I've lived in the US for 10 years, I'm married to a wonderful husband from Morocco (who is also US and Canadian citizen). We have 4 children and our life here is very good. However, we have no extended family here. We can not visit Finland too often since with 4 children it can get very costly. My parents are getting older so they are not visiting us every year like they used to. Now, my husband thinks that it would be a great idea to move to Finland, so our kids would have more connection to the extended family. While I think it would be wonderful to live closer to my parents, I'm not sure if Finland would be good choice to live in. My husband has never lived in Finland, just visited a handful of times, so I don't think he has a good picture of Finland. My whole family in Finland just adores my husband so when we visit, he really gets a "royal treatment". He does not see the racism that I'm sure other foreigners in Finland see.
I would like to hear from other foreigners that live in Finland, what is your opinion on the culture and racism? It would be great if you have lived in another western country, but I'll be glad to hear any opinion. Please try to be honest, and let me know both the good and the bad! This is really an important issue for us and I'm trying to get as much info as I can before we make any kind of decision.
Thank you!
Moving back to Finland- good idea?
- foreigner in finland
- everything sucks
you will get kela support but finding a work is very difficult
Don't come - dsadasd
I don't think there's as much racism as people say. However your husband will probably have difficulty getting a job if he doesn't speak fluent Finnish or if he is not highly qualified in certain fields such as IT.
Some companies hire English speakers but it is quite rare.
If you are going to move though, you should move somewhere near Helsinki as it is much easier to get a job as a foreigner in southern Finland.- lannenhunttari
please------ala muuta takaisin,tai joudut tekemaan uuden muuton takaisin u s aa han...
suomeen on todella vaikea sopeutua takaisin.....kaikki on muuttunut vuosien mittaan.
ja kun miehesi ei edes ole suomalainen,se tulee olemaan viela vaikeampaa..
odds,siita etta kaikki tulee menemaan sujuvasti,ovat todella pienet..[tietysti oikein iso tukko rahaa voi auttaa sopeutumista]
itse muutimme 4 lapsen kera suomeen,jo 2 v jalkeen oli muutettava takaisin Kanadaan,
emmeka ole katuneet takaisin muuttoa.....mieti pitkaan ja hartaasti,ennenko alatte pakkaamaan..
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
Sai potkut Yleltä. https://yle.fi/a/74-201400003264801- 162266
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