Just wondering is it possible to sue the Government of Finland ?
Can Finnish Goverment be sued
- Roy Batty
Why not sue the The Creator of this Universe? For that, go to Tannhäuser Gate
- ylistys.
Seppo Myllis
Seppo Mylli
Seppo Myll
Seppo Myl
Seppo My
Seppo M
Seppo M
Seppo My
Seppo Myl
Seppo Myll
Seppo Mylli
Seppo Myllis - GovernmentsSuck
Hopefully governments can be sued. In modern world, however, methods to punish governments are more likely "Let's dump our old weaponry there, and there." or "Let's feed them our old medicine." or "Let's place our own puppet government there or replace existing one (the previous puppet government) with more co-operative one." -type
- TurkuLaw_er
Yes its possible. Can't do it without reason though (which is quite obvious, right?).
Usually lawsuites against state have to be brought up against some specific administrative institution you have a claim against. - 2+11
Thanks,you give me this days laughts.This is not U.S,we not sued everyone and everything.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
Sai potkut Yleltä. https://yle.fi/a/74-201400003264741- 162246
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