Hamas opettaa lapsia, mutta mihin?





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Jutkutetaas_taas

      Jokos sielä on taas juutalaiset valmistelemassa hyökkäystä Palestiinalaisia siviilejä vastaan. Ilmeisesti lapset ovat nyt pääasiallinen kohde.

      • PysyTotuudessa

        Jospa katsot filmin, mitä kieltä lapset puhuvat?
        Mene terapiaan vihasi kanssa, sillä sinulla ei kestä suorassa rautakankikaan, sillä mutkalle väännät senkin.

      • PysyTotuudessa

        et sit katsonut dokumenttia,
        maailman vahvimmasta uhrista...

        edellisen kirjoittaja kirjoittajan viestistä en löydä vihaa,
        enemmikin kyynisen toteavaa,
        nimimerkki on vähän ilkeä, kun et sinäkään tälläkertaa ählyttänyt...

        sitävastoin sinun viestisi tihkuu pelkoa ja vihaa,
        suosittelen tiivistämään terapia käyntejä,
        ihan itsesi takia...

      • Rauhanystäviä

        Näin estetään rauha


        Näin estetään pysyvä rauha

        Kun jo arabit opetaan pienestä pitäen vihaamaan Israelia. Ja sitä opetetaan siellä jo kouluissakin mitä suomen valtio tukee. On väärin tukea toisten vihaa. Suomen pitäisi lopettaa kaikki tuki terroristeille näille arabeille.


        Siirtokunnat ei ole este rauhalle vaan EU.

        Itse olen henk. koht. kokenut tämän. Olin Israelilaisten tykönä käymässä, kun tuli arabi lapsia heitelemään kiviä kohti Juutalaisia ja vanhemmat seisoivat takana (en kyllä ymmärtänyt) yllyttämässä lapsia lisää. Ja yksi yritti heitää minuakin, mutta minä väistin ja heitin sen kiven takaisin toivottavasti osui. Sitten tuli Israelin sotilaat ja huusivat näille kiven heittäjille, mutta he vain jatkoivat. Kun sitten Israelin armeijan sotilaat ottivat rynkkynsä ja ampuivat ilmaan silloin he juoksivat karkuun. Ja samalla matkalla näin kun minun kulkusuunnassa edessä räjähti pommi. Ja ihmiskappaleita lenteli ympäriinsä. Hetkessä oli paikka täynnä ambulansseja ja poliiseja ja armeijan yksiköitä. Näin kuinka säkkeihin kerättiin ihmisen kappalaita. Minua kehoitettiin vetäytymään paikalta ja kysyttiin tarvitsenko kriisiapua? Sanoin etten. Jos olisin lähtenyt minuuttia aikaisemmin olisin ollut mukana tuossa räjähdyksessä minkä teki arabiterroristi itsemurhaiskuna.

        Ja näin myös

        - Vuodesta 2003 lähtien Israeliin on ammuttu Gazasta 9 400 rakettia ja kranaattia.

        - Pelkästään vuonna 2008 ammuttiin Gazasta Israelin alueelle 3 200 rakettia ja kranaattia.

        - Israelin vetäytymisen jälkeen (2005 kesällä) Gazasta on ammuttu 6 500 rakettia ja kranaattia Israelin puolelle.

        - Tulitauon aikana (kesäkuu 19 - joulukuu 19, 2008) ammuttiin Gazasta Israelin alueelle 543 rakettia ja kranaattia.

        - Israelin puolustusvoimien kohteena ovat 20 000 Hamaksen terroristia, mutta Hamas hakee umpimähkäisiä kohteitaan 750 000 israelilaisen siviilin joukosta.

        - Gaza operaation alkamisen jälkeen (27.12.08) on Israelin puolelta avattu rajat 450 avustuskuorma-autolle sekä 10 ambulanssille.

        - Israel soitti operaation alkupäivinä 90 000 puhelua palestiinalaisia siviilejä varoittaakseen, on lähettänyt tekstiviestejä, ilmoittanut varoituksia etukäteen radiossa sekä jakanut varoittavia lentolehtisiä välttääkseen siviilivahinkoja Gazan alueella.

