AzerothOnline • 2.4.3 • Private Server - World of Warcraft!


AzerothOnline • 2.4.3 • Private Server • Any class for Any race

In this server, you may experience what you have so long missed, The TBC feeling!

Server has unique feature what you can't find from any other sever:

Any class for Any race!

Ever wanted to have [Will of Forsaken] for your Hunter?
Maybe a [War stomp] for your pally?
How about [Stoneform] for you mage?

Can you imagine Gnome druid, Undead paladin, Night elf mage, Tauren rogue or Draenei warlock?

Neither did I untill i joined this awesome server!


You must wonder how is this possible, well let me tell you, its VERY simple.

Follow these steps to get you into All classes for Any race experience:

Step 1
Download program that makes all this possible:

By downloading this program, extract it to your World of Warcraft directory.

PS: You don't have to save your default files on the directory inorder to proof your WoW, but this is adviced to do.

Step 2
Remove Cache from your World of Warcraft directory.

Step 3
Launch the WoW with "AzerothOnline 2.4.3.exe".

Step 4

You might wonder, well how does the gearing up setup work here?

This is how it works:

Free gears:
Season 1 main set
Season 1 Weapons
Marshal off set
Tier 6 (Offset not included)
Tier 5
SSC, TK, BT drops.

Gear upgrade:
Season 2 main set - 20 Badges of Justice per Piece
Season 2 Weapons - 20 Badges of Justice per Piece
Veteran off set - 10 Badges of Justice per Piece
Veteran jewelery - 10 Badges of Justice per Piece
PvP Cloaks - 15 Badges of Justice per Cloak

Idea behind making Season 2 cheap is to increase time and dedication players will put on their characters. And players making new and new chars will not be in the same gear levels as players who spend time on their chars.

Avarage Badge of Justice amount got from 1 Battleground run is 30-70.
Wich almost gives you full deck of Season 2 and offsets.

Gear upgrade 2:
Season 3 main set - 200-8000 Honor 10-20 Battleground Marks per Piece
Season 3 Weapons - 2000-8000 Honor 10-20 Battleground Marks per Piece
Vindicator off set - 800-2000 Honor 10-20 Battleground Marks per Piece
Vindicator jewelery - 200-1000 Honor 10-20 Battleground Marks per Piece

Server has NPC for every Battleground mark wich can trade Battleground marks to other Battleground marks.
EXAMPLE: 2x Warsong Glutch marks can be traded for 2x Eye of the Storm marks

Sunwell main set -50 Badges of Justice per Piece
Sunwell rings/neck - 50 Badges of Justice per Piece
Sunwell trinkets - 150 Badges of Justice per Trinket

Sunwell weapons not included at the vendor.

Gear upgrade 3:
Brutal blizzlike Arena.

How about bug tracking and fixing?

Server owner StyLe have made the server from 0 to the state it is at the moment by himself.
So if there is bug he knows how to fix it.

Server has active bug tracking team dedicated to find bugs and report them to StyLe who actively fixes them.

Reputation and professions.

Reputation gains have been increased to 15x of the normal amount.
Profession skilling increased to 5x of the normal.

To skill up professions, you can buy materials from the mall with honor.

1 mat = 2 Honor.
Example: 1 Rough Stone costs 2 Honor.

Primal Nether, Primal Might and Nether Vortex costs 15 Badges of Justice.

Idea behind this is to increase the dedication and time put for characters players will make.
2-3 Battleground runs and you can get enough honor for 1 full profession.

The feeling to getting professions or profession items such as Stormherald, Engineering goggles or Epic gems is always worth it.

Personal stories of achieving something like this:

Regonize - Blood Elf - Warrior:
When i got my Stormherald, i was so happy. The time and dedication behind that weapon was worth it, now i can stunlock any caster without them knowing what just strike them!

Stormherald cost me 2000 honor to get Blacksmithing speciliations, and 100 Badge of Justice to get mats to make it, it was long and fun road to get the weapon!

Holymoon - Dwarf - Priest:
I did alot battleground grinding to get my cool looking engineering goggles, i love them




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

      Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

      Luetuimmat keskustelut

      1. Onks sulle väliä, jos jokin kaivattusissa

        ei ole täydellistä? Esim. venytysmerkit, arvet, selluliitti, epäsymmetriset rinnat, vinot hampaat jne?
      2. Ei sinussa ollut miestä

        Selvittämään asioita vaan kipitit karkuun kuin pikkupoika.
      3. Shokkiyllätys! 31-vuotias Hai asuu vielä "kotona" - Anna-vaimon asenne ihmetyttää: "No ei tämä..."

        Hmmm, mitenhän sitä suhtautuisi, jos aviomies/aviovaimo asuisi edelleen lapsuudenperheensä kanssa? Tuore Ensitreffit-vai
        Ensitreffit alttarilla
      4. Eikö Marin ollut oikeassa kokoomuksen ja persujen toiminnasta

        Ennen vaaleja Marin kertoi mitä kokoomus tulisi hallituksessa tekemään ja tietysti persut suostuu kaikkeen, mitä kokoomu
        Maailman menoa
      5. Olet elämäni rakkaus

        On ollut monia ihastumisia ja syviäkin tunteita eri naisia kohtaan, mutta sinä olet niistä kaikista ihmeellisin. Olet el
      6. Missä Steffe hiihtää?

        Missä reppuli luuraa? Ei ole Seiskassa mitään sekoiluja ollut pariin viikkoon? Onko jo liian kylmä skulata tennistä ulko
        Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut
      7. Wiisaat Lappajärvellä iät.

        Nyt nimiä listaan menneistä ja nykyisistä Wiisaista Lappajärveläisistä. Itseäkin voi tuoda esille kaikessa Wiisaudessa.
      8. Ratkaiseva tekijä kiinnostuksen heräämisessä

        Mikä tekee deittikumppanista kiinnostavan? Mitä piirrettä arvostat / et arvosta?
      9. Milloin nainen, milloin?

        Katselet ja tiedän, että myös mieli tekee. Voisit laittaa rohkeasti viestin. Tiedät, että odotan. Ehkä aika ei ole vielä
      10. Seiska: Konsta Hietanen ja Aami-rakas iltamenoissa - Salkkareista Aami täräyttää: "Sarja oli..."

        Konsta Hietanen jätti Salatut elämät -draamasarjan tänä syksynä. Konstaa kyllä kaivataan vieläkin Salkkareissa! Lue li
        Suomalaiset julkkikset