: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InbfRHM6tIY
"Varoittavia merkkejä globaalin rahoitusjärjestelmän epävakaudesta oli runsaasti Lehman Brothersin 2008 romahdusta edeltäneiden kuukausien aikana. Näihin varhaisiin merkkeihin kuuluivat pankin Ranskan divisioonan työntekijän Stephanie Gibaudin hämmästyttävät paljastukset UBS:stä, maailman suurimmasta yksityispankista.
"Gibaud kieltäytyi hänelle ja muille työntekijöille annetuista ohjeista poistaa kaikki yrityksen tiedostot. Näin tehdessään hän auttoi paljastamaan laajan korruption ja petosten verkon, jotka yhdistävät UBS:n hämärään veronkiertosuunnitelmaan.
" Yli 15 vuotta myöhemmin Gibaud on kestänyt häirintää, ammatillista syrjäytymistä, oikeusjuttuja ja uhkailuja. Hän liittyy The Chris Hedges Reportiin puhuakseen koettelemuksestaan ja korruption laajuudesta kansainvälisessä pankkijärjestelmässä.
Ranskalainen ilmiantaja Stephanie Gibaud paljastaa maailmanlaajuiset pankkipetokset.
- Anonyymi
Onhan tuo ollut tiedossa.
Peter Schiff: We Are On The Cusp Of Another Financial Crisis
Fri, March 31, 2023
"During his press conference after the March FOMC meeting, Jerome Powell said the banking system is “sound and resilient.” Peter said it’s not sound at all.
“It’s a house of cards that is starting to collapse.”
Peter explained how the banking system became so unsound.
“Thanks to the mistakes the Fed has made since the 2008 crisis, we have a much bigger bubble now. The Fed caused the bubble that led to the financial crisis of 2008, and then they inflated a bigger bubble to try to paper over those mistakes and kick the can down the road so that we wouldn’t have to deal with the full consequences of resolving all those mistakes. And of course, we just compounded the problem with bigger mistakes and now the US economy is poised on the biggest economic disaster in its history.”
In the wake of the failures of SVB and Signature Bank, Peter said it was the beginning of the next financial crisis. But virtually nobody in the mainstream is calling it a financial crisis. Peter compared the situation in 2008 with the situation today. In a nutshell, the 2008 financial crisis was about debt people ran up during a bubble and the inability of borrowers to pay when the air came out.
“That’s exactly what’s happening now. It is a banking crisis, and banks are financials.
“They are dismissing all the early signs of a major financial crisis. But make no mistake, we’re on the cusp of one. And it’s going to be much bigger than the last.”
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/peter-schiff-cusp-another-financial-180000631.html- Anonyymi
Niin tuossa annettiin ymmärtää, että pankit olisi tehneet virheitä joista kaikki kriisi johtuu, mutta se ei vastaa todellisuutta.
Gibaud kertoo, että kaikki on tahallista, eikä "virheellistä", pankit on todellisuudessa korruptoituneita rahankierto systeemejä.
Kyse on pankkien korruptiosta eikä "virheistä". - Anonyymi
🍒 Nymfomaani -> https://l24.im/ecC7ux#kissagirl21
- Anonyymi
Vähän positiivisiakin uutisia, ei auta vakka olisit kuinka vaikutusvaltainen ja rikas, lain koura tulee yltämään pitkälle.
Glencore Entered Guilty Pleas to Foreign Bribery and Market Manipulation Schemes
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Swiss-Based Firm Agrees to Pay Over $1.1 Billion
“The rule of law requires that there not be one rule for the powerful and another for the powerless; one rule for the rich and another for the poor,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The Justice Department will continue to bring to bear its resources on these types of cases, no matter the company and no matter the individual.”
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/glencore-entered-guilty-pleas-foreign-bribery-and-market-manipulation-schemes - Anonyymi
Ja vähän tuoreempi päivitys asian tiimoilta, hiljattain muuten ratsattiin Tukholman pörssikin. Oliko vain sattumaa vai ei..
United States Attorney Martin Estrada Launches Corporate and Securities Fraud Strike Force
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
"LOS ANGELES – United States Attorney Martin Estrada today announced the formation of the Corporate and Securities Fraud Strike Force, a new section that will focus on complex corporate crimes, abuses by company insiders and offenses that impact the nation’s financial system.
Working with authorities at federal law enforcement agencies, the Corporate and Securities Fraud Strike Force is designed to expand and prioritize complex corporate and securities fraud investigations, some of which will involve corporate executives and other individuals involved in criminal conduct.
Members of the Strike Force will examine accounting fraud, insider trading, and other matters that can directly impact the financial system and trading markets. The Strike Force will also examine criminal violations of the Bank Secrecy Act, which is designed to combat money laundering and tax evasion.
“Fraud by corporate executives, traders, and other insiders corrodes public trust in our nation’s business institutions and financial system,” said United States Attorney Estrada.
“This Strike Force will help focus our efforts on uncovering and punishing corporate malfeasance. Corporate criminals are on notice that my office will not tolerate efforts to deceive and cheat others.”
The Strike Force will be led by Assistant United States Attorney Brett Sagel, a veteran prosecutor with a long track record of successfully handling complex white-collar matters. AUSA Sagel will lead a new section of experienced federal prosecutors.
“The FBI is proud to launch this effort with our federal partners to weed out criminal behavior and protect the investing public by leveling the playing field from Wall Street to Main Street.”
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