        - Israelin sotilaat ovat asepuvuissa, Hamas terroristit ovat siviiliasuissa siviilien keskellä.

        Niin että kuka hyökkää ja on kenenkä kimpussa?

        Kuka tähtää siviileihin ja kuka ei?

        Ja kuka haluaa normaalia elämää rauhallisissa oloissa ja kuka ei?

      • zionistiVarmaankin

        ammumme kaukaa turvasta satojatuhansiatonneja roinaa teidän niskaan,
        listimme tuhat naista ja lasta,
        kaverit nauttii ja nassuttaa popcornia,
        katsellessaan kuolemaanne...

      • Väärävastaus
        zionistiVarmaankin kirjoitti:

        ammumme kaukaa turvasta satojatuhansiatonneja roinaa teidän niskaan,
        listimme tuhat naista ja lasta,
        kaverit nauttii ja nassuttaa popcornia,
        katsellessaan kuolemaanne...

        Haista hapankaalia, muslimi.

      • histelevaan

        Tee se.

    • selväähän

      Gazan alueelta tulee raketteja siviilien niskaan vähän väliä. Ei ole epäilystäkään, että siellä taustalla oleva opetus on juurikin sitä tasoa, että siitä seuraa rakettitoimintaa ja muuta pahantekoa.

      • Simmutauki

        Ettekö näe, mitä hamas tekee?

      • Mihinkäkölapsiaopetetaan

        Luettelo Islamic Terror:
        Viimeiset 30 päivää

        Tämä on osa luettelon islamilaisen terrori-iskuista ylläpitämä TheReligionofPeace.com. Tämän ajanjakson aikana oli 168 islamilaista iskujen 26 maissa, joissa 1385 ihmistä kuoli ja 1623 loukkaantui.

      • zionistitLoiValtionsa

        pitääsitä yllä terrorilla,
        tulevat hukkumaan terroriinsa,
        ei voi mitään,
        niin se vaan menee...

      • OpiskeleLisää
        zionistitLoiValtionsa kirjoitti:

        pitääsitä yllä terrorilla,
        tulevat hukkumaan terroriinsa,
        ei voi mitään,
        niin se vaan menee...

        Ota iltalääke, Stalin. Pidä Hitlerin kanssa miitinki, sillä samalla aaltopituudella olet.
        Kartat luodaan eri maille ilman sinua. Eikä auta valehtelemisesi ja propakandasi yhtään mitään.

      • nuvui

        kyllpäs se totuus napsahti kovasti...

      • Sanonminä

        Jatka lukemista.

    • Evankeliumissa on kyllä paljon rumenpaa ja ilkeänpää tekstiä juutalaisista kuin Koraanissa.

      • Rauhanuskonto

        List of Islamic Terror Attacks

        List of Islamic Terror:
        Last 30 Days

        This is part of the list of Islamic terror attacks maintained by TheReligionofPeace.com.

        During this time period, there were 168 Islamic attacks in 26 countries, in which 1385 people were killed and 1623 injured.

