This thing about Ivanka Slump going all sensitive over Ivanka Helsinki... You know, when the clothes line started, I thought what a risk, someone might think the clothes line has something to do with the american. And as we know, finnish people don't really look too keenly on the facelift folk, and I'm pretty sure the person behind Ivanka Helsinki doesn't. So the american woman's outburst doesn't really make her look too good, no pun intended.
The name of the clothes
- punster
Where's the pun?
- Unster
And frankly my dear punster, your remark is cruel and unusual.
- Dahffodil
Unster kirjoitti:
And frankly my dear punster, your remark is cruel and unusual.
Are you familiar with the case... Besides, what exactly did you find untrue in the comment, if I may ask?
Actually I find most of the comments around here much more obscene than Mimosa's. - Unster
Dahffodil kirjoitti:
Are you familiar with the case... Besides, what exactly did you find untrue in the comment, if I may ask?
Actually I find most of the comments around here much more obscene than Mimosa's.And hey, I didn't say the the comment is untrue, but it sure iscruel and unusual.
- Ivanka Slump
Joke ?
- Pippi Strump
Never heard.
- Mike Undt
Pippi Strump kirjoitti:
Never heard.
She's the Russian spy who Austin Powers .
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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