You can see a 360 degree panorama of the venue ( and a map ) here :
( Click in picture and drag in any desired direction ! )
another map here : http://tinyurl.com/3y7w4v6
( Click the red marker on the map for street view ! )
The event is on Facebook here :
Do not forget to RSVP if you are coming.
Everybody is welcome !
expat meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday July the 14th
- ikäänkuin
a new meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday July the 21st. The event is on Facebook here :
Everybody is welcome !- ikäänkuin
a new meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday July the 28th. The event is on Facebook here :
Everybody is welcome ! - ikäänkuin
ikäänkuin kirjoitti:
a new meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday July the 28th. The event is on Facebook here :
Everybody is welcome !a new meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday August the 18th. The event is on Facebook here :
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=117966631587897 - ikäänkuin
ikäänkuin kirjoitti:
a new meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday August the 18th. The event is on Facebook here :
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=117966631587897Two new expat meetups are planned for the near future :
the meetup at Villi Wäinö on Saturday September the 4th :
and the meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday September the 8th :
Do not forget to RSVP if you are coming !
Tourists and visitors to Helsinki are also welcome !
If you join the Helsinki Expat Meetup on Facebook you will automatically get invites to all our meetups. - ikäänkuin
ikäänkuin kirjoitti:
Two new expat meetups are planned for the near future :
the meetup at Villi Wäinö on Saturday September the 4th :
and the meetup at Aula Bar & Café on Wednesday September the 8th :
Do not forget to RSVP if you are coming !
Tourists and visitors to Helsinki are also welcome !
If you join the Helsinki Expat Meetup on Facebook you will automatically get invites to all our meetups.Welcome all interested to an expat meetup at Villi Wäinö on Wednesday September the 29th !
The event is on Facebook here :
The meetup will be held in the bar/restaurant in the BASEMENT and not in the street-level bar !
We have a table reservation from 7pm.
Please do your best to come in time so that I will not get into trouble with the management ! If 7pm is an absolutely impossible start time for you you are of course welcome to come later also !
The sign on our table has the text "Helsinki Expat Meetup". If you have trouble finding the group you can ask anybody of the staff for help.
Villi Wainö is on three levels : the bar/restaurant in the basement, street-level bar and the 1st floor ( sauna lounge rooms )
Some reviews ( in English ) of Villi Wäinö :
picture gallery :
map here :
( Click the red marker on the map for street view ! )
There is no cloak-room charge on weekdays !
There is no obligation to eat anything !
Do not forget to RSVP if you are coming !
Our meetups are not only for expats ! Finns, tourists and visitors to Helsinki are also welcome !
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
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