        (TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

        Date Country City Killed Injured Description
        2016.09.02 Pakistan Peshawar 1 5 Four Jamaat-ur-Ahrar suicide bombers mange to kill only one other person in an attack on a Christian neighborhood.
        2016.09.02 Pakistan Mardan 12 54 At least a dozen people waiting outside a courthouse are laid out by a Jamaat-ur-Ahrar bomber with a suicide vest.
        2016.09.02 Philippines Davao 14 71 Fourteen patrons at a market are ripped apart by an Abu Sayyaf bomb blast.
        2016.09.01 Afghanistan Charkh 2 2 A suicide bomber murders two people at a government compound.
        2016.09.01 Somalia Biyo-Ade 3 3 A father and son are among three people shot to death in their own home by al-Shabaab.
        2016.08.30 Somalia Mogadishu 10 30 Shahid suicide bombers massacre at least ten patrons outside a popular hotel.
        2016.08.29 Yemen Aden 72 67 A massive suicide blast in a port city claims the lives of over seventy.
        2016.08.28 Iraq Ein Tamer 18 26 An ISIS suicide bomber and four gunmen slaughter at least eighteen people at a Shia wedding.
        2016.08.28 Nigeria Niger State 37 0 Islamists sweep through four different villages, massacring at least thirty-seven residents.
        2016.08.27 Chad Kaiga Kindji 4 0 A Boko Haram landmine claims four lives.
        2016.08.27 India Koil 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a cop outside his home.
        2016.08.27 Saudi Arabia Narjan 1 4 A 3-year-old child is killed by a cross-border rocket fired by Shiite radicals.
        2016.08.26 Syria Raqqa 5 0 ISIS releases a video showing five children executing Kurds while praising Allah.
        2016.08.26 Iraq Makhmour 3 5 Two Shahid suicide bombers attack a refugee camp, killing at least three others.
        2016.08.26 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians die from splinter injuries after al-Shabaab militants throw a grenade at them.
        2016.08.26 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three people are beheaded by the Islamic State, which afterwards puts a head in front of the family's home.
        2016.08.26 Syria Manbij 100 140 At least 100 civilians are killed by ISIS booby-traps over a two-week period following the liberation of their city.
        2016.08.26 Iraq Baghdad 4 17 ISIS cadres take out four innocents with two bombs.
        2016.08.25 Iraq Taji 2 5 A Jihadi bomb blast claims two lives.
        2016.08.25 Somalia Mogadishu 9 2 An al-Qaeda affiliate sets off a car bomb outside a restaurant and then machine-guns at least nine innocents.
        2016.08.25 Iraq Hawija 20 45 Nine women are among twenty civilians ambushed and murdered by ISIS while trying to flee the caliphate.
        2016.08.25 Afghanistan Khulm 4 14 Four people are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
        2016.08.25 Libya Ganfouda 3 10 A suicide bomber sends three other souls to Allah.
        2016.08.25 Syria Um al-Serj 2 0 Sunni militants send rockets into a small village, killing two residents.
        2016.08.25 Syria Aleppo 8 34 Two children, including a baby, are among eight civilians blasted to pieces by targeted al-Nusra fire.
        2016.08.25 Pakistan Gwadar 6 3 Six border guards are slain by religious extremists.
        2016.08.25 Afghanistan Tajkirgan 3 12 Three civilians are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
        2016.08.25 Nigeria Nkanu 1 0 A Catholic seminary student is among several shot to death by Fulani terrorists.
        2016.08.24 Iraq Bab al-Toub 12 0 Twelve employees at a fruit juice shop are executed with shots to the head by caliphate members.
        2016.08.24 Iraq Nineveh 10 0 Ten young people are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
        2016.08.24 Afghanistan Kabul 12 53 A suicide attack on an American University campus leaves a dozen dead.
        2016.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Two residents are killed by an Islamic State mortar round.
        2016.08.24 Iraq Suwaib 2 6 Mujahid bombers murder two people outside a sheep market.
        2016.08.24 Iraq Jouseq 15 0 Fifteen civilians are drowned in a swimming pool by the Islamic State.
        2016.08.24 Afghanistan Faryab 1 0 Fundamentalists behead a university student and use his corpse as a an IED.
        2016.08.24 India Pulwama 1 14 A civilian is killed when militants throw grenades at group of policeman.
        2016.08.23 Iraq Hawija 6 5 A half-dozen women and children are disassembled by an ISIS bomb blast.
        2016.08.23 Pakistan Korangi 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down by Sunnis near his mosque.
        2016.08.23 Thailand Pattani 2 30 Two people are killed when Muslim 'separatists' bomb a hotel and massage parlor.
        2016.08.23 Pakistan Gulsha-e-Iqbal 2 0 Two Islamic teachers are gunned down in their own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
        2016.08.23 Australia Home Hill 2 0 Two backpackers are stabbed to death at a hostel by a man shouting praises to Allah.
        2016.08.22 DRC Kiteya 2 6 Islamists hack two people to death with

