TE jotka olette isot silikonit ottaneet ja aikaisempi koko ollut pieni


Moikka, silarit tossa n 9-10kk päästä aion ottaa,
mulla on 75B kokoiset tissit ja tarkotus ois saada suuret kauniit tissit.
Olen kyl tosi hoikka, et en tiiä miten suuria mulle ees voi tehdä. mut tosi suuret silti haluaisin. haluaisin tietää nämä kysymykset:

1.Missä otit ja millainen oli lääkärisi?

2.minkä kokoiset otit ja mikä oli alkuperäinen kokosi?

3.Miten leikkauksen jälkeen,kun heräsit, mikä oli olosi?

4.Oliko kauan kipuja?

5.miltä nyt näyttää tissit?





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • finbunny

      im gonna answer in english.

      1. Im not going to say where I went to because I dont want people to think im trying to be a "mainos". But the doctor was nice, I felt super comfortable with him, he not only talked to me but with my husband as well and that was nice.

      2. I got high profile 400cc partial unders. I started off I would say a larger A small cup, but I had some deflation from breast feeding and wore a 80 B cup, for padding. Now when I picked that size out I was a bit heavier. about 65 kilos and I am only 161cm. I did make sure to say I wanted to be at LEAST a D cup. I figured it would balance out my body and look good on my frame. I didnt think 400cc was large. The average in Europe is about 225-275cc. 300 and over is consider LARGE, but many European women are tall, or thin and have longer frames.

      3.After surgery, I had pressure on my chest lots of pressure. the pain meds made me vomit and sick. once I stopped taking the strong meds (next day) i felt much better. after day 2 I just took Panadol I think its called. when I got home I was able to move, but I felt tired and weak. I could move my arms , but couldnt really use them. pushing pulling or lifting I could NOT do.

      4. I had my surgery almost 3 weeks ago. I was in pain for about 1 week. NOT really bad pain though. after that I just felt really sore, like I had been working out in the gym. my muscles where tight and such.

      5. At the moment my breast seem to look really nice. At about 1 week I noticed I may have what is called double bubble. Its still so early to tell so I am taking pictures all the time. my doctor says to wait 2 months and at that time we will see what kind of progress I make. They may get better , they may not or they may get worse . The good thing is , if they dont get better they doctor will fix the problem for free. From what I have read its an easy fix. but we wont know until my body is healed a bit more as to what will be done to fix it. in clothes I look great, not like I have fake boobs. without clothes I look bigger. Im thinner now though 57 kilos. I love my boobs. Even with the small crease problem im having I love them. I tried on a real bra at 10 days and was a 75 D. today at 19days i am almost to large for the 75 D. my nipples almost come out and the top is overflowing. so Im gonna have to look for a 75 DD. Or go with 80 D and try to make the band smaller since im thinner now. but REAL 80 D breast look much LARGER. you can squish them into a bra much easier. implants you can not smoosh into a bra as easily. my mother just had a breast reduction. she was a 90 D and her boobs where HUGE. the doctor took 500cc of fat tissue off of each side and she is still a 90 C cup now. so implants that are D cups are not as large as REAL breast.

      Im going to be adding all this stuff to my blog with photos and everything. Let me know if your interested and I will send anyone my blog link. I dont want to post any doctors names or breast implant makers here. the last time I told about my breast most everyone here thought I was just trying to be a "mainos" even though I didnt talk anything about my doctor or where I went....

    • kys.

      No naurettavalle ne tulee joka tapauksessa näyttämään tosi isot tissit tosi hoikassa vartalossa. Tarkistuta pääsi ennen kuin menet pilaamaan vartalosi.

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