Ei mene hyvin Amerikassakaan.
Sain Seagatelta tällaisen sähköpostin:
John McCain on näköjään väsäämässä lakialoitetta, jolla heikennettäisiin luontaistuotteiden asemaa.
Richard Lentz kirjoittaa suuntauksen olevan sama kuin Euroopassakin:
"If McCain’s bill passes, we can look to Europe for a snapshot of what we may be in for: EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, has sharply reduced the list of available supplements and is in process of reducing potencies to ridiculous levels, such as less beta carotene than can be found in half of a large carrot."
Vapaa käännökseni:
Jos McCainin lakiesitys menee läpi, pikakatsaus Eurooppaan näyttää, mitä voi edessämme olla: EFSA*) on jyrkästi vähentänyt vaikuttavien aineiden potentiaalia naurettaville tasoille, esimerkiksi beetakaroteenia voi olla vähemmän kuin puolikkaassa isossa porkkanassa.
*) EFSA, Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusviranomainen
Hyiset tuulet
Linkki ei toiminut. Toimisiko tämä:
http://echo.bluehornet.com/hostedemail/email.htm?h=24a659768b89d17913a96Ei näköjään toiminut, mutta viesti tässä:
The Health Food Industry is under attack … again. We need your help. On Feb 3rd Senator John McCain (R-AZ) held a press conference at which he announced his intention to introduce legislation (S. 3002) that would amend the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) in several areas that would affect dietary supplements. The legislation will be co-sponsored by Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND). McCain is presently seeking other Senators to co-sponsor. You can see a draft copy of the McCain/Dorgan Bill by clicking here
We ask you to write a letter (sample letter here
) – please personalize it -- to your 2 Senators if you are opposed to McCain’s Bill and ask them not to co-sponsor or even vote for it. You can find your Senators’ contact information and email addresses at this website
If you were not thrilled about concept of the Federal Government taking over our nation’s health care industry, you might not enjoy McCain’s attempt to take over the health food industry. This bill places new burdens on dietary supplements that are not required for any other class of food, essentially giving the FDA arbitrary and discriminatory power to control the production of and your access to any supplement at their discretion. If McCain’s bill passes, we can look to Europe for a snapshot of what we may be in for: EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, has sharply reduced the list of available supplements and is in process of reducing potencies to ridiculous levels, such as less beta carotene than can be found in half of a large carrot.
We at Seagate happen to be very familiar with the FDA and their attempt to arbitrarily control health foods. Three months ago we filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the FDA claiming numerous violations including their own regulations, the 5th Amendment to the Constitution (our right to due process), and for acting arbitrarily and without cause by trying to stop our truckloads of olive leaf extract from crossing the border from our factory in Baja California to San Diego. Since the lawsuit was filed, the FDA has released all of our trucks, reversed the automatic detention designation they placed on our company and has petitioned the Federal Judge to end our lawsuit. We intend to pursue our case in public before the Court and seek full remuneration of our attorneys’ fees. I have brought this lawsuit to your attention as an example of the future if the FDA were given the absolute control over the health foods industry. It would not be pretty.
In announcing his bill, Senator McCain’s office identified several groups that support the yet-to-be-introduced legislation. These include the USADA (US Anti Doping Agency), Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, the National Football League, the National Hockey League, the United States Olympic Committee, the American College of Sports Medicine, National College Athletic Association and the PGA Tour. While these organizations may believe that controlling the health food supplement industry will affect their members’ use of illegal steroids, this really looks like a publicity stunt to show that they are being proactive in the fight to improve their tarnished images regarding the illegal use of steroids by some of their members. Illegal drugs are already regulated by laws that are not very well enforced. Health food products are not the source for these athletes’ illegal performance-enhancing drugs …. although many of these athletes when caught using, like to blame taking supplements as their source for failing their drug tests, rather than the vials of steroids that are available on the black market throughout the U.S.
If you wish to help defeat this bill, you can also forward this email to other friends and relatives who enjoy having free access to health food products. Drug companies have billions of dollars and very expensive lobbyists to push through their bills. John McCain is their friend. The health food industry’s one resource is the majority of Americans who take vitamins and health food supplements …. in order to stay healthy and avoid paying for those overpriced prescriptions.
Thank you for your help and support !
Richard Lentz
Seagate Products
McCainin lakialoite:
http://www.ahpa.org/Portals/0/pdfs/10_0202_Dietary_Supplement_Safety_Bill.pdf- ??
Saanko kysyä mikä on Seagate?
Tyhmä minä... ?? kirjoitti:
Saanko kysyä mikä on Seagate?
Tyhmä minä..."Saanko kysyä mikä on Seagate?"
- En ole jaksanut aiemmin vastata, enkä nytkään ole pirteä valvottuani koko yön putkeen, mutta Seagate on amerikkalainen firma, jonka tuotteita voi tilata Suomeen esimerkiksi iHerbistä tai MyNaturalMarketista.sanasinko kirjoitti:
Ei näköjään toiminut, mutta viesti tässä:
The Health Food Industry is under attack … again. We need your help. On Feb 3rd Senator John McCain (R-AZ) held a press conference at which he announced his intention to introduce legislation (S. 3002) that would amend the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) in several areas that would affect dietary supplements. The legislation will be co-sponsored by Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND). McCain is presently seeking other Senators to co-sponsor. You can see a draft copy of the McCain/Dorgan Bill by clicking here
We ask you to write a letter (sample letter here
) – please personalize it -- to your 2 Senators if you are opposed to McCain’s Bill and ask them not to co-sponsor or even vote for it. You can find your Senators’ contact information and email addresses at this website
If you were not thrilled about concept of the Federal Government taking over our nation’s health care industry, you might not enjoy McCain’s attempt to take over the health food industry. This bill places new burdens on dietary supplements that are not required for any other class of food, essentially giving the FDA arbitrary and discriminatory power to control the production of and your access to any supplement at their discretion. If McCain’s bill passes, we can look to Europe for a snapshot of what we may be in for: EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, has sharply reduced the list of available supplements and is in process of reducing potencies to ridiculous levels, such as less beta carotene than can be found in half of a large carrot.