      • Evakeliumia


        2016.08.22 Yemen Aden 1 0 A man walking down the street is shot in the back of the head by ISIS.
        2016.08.22 Nigeria Talata Mafara 8 0 Eight people are killed when a Muslim mob targets Christians following a blasphemy accusation.
        2016.08.22 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 10 Jihadis set off a bomb outside a row of shops, killing one passerby.
        2016.08.22 Afghanistan Jawzjan 1 3 Sunni radicals take out a child with an IED.
        2016.08.21 Somalia Galkayo 23 30 Two Shahid suicide car bombers slaughter at twenty-three others, including students.
        2016.08.21 Cameroon Mora 3 20 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle blows himself up on a bridge, killing three civilians.
        2016.08.21 Iraq Mosul 40 0 Forty people are executed on a charge of "conspiring against Allah's law".
        2016.08.21 Iraq Jawaana 30 0 Thirty victims of ISIS torture and execution are discovered in a mass grave.
        2016.08.21 Pakistan Shakardarra 4 4 A father and his two young sons are among four people brutally gunned down by Islamic militants.
        2016.08.21 Iraq Mahmudiya 2 9 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two passersby.
        2016.08.21 Egypt Monufia 2 5 Two local cops are shot point-blank by suspected fundamentalists.
        2016.08.21 Nigera Ningon 2 1 A girl is among the casualties of a targeted attack on Christians as they slept.
        2016.08.20 Saudi Arabia Najran 1 6 A civilian is eliminated by a Shiite rocket.
        2016.08.20 Nigeria Kuruburu 10 13 Islamists machine-gun ten villagers and abduct a dozen women.
        2016.08.20 Iraq Mosul 14 0 Fourteen civilians are forced to kneel, then shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
        2016.08.20 Iraq Yusufiya 2 8 Two people are wiped out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
        2016.08.20 Turkey Gaziantep 51 94 A child suicide bomber massacres over fifty people at a wedding, including 22 other children.
        2016.08.20 USA Roanoke, VA 0 2 A man and woman are stabbed maliciously by a 'radicalized' man yelling praises to Allah.
        2016.08.20 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four accused homosexuals are tossed from a rooftop by the caliphate.
        2016.08.19 Iraq Arab Jabour 4 0 Four brothers are slain in their own home by suspected ISIS.
        2016.08.19 Egypt al-Arish 1 5 Religious radicals kill a local cop with a bomb.
        2016.08.19 Syria Hasakah 1 0 A 27-year-old man is beheaded by caliphate members.
        2016.08.19 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 A civilian is flattened by a suicide car bomber.
        2016.08.19 Pakistan Akora Khattak 2 1 A cleric and his father are gunned down after prayers by Religion of Peace rivals.
        2016.08.19 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A Shiite cleric is shot to death by sectarian Jihadis following prayer.
        2016.08.19 France Strasbourg 0 1 A rabbi in orthodox clothing is stabbed by a man shouting praises to Allah.
        2016.08.19 Nigeria Angwan Anjo 1 0 A pastor is gunned down by Fulani terrorists.
        2016.08.18 Iraq Baiji 12 36 ISIS sends mortar shells into a displaced persons camp, tearing at least a dozen to shreds.
        2016.08.18 Iraq Tarmiya 1 8 A bomb blast at a popular market leaves one patron dead.
        2016.08.18 Afghanistan Asadabad 3 49 Two children are among three killed when Sunni radicals send mortars into an independence celebration.
        2016.08.18 Libya Sirte 19 80 Islamic State suicide bombers exterminate nineteen souls.
        2016.08.18 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Fundamentalists murder two men, ages 21 and 23.
        2016.08.18 Yemen Lodar 4 4 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber claims four lives.
        2016.08.18 Syria Kharita 1 0 A man is stoned to death for adultery.
        2016.08.17 Syria Aleppo 7 9 Sunni rockets claim the lives of seven civilians.
        2016.08.17 Saudi Arabia Qatif 1 0 Masked Shiite terrorists are suspected of gunning down a local cop.
        2016.08.17 Iraq Fallujah 13 0 Thirteen ISIS victims are found bound and tortured to death.
        2016.08.17 India Khwajabagh 3 3 Jaish-e-Mohammad cadres ambush a police patrol in the middle of the night, killing three members.
        2016.08.17 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight parents are executed for refusing to send their children to Islamic State schools.
        2016.08.16 Iraq Baghdad 8 22 Three bomb blasts take down eight Iraqis.
        2016.08.16 Iraq Rutba 9 17 An ISIS mortar barrage produces nine bodies.
        2016.08.16 Saudi Arabia Najran 7 0 Seven Saudis are laid out by a Shiite rocket.
        2016.08.16 Nigeria Jeman 10 0 Ten civilians in a Christian village are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
        2016.08.15 Pakistan Razaar 2 2 Two local cops are shot to death by Islamic militants.
        2016.08.15 Yemen Shoqra 4 6 Four Yemenis are reduced to parts by a Shahid suicide bomber.
        2016.08.15 Iraq Baghdad 4 16 Two Mujahideen bomb blasts leave four people dead.
        2016.08.15 Iraq Kirkuk 25 0 The Islamic State executes twenty-five civilians by herding them into a booby-trapped house and detonating it.
        2016.08.15 Iraq Hawija 6 19 A bomb targeting families fleeing the caliphate picks off six members.
        2016.08.15 Nigeria Gajibo 5 3 Five traders are ambushed in their car and murdered by Boko Haram.
        2016.08.15 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six Iraqis are boiled in tar by a caliphate Sharia court.

