Kukaan avannut clearblue digitestiä?


Olin hölmö ja menin avaamaan testin ja testistä löytyi kolme viivaa, 2 viivaa toisessa testissä ja toisessa testissä yksi. Tulokseksi sain tästä testistä siis "ei raskaana". Onko kellään kokemuksia asiasta, eli onko noilla viivoilla mitään vaikutusta?
Minulla on kierto todella epäsäännöllinen, mutta menkkojen pitäisi kyllä viimeistään näinä päivinä alkaa, mutta koskaan en voi olla varma. Tänään sitten tein iltapissistä tuon testin ja virtsa ei varmaan kerennyt olla rakossa kuin max tunnin tai 2h.
Ja kyseessä siis viikkonäytöllinen testi.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • arghhhh

      no miks se piti avata?jos sillä ois jotain merkitystä niin eikös ohjeissa eriksee mainittais jotain tyylii että "jos et usko testiä niin revi se auki"!!

    • Käy lukemassa


      Sieltä löytyy ihan kaikki mikä liittyy raskaustesteihin =)

      Tarkemmin kysymykseesi liittyen

      "In simple terms, the digital test stick sucks up urine like a "regular" HPT. The test has a control line like every other HPT, to indicate the test worked properly. Then there is a "results zone" where a second line may or may not appear. Here's the difference: the second line may appear even if you are not pregnant, because the antibodies in the "results zone" are NOT testing ONLY for pregnancy hormone. Drumroll please. The "results zone" detects not only hCG (pregnancy hormone) . . . but also LH (luteinizing hormone.) LH is found in women's bodies almost all the time in some quantitity. (See the Fertility Info section for the nitty-gritty.) So, depending upon where you are in your cycle, how much LH your body produces normally (which can be thrown off by conditions like PCOS), you may see a second line even when there is no hCG ("Not Pregnant.")

      Next question: Why does this HPT detect LH as well as hCG? After all, the presence of LH (or lack thereof) has no bearing on pregnancy detection.

      Well, the best I can do there is quote the patent itself: "The determination of the presence of more than two (is multiple) [sic] analytes in any sample may have significant clinical utility." (Then it cites some examples in tests for heart disease and diabetes.) It does not elaborate further on the hCG/LH connection . . . so, in light of the fact that Clearblue just came out with a (disposable) digital ovulation predictor kit, my guess is the technology is the same in both tests and the company can use interchangeable parts and have the same patent cover both products.

      Last question: How does the digital reader know what the result is? Here's the patent again: "... a standard curve can be generated by running strips with samples with known concentrations of E-3-G BI [the antibody "cocktail" with the dye/antibodies that detect the hCG and LH]. The colour at the immobile zone can be read, for example using a Minolta chromameter, and the concentration of E-3-G calculated by extrapolating from the reflectance value." In other words, your pee reacts with the reagents, makes a line (or doesn't), and the digital holder reads the specific intensity/color of the line, NOT SIMPLY determining whether a second line exists. (A "chromameter" just measures the shades of various colors-- so when teeth-whitening products say they'll lighten your teeth "at least two shades," they're basing those measurements of shades on a chromameter's reading.)

      To recap: most women will normally see 2 lines on the Clearblue Digital test, pregnant or not, simply because of the normal, average, boring presence of LH. Our naked eyes cannot determine the "shade" or "intensity" of the second line, meaning our naked eyes can't make heads or tails out of the result. When the display says "Not Pregnant," believe it, until proven otherwise. (Note: Clearblue publishes the sensitivity of the digital test at 50 mIU/mL, but when questioned on their 800 line, they say 25. e.p.t. Certainty publishes their sensitivity as 50 mIU/mL as well. See the HPT FAQ for more info on why different tests work at different times-- and also why it is possible to receive a negative result and still be pregnant.)

      Hanging up my Sherlock Holmes cap for the evening . . .


    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

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    3. En tiedä..

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      tai minusta, ihan mitä haluat. Niinkin voi kirjoittaa, etteivät muut tunnista, esim. meidän kahdenkeskisistä jutuista. K
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      Tuli aiva liika nopiaa traktorin perä vastahan. https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/2b3857b3-f2c6-424e-8051-506c7525223a
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