Hi all!
I have heard that there is some weird "forced swedish" (pakoruotsi) system in Finland. What is it? Do I understand it right, that all Finns are forced to learn the Swedish language? Why?
Forced Swedish
- mandatory English
Finland is officially a bilingual country, the majority speaks Finnish and about 6% speak Swedish as their first language. All Finnish speakers are required to sudy Swedish (pakkoruotsi = mandatory Swedish) and all Swedish speakers are required to study Finnish.
- Anonyymi
Därfor forced svenska should be demolished
Which you rather be. Pankir or Läkär? - Anonyymi
Why indeed? I learned Swedish for six years at school, and it continued at college. I got great marks but can't say I could even read newspapers in Swedish any more. It has been a completely useless language for me.
I think all foreign languages should be voluntary her. Hardly anyone would select Swedish, or maybe 10% would. Nearly all would study English. Depending on availability of teachers some would take Spanish, French, German (I studied it one yar and speak not a word), Russian, Chinese, Japanese.
This system of forced Swedish lead to benifeits for that tiny Swedish minority. Swedish skills are required for many government offices and therefore it's easier for them to get well paying jobs. It's also easier to get into Swedish schools and universities if you are a Swedish speaker. They are the ruling class in my countyr. Sad.- Anonyymi
Russian was mandatory in Poland and other countries behind the iron curtain only a few decades ago. This practice persists in Finland. And the Sedish party always takes part in government, even though they are such a small minority. Go figure.
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