone at the close of the day,
News of salvation we carried; said he,
"Nobody ever has told it to me."
Tell it again, tell it again -
salvation`s story repeat o`ver and o`ver,
Till none can say of children of men:
Nobody ever has told it before.
Did He so love me, a poor gypsy boy,
And send unto me glad tidings of joy?
Need I not perish, my hand will He hold?
Nodody ever the story has told.
Bending we caught the last words of his breath
Just as he entered the valley of death:
"God sent His Son; whosoever said He;
Then I am sure that He sent Him for me."
Smiling he said as his last sigh was spent,
"I am so glad that for me He was sent,"
Whispered, while low sank the sun in the west,
"Lord, I believe, tell it now to the rest."
Mary B.C. Slade
My friend, the Savoiur calls, will you come? Receive Him now and experience His words,
"He that believth on the Son hath everlasting life". John ch3 v 36
A Gypsy Boy
- romani1
Whar a blessed story. Im a Roma (gipy) man, who is in the Salvationearmy, the swedishspekin Temppelcorp of Helsingi and as you know, the salvation, in the whole worlds romagruops, is wery big. If you want to be correct and respectful, use word roma, gipsy is a bad word. I understand veryvell, that the nice story, is old and befoore, people used Gipyword.
Blesseded regards to you all from the soldier Helge Valama- God`s friend
I really didin`t know that gipsy is not a bad word. Thanks for a good remark. I will not use a word like this no longer. I do not like offend anyone! The story is very nice. Nowadays there are so meny unhappy and alone childrens all over the world, but Jesus loves them and sends people help them!
God bless You and Your work!
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