      • Evankeliumia

        2016.08.15 India Srinagar 1 8 A man is hit in the head when Muslim militants open fire on a guard detail for a parade.
        2016.08.15 Egypt Sinai 3 1 Fundamentalists bomb a water truck, killing three people.
        2016.08.14 Nigeria Godogodo 6 0 Six farmers are murdered for refusing to turn over their land to Fulani terrorists.
        2016.08.14 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three young men are burned alive by the caliphate for graffiti.
        2016.08.14 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 7 Two civilians are aerated by shrapnel from an Islamic mortar attack.
        2016.08.14 Afghanistan Baghlan 9 33 Nine local cops lose their lives to a Taliban attack.
        2016.08.14 Afghanistan Nuristan 2 0 Two policemen are murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
        2016.08.14 Syria Atmeh 32 25 Thirty-two people on a bus are obliterated by an Shahid suicide bomber.
        2016.08.14 Nigeria Ungwan Mada 2 0 Muslim gunmen murder a young couple in their home.
        2016.08.14 Iraq Nineveh 6 0 Six young men are burned at the stake by the Islamic State in front of hundreds.
        2016.08.13 Syria Aleppo 9 22 Two children are among nine civilians cut down in their neighborhood by Sunni shrapnel.
        2016.08.13 India Poonch 0 12 Jihadis throw a bomb into a group of Hindu pilgrims at a market.
        2016.08.13 DRC Beni 75 0 ADF Islamists hack up to seventy-five people to death with machetes.
        2016.08.12 India Chanchur 2 3 Muslim militants open fire on a shop, killing two people.
        2016.08.12 Syria Aleppo 40 0 Forty members of several families are executed in cold blood by al-Nusra.
        2016.08.12 Iraq Nineveh 1 0 Another homosexual is flung from a rooftop after 'daring to oppose Allah's Sharia.'
        2016.08.12 Thailand Hua Hin 1 0 Another person is killed at a resort by a bomb blast.
        2016.08.12 Thailand Trang 1 6 An 'insurgent' bombing at a market leaves one dead.
        2016.08.12 Thailand Shurat Thani 1 3 One person is killed when terrorists bomb a plastics factory.
        2016.08.12 Turkey Zekeriyaköy 1 0 Muslim conservatives are suspected of the burning and mutilation of a transgender.
        2016.08.11 Dagestan Botlikh 2 0 Two policemen are shot to death by suspected Jihadis.
        2016.08.11 Iraq Makhmour 1 0 An Islamist beheads his own father for trying to leave the caliphate.
        2016.08.11 Iraq al-Sidiq 8 0 Eight young men are beheaded for helping families escape ISIS.
        2016.08.11 Afghanistan Shindand 5 9 Sharia proponents set off a bomb at a bazaar which kills five bystanders.
        2016.08.11 Iraq Madaen 3 5 Three patrons at a market bleed out following a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
        2016.08.11 Iraq Muthana 2 0 At least two souls are lost to a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
        2016.08.11 Saudi Arabia Asir 1 0 An ISIS member runs over a local cop and then stabs him.
        2016.08.11 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An accused homosexual is thrown to his death from a building as children watch.
        2016.08.11 Thailand Hua Hin 1 21 A woman is killed when 'insurgents' plant two bombs at a resort.
        2016.08.11 Pakistan Quetta 0 14 An ISIS bomb injures fourteen.
        2016.08.11 Dagestan Assab 1 0 Islamic militants are suspected of shooting a judge to death in his home.
        2016.08.10 Canada Strathroy, ON 0 1 A suicide bomber detonates in a taxi, injuring only the driver.
        2016.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 17 A pair of Mujahideen shrapnel bombs leave five dead.
        2016.08.10 Cameroon Gambarou 4 1 Boko Haram burn sixty houses, kill four villagers and abduct a child.
        2016.08.10 India Keran 1 1 Terrorists open fire on an army patrol, killing a porter.
        2016.08.10 Afghanistan Alisheng 3 2 Three people are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
        2016.08.10 Iraq Latifiya 7 11 A Shahid suicide bomber blows seven Iraqis to bits.
        2016.08.10 Iraq Qayara 12 3 An ISIS attack kills at least a dozen others.
        2016.08.10 Iraq Qayara 2 6 Three suicide bombers manage to claim two other lives.
        2016.08.09 Iraq Hawija 20 0 Twenty young people are burned alive for refusing to join the Islamic State.
        2016.08.09 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 2 15 A suicide bomber murders two people at a crowded market.
        2016.08.09 Pakistan Kohat 1 0 A woman is machine-gunned after being accused of adultery.
        2016.08.09 Iraq Hawija 27 0 Another twenty-seven civilians are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
        2016.08.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Jihadis bomb a popular market, killing three patrons.
        2016.08.09 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five women are kidnapped and killed by ISIS.
        2016.08.08 Pakistan Quetta 74 120 An Jamaat-ul-Ahrar suicide bomber massacres over seventy people gathered at a hospital.
        2016.08.08 Iraq Youssifiyah 4 11 Four shoppers are sectionalized by a Mujahideen bomb blast at an outdoor market.
        2016.08.08 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 A bomb in a commercial district takes out two bystanders.
        2016.08.08 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A prominent lawyer is shot and killed by religious radicals.
        2016.08.08 Iraq Mosul 7 0 The caliphate beheads seven people with wire tied around their neck.
        2016.08.08 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three brothers are forced to kneel and then shot in the back of the head by ISIS members.
        2016.08.08 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 Religious extre

