Freely Enjoy Windows WMV Videos on Mac OS by Changing to MOV Format
As the rise of Apple, Windows is not the only choice operating system for consumers any more. It takes some advantages but also disadvantages to us. The advantage is that we have more choices. There will be great for consumers if there are competitors in the martket. The disadvantat maybe that it makes us less convenient. For example, the video playback. As we all know, both Widnows and Mac have they own perfect supported videos. To Widnows, they are WMV, AVI, MP4 while to Mac, it is M4V, MOV, and MP4.
In many conditions, it is really frustrating thing if you want to enjoy videos that shared by the other OS users. Especially if you are an Apple fan, you may always come across the problems above. Let's know some thing abou the MOV first. MOV, as file extension of QuickTime-wrapped files, is high recommended to Apple users because it's almost supported by all Apple products. So, if you want to enjoy WMV files on your iPhone, edit WMV in iMovie or any other reasons, the best solution is changing WMV to MOV.
Numerous video tools can be found online, why choose this one? It is the best and easiest tool that used to convert WMV to MOV Mac. With it, you can freely change the videos to any other formats you want. What's more, you can do this work with zero quality loss.
Below let's go to the way step-by-step, you will find it is really an easy job.
This is a step-by-step tutorial for Mac users. If you want to convert on Windows OS, you can go to the guide of windows on our sites. It is easy to find.
First of all, download and run the program directly, then you can copy app to your library. Launch the converter and you will see the main interface as below: Then, load WMV file to prepare the conversion. To make a convenient way to load files, this app allows you to import the WMV files by dragging and dropping them to the main interface. Or you can follow steps: Menu > File >Import > Add Video Files. You can freely preview the videos with the built-in player. Now, it is time for choosing MOV as the output format. Click the icon of “output settings”, go to the drop-down list and choose the MOV (Quick Time MOV format) under list of "Common Video". If you need, you can set the output format as HD video. Prepare works have been done, and then you can get the MOV files by clicking the "Start" button.
Other things you need to know while converting WMV to MOV:
This is a converter designed for Mac OS X 10.5 or above (Lion included).
You can take screenshot when you are previewing the video with the built-in player.
Maybe select the output format as HD MOV more suitable for your needs.
Freely Enjoy Windows WMV Videos on Mac OS by Changing to MOV For
Freely Enjoy
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