Herzog: seminaarissa UFO:t, jättiläiset ja alienit

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Raamattu kehottaa koettelemaan henget ja opit ovatko ne Jumalasta ja Raamatun mukaisia, vai muusta lähteestä.

Liittyen David Herzogin oppien arviointiin, näyttäisi että hän pitää seminaareja yhdessä L. A. Marzulli -nimisen kirjailijan kanssa.
Kirkkaus, ihmeet, profetiat ja enkelit näyttäisivät yhdistyvän Sedonan ilmapiirissä Marzullin pohdintoihin UFO:ista, muinaisista jättiläisistä ja alieneista.

Kesäkuussa 2013 on ollut suunnitteilla "Menesty yliluonnollisen konvergenssin keskellä" -seminaari Sedonassa. Tässä alkuperäinen tapahtuman mainos:


Puhujina parin muun henkilön lisäksi David ja Stephanie Herzog. Sedona on Herzogien kotikaupunki, joka tunnetaan Yhdysvalloissa eräänä New Age -keskuksena.
Huomiota herättää viittaukset heti UFO:ihin, muinaisiin jättiläisiin ja alieneihin.

"* Are Nephilims and UFO's real?
* Is the alien phenomena part of the great deception?"

Onkohan tämä tapa houkutella new age -ihmisiä kristillisiin kokouksiin vai L. A. Marzullin perus-opetusta? Raamatun mukaista tällaisten pohtiminen ei ainakaan ole.

Herzogin kotisivulla tapahtuma ilmoitetaan peruuntuneeksi, ja siirrettäväksi vuodelle 2014:


UFO, jättiläis- ja alien rivit on poistettu.
Hyvä jos Herzogit ovat irtisanoutuneet näistä aiheista, emme voi tietää. Toki jatkuvasta opetuksista enkelien aktivoimisesta (ihminen komentaa enkeleitä), portaaleista, ja kirkkauden taso -opetuksista sekä kirkkauteen kylväminen (=anna rahasi voidellulle saarnaajalle mieluummin kuin köyhille, jotta saat jopa 1000-kertaisen tuoton takaisin) olisi hyvä myös irtisanoutua.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Jatkoa.

      Näyttäisi että Herzogilla on yhteyksiä NAR-liikkeeseen. Tuolla NAR-liikkeen taustoitusta lähdeviittein. Ei vaikuta terveeltä:



      "What is the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)? Recently, Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries succinctly defined it:

      NAR is the result of a convoluted and diverse series of 20 years of evolved cross fertilizations from both the USA & Canada and The UK containing elements from New Age and Eastern mysticism, pop psychology, secular marketing programmatics, ecumenism & inter faith eclecticism, post modernism, and revived ancient heresies that plagued the early church. "


      "Mikä on Uusi Apostolinen Reformaatio (NAR)? Hiljattain, Moriel-palvelutyön Jacob Prasch ytimekkäästi määritteli sen:

      NAR on tulos mutkikkaasta ja monipolvisesta 20 vuoden ristipölytyksestä USA:n, Kanadan ja Iso-Britannian välillä, joka sisältää elementtejä New Agesta ja itämaisesta mystiikasta, pop-psykologiasta, sekulaarista markkinointi ohjelmoinnista, ekumeniasta, uskontojen välisestä eklektistismistä, post modernismista , ja elvytti muinaisia harhaoppeja jotka vaivasivat alkuseurakuntaa. "

      • Jatkoa.

        Alkuperäinen seminaarin mainos (poistettu hotellien osoitteet ja hinnat):

        Thriving Amidst Supernatural Convergence
        Paid Advertisement : Jun 3, 2013

        Resurgence Awakening
        July 18-20, 2013
        Sedona, Arizona

        Do you want to know the keys to thriving in the middle of every circumstance? Are you ready to get out of the daily routine to hear from God? For those of you who want to spend a weekend in the Glory, being prepared and equipped to walk in the supernatural in the days ahead, you won't want to miss this event.

        * Are Nephilims and UFO's real?
        * Is the alien phenomena part of the great deception?
        * Gain insight as each speaker shares revelation on what they see coming on the horizon.
        * How do controversial worldwide circulating topics fit into current events now?
        * How does God's Glory, power, miracles, and prophetic fit into all this?
        * How to understand the operation of angels within these amazing topics discussed!
        * Learn how to live in the realm of the supernatural that sets you apart from others.
        * Learn how to operate in realms of Glory that rises above and be equipped with practical tools & strategies to overcome!
        * Spend time in corporate praise & worship and begin to receive downloads from Heaven.

        Join David & Stephanie Herzog, Randy DeMain, L.A. Marzulli and worship by Sevenshine in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Set aside this time to encounter God and be changed forever!!


        Preaching the Gospel for over 25 years, Randy DeMain has served as pastor, teacher and church planter. For the past several years, he has traveled full time as an Apostolic Revivalist. Randy regularly conducts harvest and healing crusades, training events, and speaks at conferences worldwide. His heart is to see the Body of Christ operate, not just in word only, but in demonstrations of the Spirit and power.