    • Evankeliumia

      2016.08.08 India Macchil 3 2 Three border guards are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
      2016.08.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Fundamentalists detonate a bomb along a city street that kills a passerby.
      2016.08.07 Pakistan Kadi Khel Dara 2 0 A woman and her daughter are shot to death because she married without the permission of her male guardians.
      2016.08.07 Iraq Bakara 8 0 Eight displaced persons are captured and burned alive by the Islamic State.
      2016.08.07 Yemen Lahj 10 7 Ten others are laid out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
      2016.08.07 Syria Aleppo 7 13 Sunnis kill seven residents by lobbing rockets into their neighborhood.
      2016.08.07 Iraq Ajhala 11 7 Eleven Iraqis are cut to ribbons by a series of suicide bombers.
      2016.08.07 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Mujahideen kill two people with a bomb planted at a bazaar.
      2016.08.07 Iraq Rashad 1 4 One member is killed when a family of five is targeted by ISIS bombers.
      2016.08.07 Mali Kidal 1 4 A UN peacekeeper is killed by an Ansar Dine landmine.
      2016.08.07 Yemen Abyan 1 0 A man is picked off by an al-Qaeda drive-by.
      2016.08.06 Iraq Kirkuk 5 12 Islamic State members fire on fleeing families, killing five people.
      2016.08.06 Iraq Hawija 85 0 Eighty-five civilians, including women and children, are slaughtered by ISIS after being held hostage.
      2016.08.06 Belgium Charleroi 0 2 A man attacks two female police officers with a machete while praising Allah.
      2016.08.06 Somalia Marka 1 7 Islamists open fire on a cargo bus, killing a female passenger.
      2016.08.06 Pakistan Sir Syed 1 0 A teen girl is stabbed to death by her father for marrying against his wish.
      2016.08.05 Afghanistan Chamkani 10 0 Ten people are killed in two separate Taliban bomb blasts, including five members of the same family.
      2016.08.05 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 0 Two gentlemen are captured and beheaded by the Islamic State.
      2016.08.05 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 1 9 The Taliban kill one person with an IED.
      2016.08.05 Afghanistan Kahk-e-Jabar 5 0 Muslim fundamentalists bomb a police van, killing five occupants.
      2016.08.05 Iraq Hadar 5 0 Five Iraqis are beheaded by the Islamic State.
      2016.08.04 Iraq Baqubah 1 3 A Sunni suicide bomber manages to kill one Shiite.
      2016.08.04 England London 1 5 A Somali migrant goes on a stabbing spree, killing an American woman.
      2016.08.04 Afghanistan Chishti Sharif 12 6 Twelve foreign tourists on two minibuses are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
      2016.08.04 Iraq Hawija 12 0 A dozen civilians are executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
      2016.08.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Hindu doctor is taken down in a targeted shooting attack at his clinic by Muslim 'criminals'.
      For information about our methodology, see About the List.
      ©2002 - 2016 Site developed by TheReligionofPeace.Com

