The Return Trip:
If you chose to stay on the elevator at the tenth floor:
Press the button for the first floor. If it doesn’t work, keep pressing it until it finally does.When the elevator reaches the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.
If you choose to exit the elevator at the tenth floor:
You must use the same elevator to return as the one in which you arrived.When you enter the elevator, press the buttons in the same order you did in steps 2 through 8 of Venturing Out. You should finish at the fifth floor.When you reach the fifth floor, press the button for the first floor. The elevator will again begin to ascend to the tenth floor. Press any other floor’s button to cancel the ascension. You MUST press the button you use to cancel the ascension BEFORE you reach the tenth floor.After you reach the first floor, check your surroundings carefully. If anything seems off—even the smallest detail—do NOT exit the elevator. If you detect something wrong, repeat step 2 until your surroundings look as they should. Once you are confident you have returned to your own world, you may safely exit the elevator.
The most dangerous game: The end
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