        L. A. Marzulli is the author of a number of intriguing books, including The Nephilim Trilogy, which made the CBA best sellers list and continues to thrill readers a decade after the first book in the series was published, the non-fiction work, Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural, and his latest book, The Cosmic Chess Match. Marzulli received an honorary doctorate from Pacific International University for his work on the Nephilim Trilogy. He has also produced the Watcher series; 3 films that delve into such topics as UFO's, the strange weather patterns we are experiencing, the two sun phenomena, the Arab Spring, the Shroud of Turin, and the Torah Codes. Marzulli has lectured on these fascinating subjects, presenting his exhaustive research at conferences and churches as well as appearances and interviews on numerous national radio and television programs.

        David Herzog is the founder of David Herzog Ministries based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona and co-host of a weekly TV Program called "The Glory Zone," which can be seen worldwide. David is a dynamic motivational speaker, best-selling author, and television host, who moves in unusual creative miracles, signs and wonders worldwide as well as equips Believers to operate in the Glory and Power of God. David and his wife, Stephanie, have seen multitudes saved in practically every continent. Their passion is to live in the Glory of God and to bring the Gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world.

        Stephanie Herzog is a dynamic, inspirational speaker, who has a passion to see people around the world step into the Glory of God and be healed, delivered and set free. Supernaturally healed when she was a teenager of leukemia, Stephanie teaches others how to access God's supernatural power. She has an amazing ability to minister fresh revelation with great joy, laughter, and happiness. Stephanie, along with her husband, David, is co-host of the weekly television broadcast "The Glory Zone," which can be seen around the world."

        Red Rock High School Performing Arts Center
        995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd.
        Sedona, AZ 86336"


      • Marzulli
        Jatkoa. kirjoitti:

        Alkuperäinen seminaarin mainos (poistettu hotellien osoitteet ja hinnat):

        Thriving Amidst Supernatural Convergence
        Paid Advertisement : Jun 3, 2013

        Resurgence Awakening
        July 18-20, 2013
        Sedona, Arizona

        Do you want to know the keys to thriving in the middle of every circumstance? Are you ready to get out of the daily routine to hear from God? For those of you who want to spend a weekend in the Glory, being prepared and equipped to walk in the supernatural in the days ahead, you won't want to miss this event.

        * Are Nephilims and UFO's real?
        * Is the alien phenomena part of the great deception?
        * Gain insight as each speaker shares revelation on what they see coming on the horizon.
        * How do controversial worldwide circulating topics fit into current events now?
        * How does God's Glory, power, miracles, and prophetic fit into all this?
        * How to understand the operation of angels within these amazing topics discussed!
        * Learn how to live in the realm of the supernatural that sets you apart from others.
        * Learn how to operate in realms of Glory that rises above and be equipped with practical tools & strategies to overcome!
        * Spend time in corporate praise & worship and begin to receive downloads from Heaven.

        Join David & Stephanie Herzog, Randy DeMain, L.A. Marzulli and worship by Sevenshine in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Set aside this time to encounter God and be changed forever!!


        Preaching the Gospel for over 25 years, Randy DeMain has served as pastor, teacher and church planter. For the past several years, he has traveled full time as an Apostolic Revivalist. Randy regularly conducts harvest and healing crusades, training events, and speaks at conferences worldwide. His heart is to see the Body of Christ operate, not just in word only, but in demonstrations of the Spirit and power.

        L. A. Marzulli is the author of a number of intriguing books, including The Nephilim Trilogy, which made the CBA best sellers list and continues to thrill readers a decade after the first book in the series was published, the non-fiction work, Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural, and his latest book, The Cosmic Chess Match. Marzulli received an honorary doctorate from Pacific International University for his work on the Nephilim Trilogy. He has also produced the Watcher series; 3 films that delve into such topics as UFO's, the strange weather patterns we are experiencing, the two sun phenomena, the Arab Spring, the Shroud of Turin, and the Torah Codes. Marzulli has lectured on these fascinating subjects, presenting his exhaustive research at conferences and churches as well as appearances and interviews on numerous national radio and television programs.

        David Herzog is the founder of David Herzog Ministries based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona and co-host of a weekly TV Program called "The Glory Zone," which can be seen worldwide. David is a dynamic motivational speaker, best-selling author, and television host, who moves in unusual creative miracles, signs and wonders worldwide as well as equips Believers to operate in the Glory and Power of God. David and his wife, Stephanie, have seen multitudes saved in practically every continent. Their passion is to live in the Glory of God and to bring the Gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world.

        Stephanie Herzog is a dynamic, inspirational speaker, who has a passion to see people around the world step into the Glory of God and be healed, delivered and set free. Supernaturally healed when she was a teenager of leukemia, Stephanie teaches others how to access God's supernatural power. She has an amazing ability to minister fresh revelation with great joy, laughter, and happiness. Stephanie, along with her husband, David, is co-host of the weekly television broadcast "The Glory Zone," which can be seen around the world."