      • Rauhanuskonto


        TROP is a non-partisan, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom.

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        Valitse kieli​▼

        Jihad Report
        Aug 20, 2016 -
        Aug 26, 2016

        Attacks 48
        Killed 444
        Injured 615
        Suicide Blasts 8
        Countries 18

        The Religion of Peace

        Jihad Report
        August, 2016

        Attacks 182
        Killed 1463
        Injured 1618
        Suicide Blasts 28
        Countries 25
        List of Attacks

        It's far easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different.

        The Quran
        List of Attacks

        Last 30 Days
        2001 (Post 9/11)

        "I’d rather die standing up
        than live on my knees."
        Stephane Charbonnier

    • rtyyi

      Semmosta vaan KTS.

      • huomaankin

        Hamas on lasten asialla.

    • Tulta_munille

      Ei se nyt niin väärinkään ole. Jos sinun maasi ja kotisi ryöstettäisiin, niin ampuisitko ryöstäjän?

      • tunnelirotat

        Kuka siellä mitään ryöstäjätettoristeilta ryöstää. Tunnelinkaivuu nytkin käynnissä.

      • wury

        Antakaa rahaa ja sementiä vaan valittakaa, että kansa kärsii puutetta.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Haluaisitko nähdä

      Hänet alastomana?
    2. Hilirimpsistä

      Hyvää huomenta ja kivaa päivää. Ilmat viilenee. Niin myös tunteet. 🧊☕✨🍁❤️
    3. Nainen lopeta pakoon luikkiminen?

      Elämä ei oo peli 😔😟
    4. Älä elättele

      Toiveita enää. Ihan turhaa. Sotku mikä sotku.
    5. Olet täällä. Mutta ei minulle.

      Nyt olen tästä 100% varma. Satuttaa. T: V
    6. Kuule rakas...

      Kerrohan minulle lempivärisi niin osaan jatkaa yhtä projektia? Arvaan jo melkein kyllä toki. Olethan sinä aina niin tyyl
    7. Miten hitsissä ulosoton asiakas?

      On tää maailma kumma, tässä haisee suuri kusetus ja ennennäkemättömän törkeä *huijaus*! Miten to.monen kieroilu on edez
      Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut
    8. Törmättiin tänään

      enkä taaskaan osannut reagoida fiksusti. Menen aina lukkoon. Yksi asia on varma: tunteeni sinua kohtaan ovat edelleen v
    9. Kela valvoo lasten tilejä.

      Tämä isoveli Kela kyttää jopa lasten yli 200,- euron rahat jotka on melko varmasti lahjaksi saatu. Se vaikuttaa perheen
    10. Vieläkö sä

      Rakastat mua?❤️😔