This fellow is a truly clever operator. He fully takes advantage of the Finnish low self esteem. The last trick - making the blockhead sidekick Katainen mooning at Russia and go around braggin afterwards - though it could backfire after Finnish foreign relations go down the toilet. But centuries of history tell that these northern eskimos can be slaved and made die in foreign wars by a determined and arrogant manipulator....
Alex Stubb, the next PM
- Dangreous times
Will we finally attack Russia when Stubb is primeminister and there is nobody to stop him?
- I'm upset
- don't know
Why is he "a first class idiot"?
- career
don't know kirjoitti:
Why is he "a first class idiot"?
Hi "Don't know" ......
Are you applying for a job at Foreign Ministry ? Anyone that is not aware what’s happening in his own backyard, is a first class idiot................ Stubb is a man that ignores completely his representatives that have served “decades” Finland. This is only due to his ambition to head forward in his political life, no one around him means anything unless it helps his career…… - You seem happy
career kirjoitti:
Hi "Don't know" ......
Are you applying for a job at Foreign Ministry ? Anyone that is not aware what’s happening in his own backyard, is a first class idiot................ Stubb is a man that ignores completely his representatives that have served “decades” Finland. This is only due to his ambition to head forward in his political life, no one around him means anything unless it helps his career……Anyone who misuses commas is an idiot.
- Grey Anatomy
Perhaps some one can translate this report in english and put forward for foreign media?
Huomisen Suomi ry:n pääministeri- ja ulkoministeriyhteys herättää kysymyksiä:
Finnish media will be very silent about these kind of finngate scandals. Why?
...perhaps we are more towards east, cause our establishment are based on the beast...?- as requested
Tomorrow's Movement in Finland's Prime Minister and Foreign Minister raises questions
Anno Domini 2010, when our country proverbial à la "When in Rome, or from outside the country" are managed, it is probably already Korkia time to remember the proverb "long and winding road."
Tomorrow's Movement in Finland's action raises questions: Was Tomorrow Movement in Finland in 2004 (which does not seem to be available by the Association of Record) for the same or the same root as in July 2006 set up tomorrow's Movement in Finland, which is Regno "194.447", which is ensirek.pvm " 14.07.2006 "and chaired by the Fur Sales, Communications Director Päivi Mononen-Mikkilä and treasurer of Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi?
If tomorrow's Movement in Finland is registered until 14.7.2006, how Alexander Stubb, has brought to Finland tomorrow ry fyffeä (20,000 euros) in the 2004 European Parliament elections for?
Is the question one and the same association or the association of the two the same name? n If there are two registered associations with the same name, why the Register can only be found one of Tomorrow Movement in Finland?
Is it the same person (the same association), and supported by A. Stubb to Mari D? Why?
Is the question a little and a lot of KMS: AA-like organization whose goal was to bring the citizenry (National Coalition Party and Centre Party) to power?
Are there any investigative journalist, who would check what is going on or who to ask interested parties 'supervisors' truthful answers?
Tomorrow's Movement in Finland in July 2006 founded the association, chaired by the Fur Sales Corporation's Communications Director Päivi Mononen-Mikkilä [1], and treasurer of Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi, [2].
Supported politicians……Mari Kiviniemi (Centre) 57 350 million [3]
Sources…….1 " New Finland: "Incredible argument Mari Kiviniemi"
2. Social Democratic Daily News: "Mari Kiviniemi is the largest Treasurer" referenced 9/27/2010.
3. " The 2007 parliamentary elections, election funding announcements "
"Mari Kiviniemi is the largest vaalirahoittajansa Treasurer
September the Prime Minister to silence the election of their money is coming out.
Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi (Centre) was the last parliamentary elections of 1957
350 million campaign money tomorrow Finland-association.
She herself is the largest donor to the Treasurer. Tomorrow's Movement in Finland
In July 2006, is an association founded and chaired by
Fur Sales Corporation's Communications Director Päivi Mononen-Marjatta Mikkilä.
Tomorrow's Finnish Association's vice president is Minna Tuulikki Satu Miettinen Saija, and the secretary Bunting Mustonen.
Treasurer of the association is, surprise surprise, Maria Johanna Kiviniemi. The establishment of the association, he was Minister, now " Prime Minister. "Seppo Peltoniemi
Elections 2004…………..Candidate's full name Cai-Goran Alexander Stubb
Party…..Coalition…;…. The total cost of the election campaign 119,000 Euro
Election campaign financing, broken down (gross). …….Own funds 14,000 Euro…….Support from individuals……Support for companies…….Seminars 40 000,….. Golf Competition 30 000,……
FIM Securities Ltd 15 000,…………….
Support for interest groups, foundations, associations and similar……..Tomorrow's Movement in Finland 20 000,…….
Date and signature of the declarant 31/07/2004 Alexander Stubb
A. Stubb stated that she received 20 000 euros next Finland ry for the European Parliament elections 2004.
B. Register of Associations be found (?), Only one (1) Tomorrow's Movement in Finland, which is Regno "194.447", whose date is "14/07/2006."
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