We at Seagate happen to be very familiar with the FDA and their attempt to arbitrarily control health foods. Three months ago we filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the FDA claiming numerous violations including their own regulations, the 5th Amendment to the Constitution (our right to due process), and for acting arbitrarily and without cause by trying to stop our truckloads of olive leaf extract from crossing the border from our factory in Baja California to San Diego. Since the lawsuit was filed, the FDA has released all of our trucks, reversed the automatic detention designation they placed on our company and has petitioned the Federal Judge to end our lawsuit. We intend to pursue our case in public before the Court and seek full remuneration of our attorneys’ fees. I have brought this lawsuit to your attention as an example of the future if the FDA were given the absolute control over the health foods industry. It would not be pretty.
In announcing his bill, Senator McCain’s office identified several groups that support the yet-to-be-introduced legislation. These include the USADA (US Anti Doping Agency), Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, the National Football League, the National Hockey League, the United States Olympic Committee, the American College of Sports Medicine, National College Athletic Association and the PGA Tour. While these organizations may believe that controlling the health food supplement industry will affect their members’ use of illegal steroids, this really looks like a publicity stunt to show that they are being proactive in the fight to improve their tarnished images regarding the illegal use of steroids by some of their members. Illegal drugs are already regulated by laws that are not very well enforced. Health food products are not the source for these athletes’ illegal performance-enhancing drugs …. although many of these athletes when caught using, like to blame taking supplements as their source for failing their drug tests, rather than the vials of steroids that are available on the black market throughout the U.S.
If you wish to help defeat this bill, you can also forward this email to other friends and relatives who enjoy having free access to health food products. Drug companies have billions of dollars and very expensive lobbyists to push through their bills. John McCain is their friend. The health food industry’s one resource is the majority of Americans who take vitamins and health food supplements …. in order to stay healthy and avoid paying for those overpriced prescriptions.
Thank you for your help and support !
Richard Lentz
Seagate Products
McCainin lakialoite:
http://www.ahpa.org/Portals/0/pdfs/10_0202_Dietary_Supplement_Safety_Bill.pdfKäänsin tässä taannoin ihan mielenkiinnon vuoksi edellisestä kirjeestä pienen pätkän. Teksti oli vaikeaa kääntää eikä se ole välttämättä sataprosenttisen oikein. Kertoo kuitenkin jotain siitä, minkälaiset tuulet puhaltavat tätä nykyä Amerikassakin...
"We at Seagate happen to be very familiar with the FDA and their attempt to arbitrarily control health foods. Three months ago we filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the FDA claiming numerous violations including their own regulations, the 5th Amendment to the Constitution (our right to due process), and for acting arbitrarily and without cause by trying to stop our truckloads of olive leaf extract from crossing the border from our factory in Baja California to San Diego. Since the lawsuit was filed, the FDA has released all of our trucks, reversed the automatic detention designation they placed on our company and has petitioned the Federal Judge to end our lawsuit. We intend to pursue our case in public before the Court and seek full remuneration of our attorneys’ fees. I have brought this lawsuit to your attention as an example of the future if the FDA were given the absolute control over the health foods industry. It would not be pretty."
Me Seagatessa olemme tottuneet FDA:han ja heidän yritykseensä valvoa mielivaltaisesti luontaistuotteita. Kolme kuukautta sitten nostimme oikeusjutun liittovaltion tuomioistuimessa FDA:ta vastaan lukuisista rikkomuksista jopa heidän omia sääntöjään vastaan (viides perustuslain muutos, oikeutemme asianmukaiseen prosessiin) ja käyttäytymisestä mielivaltaisesti ja ilman syytä yrittäen estää oliivinlehtiuutetta sisältävien rekkakuormien pääsyn tehtaaltamme Kalifornian Bajasta rajan yli San Diegoon. Sen jälkeen, kun oikeusjuttu oli nostettu, FDA vapautti kaikki rekkamme, peruutti yrityksellemme asetetun automaattisen pidätysmääräyksen ja on vedonnut liittovaltion tuomariin oikeusjuttumme lopettamiseksi. Aiomme tuoda asian julkisuuteen ennen oikeudenistuntoa ja pyytää täyttä korvausta asianajajiemme kuluista. Olen tuonut tämän oikeusjutun tietoosi esimerkkinä tulevaisuudesta, jossa FDA saisi luontaistuoteteollisuuden rajattoman valvontaoikeuden. Se ei olisi kaunista. --
"If McCain’s bill passes, we can look to Europe for a snapshot of what we may be in for: EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, has sharply reduced the list of available supplements and is in process of reducing potencies to ridiculous levels, such as less beta carotene than can be found in half of a large carrot."
- Käänsin edellä vähän huonosti. Olisiko tämä parempi:
Jos McCainin lakiesitys menee läpi, pikakatsaus Eurooppaan näyttää, mitä edessämme voi olla: EFSA*) on jyrkästi vähentänyt saatavilla olevien lisäravinteiden valikoimaa ja on vähentämässä vaikuttavien aineiden tehoa naurettaville tasoille, esimerkiksi beetakaroteenia voi olla vähemmän kuin puolikkaassa isossa porkkanassa.
*) EFSA, Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusviranomainen- Hyvä Anttinen..
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