Vapaa kuvaus





  1. Miksi muiden pitäisi todistaa olemassaolosi, eikö se ole sinun tehtäväsi?
  2. Syvästi uskova on kardinaali Robert Bellarmine vuonna Galileo Galilein oikeudenkäynnissä. Vaikka täältä:
    Vastaava mutta ei niin naseva on Bellarminen kirjeessä vuodelta 1615, joka on vastaus Foscarinille (joka julkisesti tuki Galileita):

    "Second. I say that, as you know, the Council [of Trent] prohibits expounding the Scriptures contrary to the common agreement of the holy Fathers. And if Your Reverence would read not only the Fathers but also the commentaries of modern writers on Genesis, Psalms, Ecclesiastes and Josue, you would find that all agree in explaining literally (ad litteram) that the sun is in the heavens and moves swiftly around the earth, and that the earth is far from the heavens and stands immobile in the center of the universe. Now consider whether in all prudence the Church could encourage giving to Scripture a sense contrary to the holy Fathers and all the Latin and Greek commentators. Nor may it be answered that this is not a matter of faith, for if it is not a matter of faith from the point of view of the subject matter, it is on the part of the ones who have spoken. It would be just as heretical to deny that Abraham had two sons and Jacob twelve, as it would be to deny the virgin birth of Christ, for both are declared by the Holy Ghost through the mouths of the prophets and apostles."

    Kannattaa lukea koko kirje.

    "Tuon lainauksen alkuperä on sinun syvästi valehteleva mielesi eli kyseessä on lainaus eräältä syvästi valehtelevalta evokilta."

    Onkohan kaikki apostolit ehtoollisella?