Käännös (suomi > englanti)
Jesus teaches to follow the end times, as well as monitoring and is known for the weather, do you know when spring is near and so forth.
At the end, no one knows, not even Son the Father alone knows!
Therefore, I can just say just my own opinion.
I believe that we live birth pangs of the time, they are slowly becoming the "hands". You see it in the press. There are wars, famine, epidemics, wars, tsunamis in the pain and sorrow. The world can not very well!
I believe that we live in a time of sorrows.
I do not know when the end comes, nobody will know it! Those who say they know, they turn away, because they are lying! Jesus himself has said so, that day no one knows. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying!
The Bible says that your end of the world is hatred everywhere. The time comes to what is never seen! Nation shall rise against nation, and times are hard! Yet I do not see this occur, it is time, therefore, still lies ahead.
Jesus, however, advise their followers to resist and to be strong, keep the faith! As shown in the end times will be according to the Bible to be very hard and difficult.
He who has faith, is in Christ, the according to the Bible to lay a wreath at a profit!
In late times.
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