Evil can be lifted


I sent a note to Karen Hudes, a former World Bank lawyer, sacked for blowing the whizzle about the corruption in the bank. Her report can be found on the UK Parliament website. She also has her own website. This is what I wrote:

Dear Karen,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the courageous, observant and able person you are; people like you will make it possible for us to lift the burden of corruption and create a better world.

I particularly like your notion that we should not place much importance on punishing the criminals, as most of us could be capable for such crimes, given the opportunity. The change is important, punishment may be unnecessary.

Power corrupts. Even though many of us live in an apparent democracy, democracy often ends as soon as the election is over. Those to whom we have given our trust to look after our interest take on a role of a decision maker, ruler, and they start to shut doors, classify documents and funnel common funds to purposes of their choosing. This only succeeds if people are kept blind, deaf and mute. One of the most effective methods to do this is bribery. The other is blackmailing about some shameful or criminal act in people's past.

Each community sets the unwritten rules about what is considered shameful. We can, if we want to, decide to regard blackmail more shameful than the past offenses of their victims. To shame another human being could be considered more lowly and shameful than the so called shameful act of their victim, be it however grim. We could decide to forgive the wrong doings of those who come clean about their current activities and those of their employers and colleagues. We could forgive them the acts they have long been blackmailed about and forced to do as they have been told. We could forgive them so that they no longer need to live in fear of being found out. Then they would be free. Free to tell the truth. And we would live in a better world. We could also forgive the most corrupt and criminal, as long as they admit what they have done and ask for forgivenes and promise to work with the people of the world to stop secrecy and greed and selfishness. What would we benefit from punishing others; as you say, the most important thing is to make sure the crimes stop.

Like Mandela did in South Africa, let's start appreciating the power of forgiveness. Away with threatening, corruption, blackmailing and bribery. If we demand punishment, the ranks of the criminals close and they keep doing what they have been doing. Forgiveness makes the net of evil distangle, I think. Coming from someone like you an idea like this could touch the people very powerfully. It could be the key for success in this campaign for a better world.





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • fgfhgjgfhj

      Perhaps a little naive?
      But one can wish.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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      Maailman menoa
    2. Ja taas kerran

      Mutka ja joki. Kenties liikaa nopeutta. Miksi?
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    4. Taitaa olla aika

      laittaa kirjaimet esille. Kuka kaipaa ja ketä.
    5. Kirjoita jotain kivaa

      ja positiivista ikäväsi kohteesta. 🫠
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    7. Tiistaina nähdään.

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