The gates are open, I run outside
Into the realm where monsters hide
Tears have clouded all I see
Fears and feelings from me flee
My mouth is bleeding, an open seal
The wounded tongue can never heal
I cannot remember why I ran
My mind has set on it a ban
But still the shape comes to me
The castle's roof I cannot see
I run and run through night and dim
To the edge of morn' and forest Nim
In there I rest and cry and scream
For some god to grant me dream
My prayers, sincere, unheeded go
Taken by the wind and snow
Then slowly in fear I rise to stand
And run across the barren land
From the edge of sun to the edge of moon
Narrowly passing impending gloom...
I find my way to a dreadful land
The forsaken desert of Burning Sand
I find my way to the centering dune
Atop the dune a well of doom
A deep, dark and holy place
Where gods are born without a face
Drinking deeply from the pool
Reminds me of a certain tool
And so it flares inside my head
My friend! My sword! His chest! He's dead!
I cry again and dive in deep
Into the dark where dead gods sleep
Swimming further towards the end
I remember! The Castle! Devil's Rend
In pain I strive to increase my pace
Further away from that hideous face
Into my dark place
Into My Dark Place
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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