Terminator 7 lyrics part 1
by Usvahaukka 110911
We all have nothing to lose
During this lifetime we have to choose
We all have nothing to give
Come to Christ" if You want to live"
After the resurrection empty sin sack
Jesus went back to Heaven and said "I'll be back"
There is "no fate", now it's not too late
We'll take our last breath one day
No God, no hell, they use to say
Can You afford to take the risk?
and the all tell me that "change that disc"
So many lost and blind so far
God is the saving driver of life car
These times are our "judgment days"
May the Christ be with You always.
Some people say :Hello honey
but they are also seeking for "easy money"
It's time to speak to devil inside me and shout: "Get Out!"
And in this Turku city - culture town
the angels often tell me: "Get down!"
Finland is a small land, but they did not say me "Talk to the hand"
I'm NOT a cold heartbreaker fit ta burn
and the isolation booth was my bed
the main answer is in Your head
Jesus says "You could be mine"
I'm not out of line
if You make the full turn
it's still a thing we do not earn
but the mercy is everywhere
and the truth makes free
it's also written in a tree
near mental hospital
- I was like a medicine doll
Now I'm gonna rock'n roll
The sins of our's are carried in the cross
The Father in Heaven is still Your boss.
Nouse osaasi päivien lopussa
T7 part 2
F-16 Thunderbirds
and A-10 Thunderbolt like in " T4- Salvation"
In Turku airshow, the first visit in our nation
In saturday they played "Last of the mohicans"
We all can be the Heaven sons
Every day is still not safe for fly
But Father in Heaven- Is He shy?
(Kate) "Brewster" Buffalo - Pearl of sky
at least in Finland during war
Just "open Your mind" door.
Every person's soul in His hand,
we people are just dust and sand
T7 - In Heaven - God knows everything
in advance Lord Jesus let me know
That now I'm free -it's time to go
Maybe this is K. Reese and" Nike" shoes motion
and this prayer is sent over the Ocean
I'm not asking" How's Your knee?"
I just pray for You and me.
"Everyone deserves the second chance"
and our life is in bigger Hands.
We men cannot show the feelings and cry
It's forbidden I'm asking why?
"Strong heart", strong arms
but not in flesh- We have to fight
for God in Spirit - Imagine his power Just guess.
I'm not" T-101" - Now I'm glad this song is done
White flag -blue Cross, prize of freedom,
Memory of sacrifice, I want
to tell You about Savior Jesus Christ
I said to demons: "Hasta la vista, Satan".
(I Don't mean that Slovak Ice hockey player:-)
I don't find a rune for describe, what kind a feeling is
sometimes get frozen, but this is the way I have chosen
If the demons tell You : Jesus comes and Jesus dies
it's only part of the story and" true lies"
Spelling of words of song - Not perfect
It is just Finnish basic man set
We also respect the victims of World Trade Center
And now it's the time to press" Enter".
- Mission completed-
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