Speaking on


Phone Call:
((((RING)))) (((RING)))

**Pick Up**

- Hello?
- Hi honey, this is Daddy, Is Mommy near the phone?
- No Daddy, She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Frank.

After a brief pause, Daddy says:
- But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Frank.
- Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now.

Brief Pause...

- Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the
table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door, and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway.

- Okay Daddy, just a minute.

A few minutes later, the little girl comes back to the phone.
- I did it, Daddy.
- And what happened honey, he asked.

- Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the
dresser and now she isn't moving at all!

- Oh my God! What about your Uncle Frank?

- He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on too. He was all scared and
he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess he didn't know that you took out the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead.

***Long Pause***

***Longer Pause***

Then Daddy says:
- Swimming pool? .....Is this 555-7039??

Mitä opimme tästä, ne ei osaa Jenkkilässä edes puhelimeen vastata; Suomessa tyttö olis vastannut että "Virtasella"...A Phone Call:
((((RING)))) (((RING)))

**Pick Up**

- Hello?
- Hi honey, this is Daddy, Is Mommy near the phone?
- No Daddy, She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Frank.

After a brief pause, Daddy says:
- But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Frank.
- Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now.

Brief Pause...

- Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the
table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door, and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway.

- Okay Daddy, just a minute.

A few minutes later, the little girl comes back to the phone.
- I did it, Daddy.
- And what happened honey, he asked.

- Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the
dresser and now she isn't moving at all!

- Oh my God! What about your Uncle Frank?

- He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on too. He was all scared and
he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess he didn't know that you took out the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead.

***Long Pause***

***Longer Pause***

Then Daddy says:
- Swimming pool? .....Is this 555-7039??

Mitä opimme tästä, ne ei osaa Jenkkilässä edes puhelimeen vastata; Suomessa tyttö olis vastannut että "Virtasella"...




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Ja sit

      kertaus on opintojen äiti.

    • Mr marokko

      hello hello .. this is ur uncle bobo , is ur mom home home ?

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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