Okt alueella joukkovaino


noise campaigns.

Basically, targets report experiencing a steady stream of noise consisting of a rotation of various types of disturbances around their homes. This includes door slamming, yelling, car alarms, horns, tires screeching, loud music, engines revving, and frequent construction projects which include an assortment of noise from heavy machinery and tools.

Not surprisingly, in his books Future War and Winning the War, Dr. Alexander described using noise as a weapon.

In Future War he wrote,

"Audible sound, in frequencies from 20 to 20,000 hertz, can be applied to influence behavior, as most people are sensitive to very loud noises."(***)

For instance, if you're targeted, there will be doors slamming for a few moments, several minutes of silence will ensue, then a motorcycle will drive by and rev its engine outside of your house.

After that you'll have someone mowing the lawn. Then there will be alarms going off. After that you'll hear a loud crowd of people walk by your house. Then you may then hear fire or ambulance sirens. Then there will be hammering and sawing sounds from the ongoing construction projects. Then you'll hear car alarms being turned on/off in succession multiple times from multiple vehicles around your house.

There will generally not be a solid five minutes of uninterrupted peace.

Moret spoke of the use of "noise campaigns" which included the frequent use of garbage disposals in surrounding apartments, vehicles with "blaring horns" and the sirens of fire trucks.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Anonyymi

      There will generally not be a solid five minutes of uninterrupted peace.

      Moret spoke of the use of "noise campaigns" which included the frequent use of garbage disposals in surrounding apartments, vehicles with "blaring horns" and the sirens of fire trucks.

      She also spoke of habitual door slamming, proclaiming,

      "they'll slam doors all day and all night long." "Door slamming," agreed McKinney, "is also a popular pastime, particularly in apartment settings."

      Those targeted may experience a "chain reaction" of door slamming by apartments or houses surrounding theirs.

      Other types of disturbances include frequent noise from lawn mowers, snow blowers, vehicles with loud exhaust systems, and ambulance sirens, etc. Noisy construction projects will usually be ongoing.

      "Blaring horns, sirens, [and] garbage disposal[s]" which are "run concurrently in apartment settings, for excessively prolonged periods of time," are common reports wrote McKinney.

      She also noted that targets experience frequent,

      "amplified transmissions" of "general racket" which is "used on a recurrent basis under circumstances intended to persuade the individual that he or she is under surveillance."

      She added,

      "In all of these cases, the individuals' neighbors apparently pretend to be oblivious and/or indifferent to these sudden, continuous explosions of noise."

      They're oblivious to the noise because they're complicit in the program.

      Also, the people above a targeted individual may loudly pace as they mimic his or her movements from above. For instance, if you're targeted, as you walk into your bathroom, you hear loud stomping from above which follows you into the bathroom.

      McKinney affirmed,

      "A number of individuals report that occupants of upstairs and downstairs apartments appear to follow them from room to room, tapping on the floor or engaging in other activities which appear intended to advertise an ongoing surveillance."

      They'll "pace in their apartment," added Moret, and seemingly to the target underneath them,

      "it sounds like they're being tracked... from the apartment above."

      If you're targeted, helicopters and small propeller planes may frequently pass over your home.

      Some of these aircrafts may be low enough to vibrate the room you're in. According to Cheryl Welsh's March, 2003 article entitled, List of Mind Control Symptoms, the use of helicopters is a common tactic reported by targets. Apparently these overhead assaults are used for sleep disruption and to undermine the morale of targeted people.

      Welsh is one of only six Non-lethal Weapons experts in the world recognized by the United Nations. This noise may follow you to destinations you frequently visit. Foot and vehicular traffic may be re-routed through your street, causing an unnatural amount of vehicles driving by your house (even if you're on a side or dead-end street).

      There also appears to be a fleet of vehicles equipped with loud mufflers that groups use specifically for creating noise in the targeted area.

      Often, noise will be synchronized with some type of activity. For instance, a target hears an ambulance, fire sirens, alarms, or beeps as they leave. Or as they leave, a small aircraft passes overhead, then as they approach their car, they hear alarms or doors slamming.

      Noises made as they leave also appear to serve as a form of communication to alert group members in the area to begin pursuit. In addition to the standard noise package, whatever noise would naturally occur in the area you live will also be increased in frequency. For instance, if a target lives in a rural area then noisy chainsaws will be quite regular.

      And in the winter there may be frequent loud snowmobiles that pass near the area.

      In this manner, noise is used as a weapon to inflict pain. Chronic exposure to even low-level noise is considered a health hazard that has been known to produce adverse physiological & psychological health effects. Prolonged exposure to noise can produce high blood pressure, a rise in cholesterol, damage to the circulatory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, & musculoskeletal systems.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Tyttäreni kuoli lihavuusleikkaukseen.

      Miettikää kuiten 2 kertaa, ennenkuin menette lihavuusleikkaukseen.
    2. 1 Eurolla 35 euroa, 1.5x minimikerroin, 0x kierrätys ja minimitalletus vain 5e!

      Noniin nyt pamahti sitten VB:ltä älyttömän kova tarjous ensitallettajille. Euron panoksella 35 euroa jos kokkishown voit
    3. Viiimeinen viesti

      Sinulle neiti ristiriita vai mikä nimesi sitten ikinä onkaan. Mulle alkaa riittää tää sekoilu. Oot leikkiny mun tunteill
    4. Mikä olisi sinun ja kaivattusi

      Tarinan kertovan elokuvan nimi?
    5. epäonnen perjantain rikos yritys

      onpa epäselvä kuva, tuolla laadullako keskustaa tarkkaillaan lego hahmotkin selvempiä
    6. Yllätyspaukku! Vappu Pimiä rikkoi vaikean rajapyykin yllättävässä bisneksessä: "Nyt hymyilyttää...!"

      Wau, onnea, Vappu Pimiä, upea suoritus! PS. Pimiä tänään televisiossa, ohjelmatietojen mukaan hän on Puoli seiskassa vie
      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    7. Onko kaivattusi täysin vietävissä ja

    8. Suomessa ei ole järkeä tarjota terveyspalveluita joka kolkassa

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      Maailman menoa

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    10. Kirjoitin sinulle koska

      tunnen sinua kohtaan niin paljon. Sydäntäni särkee, kun kätken ihastumisen, kaipauksen, sinua kohtaan tuntemani lämmön j