Näyttää siltä, että sensuuri on tänään erityisen kiihkeäällä tuulella ja koska tuo yksi ketju hävisi, niin laitan tämän tähän:
Capricho Arabe (F. Tárrega) - Alexandra Whittingham
Täysin seksitön musiikkiketju
Sheku Kanneh-Mason - Fauré: Après un rêve for cello & pianoLaitetaan jotain täysin seksitöntä moden iloksi.
Veteraanin Iltahuuto Jorma Hynninen
Patricia JANEČKOVÁ - RUSALKAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhrmGcSO-ps
J.S. Bach - Air on a G string (Violin and Guitar) - Modern Stringshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=615-x6REIhA1
Simon Ghraichy - SEVENTH (Allegretto from Beethoven's Symphony no.7 op.92) [Franz Liszt]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpgyTl8yqbw
Gabriel FAURE': Pavane, Op. 50Hmm, hieman vaisuja kappaleita. Näissä pitää olla kyllä enemmän menoa ja meininkiä mielestäni, ja tässä remixit voivat olla hyviä.
Säkkijärven Polkka / Eurobeat Remix
Nightwish: Walking in the Air
J.Karjalainen: Joulupukin Töissä
https://youtu.be/IGl-yZHScx8?si=r2W_ahGW3nH20i1s- Anonyymi
Monella tapaa hieno esitys, paikka ja aika, taidot myös kohdallaan.
Yllätyksellinen ympäristölleen.
AV 😁 kokeillaanpa: Wasp jne, eikä sanaakaan mistään sukupuolisuudesta saati räävittömyydestä, ainoastaan aihetta sivuavaa kepeätä verbaliikkaa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7COTI8k-rgo
Tchaikovsky - Marche Slavehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCEDfZgDPS8
Mussorgsky - Night on Bald Mountain- Anonyymi
Ei pysty, jösses:
-harmiseikirj-Venäjälle ajankohtaisempi laulu:
Kino-Peremen Перемен
Translation by Marva
Instead of fire - there's only smoke.
Instead of warmth - cold.
Another day is crossed out on the calendar grid.
The red shining sun has completely burned out,
And this day goes out with it,
And over a glowing city, the shadow will fall
We want changes!
It's the demand of our hearts.
We want changes!
It's the demand of our eyes.
In our laughter, in our tears, and the pulse in our veins.
We want changes!
And changes will begin...
Bright electric light continues our day,
And the box of matches is empty,
But in the kitchen, like a blue flower, gas burns.
Cigarettes in our hands, tea on the table,
So this scheme is easy,
And there's nothing more left, it's all up to us.
We want changes!
It's the demand of our hearts.
We want changes!
It's the demand of our eyes.
In our laughter, in our tears, and the pulse in our veins.
We want changes!
And changes will begin...
We cannot brag about the wisdom in our eyes,
And our gestures are not very skilled,
But even without all of that - understanding remains.
Cigarettes in our hands, tea on the table,
That's how the circle is filled,
And suddenly we've become scared to change something. "- Anonyymi
buddy-love kirjoitti:
Venäjälle ajankohtaisempi laulu:
Kino-Peremen Перемен
Translation by Marva
Instead of fire - there's only smoke.
Instead of warmth - cold.
Another day is crossed out on the calendar grid.
The red shining sun has completely burned out,
And this day goes out with it,
And over a glowing city, the shadow will fall
We want changes!
It's the demand of our hearts.
We want changes!
It's the demand of our eyes.
In our laughter, in our tears, and the pulse in our veins.
We want changes!
And changes will begin...
Bright electric light continues our day,
And the box of matches is empty,
But in the kitchen, like a blue flower, gas burns.
Cigarettes in our hands, tea on the table,
So this scheme is easy,
And there's nothing more left, it's all up to us.
We want changes!
It's the demand of our hearts.
We want changes!
It's the demand of our eyes.
In our laughter, in our tears, and the pulse in our veins.
We want changes!
And changes will begin...
We cannot brag about the wisdom in our eyes,
And our gestures are not very skilled,
But even without all of that - understanding remains.
Cigarettes in our hands, tea on the table,
That's how the circle is filled,
And suddenly we've become scared to change something. "Udo Venäjällä, näyttää viihtyvän:
No, tämä on SEXtet ja tuo orientaalityttö on ihan pantavan näköinen...
Steve Reich joko nukuttaa tai herättää kuuntelijan, Itse saan tästä kiksejä.
Sextet, by Steve Reich
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgX85tZf1ts~ Wes Montgomery - How insensitive ~
Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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