Look YouTube video what Saint Cosmo Greeck Monk said, who lived in 1700 and were killed. What he told to happen in 2016.
Look other saints, what they say about time we live know.
- Middle East will flow in to EU and Islamic World will win.
- There will kind of War.
- War will take 3 years and then come's Peace.
- In the End of conflict will be more difficult.
- Russia will make War with Middle East.
Edgar Casey
USA's greatest prophet told a lot of good stuff
Baba Vanga told a lot more good stuff
all the predictions for 2016
Year of Monkey, number 9.
What Saint Cosmo predicted for 2016
- hepredicthistime
What a bad prophet. Uh, look what happened just before 1700. -_-
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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