Van Gogh killer has no regrets
Friday 09 July 2010
Six years after murdering film maker Theo van Gogh, his killer Mohammed Bouyeri has no regrets about his action, the AD reports on Friday.
The paper has got hold of a letter written by Bouyeri to a Muslim group which turned up in Belgium.
In the letter Bouyeri writes that he has 'no regrets' about the choices he has made and the road he has travelled, the paper says. 'Not one second in all these years.'
Bouyeri is serving a life sentence for the killing.
The Dutch security service AIVD told the paper the letter is in line with other letters sent by him.
Van Gogh killer has no regrets
people with hate
- readmorethanonebook
It's horrible what people do because of religion. And what good did this act of violence do? Nothing. People are only gonna get louder in their critique on islam and draw thousands more pictures of the pedophile prophet.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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