        Red Rock High School Performing Arts Center
        995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd.
        Sedona, AZ 86336"


        Herzogien kanssa luennoiva L.A. Marzulli onkin mielenkiintoinen tapaus...

        L.A. Marzulli on laittanut kotisivulleen elokuussa 2012 videon jossa hän pyytää kannattajiltaan yhteensä 12 000 dollarin lahjoitusta, jotta hän voisi matkustaa seurueensa kanssa Chichen-Itzan pyramideille Meksikoon "maailmanlopun" päivänä 21.12.2012. Tämän matkan tarkoituksena oli taistella Quetzalcoatl -pakanajumalaa vastaan jonka piti manifestoitua mainittuna maya-intiaanien kalenterin loppumispäivänä, johtaen Elia vastaan Baal -tyyppiseen kamppailuun.

        Matka peruuntui ja Marzulli poisti vetoomusvideonsa kotisivultaan, mutta video on osana humoristista artikkelia tuolla: http://apprising.org/2012/10/17/alien-nephilim-soldiers-are-spotted/

        Lähde ja viitteet:

        "L.A. Marzulli, cited earlier as a PPP adherent with Latter Rain roots,[24] posted a 5-minute video on his blog in August 2012, appealing for funds ($12,000) from his flock,[25] so that he could travel with his entourage to the Mayan Pyramids in Chichen-Itza, Mexico on December 21, 2012 (the Winter Solstice)[26] —in order to do battle with the pagan god Quetzalcoatl who was expected to manifest on that date—“sort of like Elijah against the prophets of Baal.”[27]

        In light of the aborted Chichen-Itza mission, it is not surprising that the video requesting these funds was removed from Marzulli’s website. Pastor Ken Silva captured it before it was pulled and included it in a satirical posting, “Alien-Nephilim Soldiers are Spotted,” Apprising Ministries, Oct. 17, 2012:"


      • Ingenjör_81
        Marzulli kirjoitti:

        Herzogien kanssa luennoiva L.A. Marzulli onkin mielenkiintoinen tapaus...

        L.A. Marzulli on laittanut kotisivulleen elokuussa 2012 videon jossa hän pyytää kannattajiltaan yhteensä 12 000 dollarin lahjoitusta, jotta hän voisi matkustaa seurueensa kanssa Chichen-Itzan pyramideille Meksikoon "maailmanlopun" päivänä 21.12.2012. Tämän matkan tarkoituksena oli taistella Quetzalcoatl -pakanajumalaa vastaan jonka piti manifestoitua mainittuna maya-intiaanien kalenterin loppumispäivänä, johtaen Elia vastaan Baal -tyyppiseen kamppailuun.

        Matka peruuntui ja Marzulli poisti vetoomusvideonsa kotisivultaan, mutta video on osana humoristista artikkelia tuolla: http://apprising.org/2012/10/17/alien-nephilim-soldiers-are-spotted/

        Lähde ja viitteet:

        "L.A. Marzulli, cited earlier as a PPP adherent with Latter Rain roots,[24] posted a 5-minute video on his blog in August 2012, appealing for funds ($12,000) from his flock,[25] so that he could travel with his entourage to the Mayan Pyramids in Chichen-Itza, Mexico on December 21, 2012 (the Winter Solstice)[26] —in order to do battle with the pagan god Quetzalcoatl who was expected to manifest on that date—“sort of like Elijah against the prophets of Baal.”[27]

        In light of the aborted Chichen-Itza mission, it is not surprising that the video requesting these funds was removed from Marzulli’s website. Pastor Ken Silva captured it before it was pulled and included it in a satirical posting, “Alien-Nephilim Soldiers are Spotted,” Apprising Ministries, Oct. 17, 2012:"


        Ja hän teki matkan Peruun, josta hän teki Watchers 6 DVD:n. Nämä ovat New Age ihmisille todella evankelioivia, sillä ilmiö on todellinen, mutta niiden tulkinta ei.


    • Ingenjör_81

      Raamattu kertoo jättiläisistä paljon, kuten jokainen muinainen kulttuuri.

      Tämän lisäksi Raamattuu kertoo myös ilmavallan hallitsijan joukoista, joita nyt näemme UFO-eksytyksenä. Nämä ovat demonisia voimia.

      L.A. Marzulli on harras kristitty, joka paljastaa näiden ilmiöiden demonisuuden ja kuinka Raamattu ennustaa niiden paluun - ne olivat jo kerran täällä.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    4. Huomenta keskipäivää

      Kivaa päivää mukaville ja söpösille. 🐺🫅❤️☕☀️
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      elämäsi tilaisuus jäi käyttämättä? 💔
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    7. Sinusta näkee että

      Kaipaat paljon.
    8. Ei sitten, ei olla enää

      Missään tekemisissä. Unohdetaan kaikki myös se että tunsimme. Tätä halusit tämän saat. J miehelle. Rakkaudella vaalea na
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