The meetups on Wednesday December the 15th and Wednesday December the 22nd will be held at Restaurant Arthur :
They are on Facebook here :
and here :
Both meetups will start at 7pm. On Wednesdays Restaurant Arthur closes at 11pm. The sign on our table has the text "Helsinki Expat Meetup". If you have trouble finding the table ask anybody of the staff for help !
There is no minimum age !
There is no cloak-room and thus no cloak-room charge !
There is no obligation to eat anything ! ( Yes, I am sure ! I have asked )
For a virtual tour of Restaurant Arthur click on this ! :
( Click in picture and drag in any desired direction ! )
map here :
( click the red marker on the map for street view ! )
The meetup will be held in the restaurant/dining room because the bar is quite small. If you want to take a look at the bar also it is here :
Carmen from Texas commented one of our earlier meetups at Restaurant Arthur with these words :
"It was very nice! I enjoyed it there. OK, it's not the Ritz but the room was large, almost no one but us there and an open and friendly bar. There was a little over 20 people. I met a tourist from Japan at a nearby table and invited him to join us and he did! Saw old friends and charming new people to Finland. If you have any questions about life in Helsinki or Finland in general, you can get a lot of useful input at these meetings! Everyone is very helpful and welcoming. Don't feel shy! Please come to the next meeting."
So I do not think that a meetup at Arthur would disappoint you !
The meetup on Sunday December the 26th ( Boxing Day ) will be held at Vltava ( a Czech restaurant in the heart of Helsinki ). The meetup will start at 7pm. Vltava closes at 11pm on Boxing Day.
The event is on Facebook here :
Info on Vltava in English :
Picture of Vltava :
map here :
minimum age : 22 years
There is no cloak-room charge !
Only the two street-level bars will be open. The kitchen is closed so only salted peanuts and chips will be available foodwise.
For those of you who do not drink alcohol there is of course also alcohol-free beer.
Vltava does not take table reservations so this time we do not have a table of our own and the staff will most likely not be be able to help you find the group. It would be a good idea to memorize some faces from the list of confirmed guests and then look for those people. You could also arrive a little earlier and meet others outside the entrance at 06.55. If you can´t come early the group should still be easy to find. Vltava will not be packed at 7pm on that particular evening. The Boxing Day meetup at Vltava last year went very smoothly. 11 people attended and a good time was had by all.
Do not forget to RSVP if you are coming ! If you are interested in a meetup but do not have a Facebook account send a message to sielunveli(at) and I will count you in !
Our meetups are not only for expats ! Finns, tourists and visitors to Helsinki are also welcome !
If you join the Helsinki Expat Meetup member list on Facebook you will automatically get invites to all our meetups.
three upcoming expat meetups in Helsinki
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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