Madonna grosses $150 million with just 14 concerts
150 miljoonaa dollaria 14 konsertista!
- MadonnaMDNA
Ja menestys jatkuu!
MDNA on top of the Hot Tours chart
Madonna's MDNA Tour continues to post big numbers, as the trek's gross rises to an overall $79.6 million from 22 reported shows.
On the most recent Hot Tours chart, she ranks No. 1 with ticket sales totals reported from four sold out concerts during her tour through European markets this summer.
Her first MDNA Tour appearance in France was on July 14 at the Stade De France in Paris with 62,195 fans in attendance. The $7.1 million (US$) gross at the national stadium of France is the largest single-show ticket sales total reported from the tour so far.
Following the Paris concert, the tour crossed the channel for its first date in the U.K., a performance at London's Hyde Park. With a crowd topping 54,000, the concert on July 17 grossed £4.2 million ($6.7 million US$) and also featured LMFAO in a supporting slot. Concerts followed at Birmingham's National Indoor Arena on July 19 and Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, Scotland on July 21.
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