Järki heiltä hukassa. Kun äänestätte niin muistakaa että Suomen vihreät edustajat kuuluvat tähän EU-parlamentin ryhmään.
Euroopan vihreät haluavat sulkea kaikki Euroopan ydinvoimalat
- Anonyymi
Ei ylitä uutiskynnystä vihreiden järjenpuute. Se kylläkin ylittäisi, jos edes jonkun voisi uutisoida tulleen järkiinsä.
Se juttu on oikea journalistien graalin malja. - Anonyymi
Ilmeisesti Euroopan vihreät ovat Saksan vihreiden hallitsema ryhmittymä vai pitäiskö pikemminkin puhua tyhmittymästä. Sen verran pahaa jälkeä ovat siellä saaneet aikaan sekä sähkön hinnalle että maan kasvihuonekaasujen päästöille.
- Anonyymi
Kommunistit ja ex-natsit perustivat vihreän liikkeen DDR:ssä. Tavoitteena oli sabotoida kapitalistista systeemiä.
- Anonyymi
Kerro lisää! En tosin sitäkään usko - mutta on viihdyttävää luettavaa!
- Anonyymi
Anonyymi kirjoitti:
Kerro lisää! En tosin sitäkään usko - mutta on viihdyttävää luettavaa!
Puolueella on vahvat vasemmistotaustat ja historiaa Stasin kanssa yhteistyöstä.
"The political party The Greens (German: Die Grünen) sprung out of the wave of New Social Movements that were active in the 1970s, including environmentalist, anti-war, and anti-nuclear movements which can trace their origin to the student protests of 1968.
Officially founded as a German national party on 13 January 1980 in Karlsruhe, the party sought to give these movements political and parliamentary representation, as the pre-existing peoples parties were not organised in a way to address their stated issues.[5]
Its membership included organisers from former attempts to achieve institutional representation such as GLU and AUD.
Opposition to pollution, use of nuclear power, NATO military action, and certain aspects of industrialised society were principal campaign issues.[citation needed] The party also championed sexual liberation and the abolition of age of consent laws.[6]"
"The Greens were the target of attempts by the East German secret police to enlist the cooperation of members who were willing to align the party with the agenda of the German Democratic Republic. The party ranks included several politicians who were later discovered to have been Stasi agents, including Bundestag representative Dirk Schneider, European Parliament representative Brigitte Heinrich, and Red Army Faction defense lawyer Klaus Croissant. Greens politician and Bundestag representative Gert Bastian was also a founding member of Generals for Peace [de], a pacifist group created and funded by the Stasi, the revelation of which may have contributed to the murder-suicide in which he killed his partner and Greens founder Petra Kelly.[8] A study commissioned by the Greens determined that 15 to 20 members intimately cooperated with the Stasi and another 450 to 500 had been informants.[9][10]"
Kyllä tuossa löytyy jonkin verran lokaa heiteltäväksi astikin. Varsinkin kun
"Until 1987, the Greens included a faction involved in pedophile activism, the SchwuP short for Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Schwule, Päderasten und Transsexuelle" (approx. working group "Gays, Pederasts and Transsexuals"). This faction campaigned for repealing § 176 of the German penal code, dealing with child sexual abuse. This group was controversial within the party itself, and was seen as partly responsible for the poor election result of 1985.[11] This controversy re-surfaced in 2013 and chairwoman Claudia Roth stated she welcomed an independent scientific investigation on the extent of influence pedophile activists had on the party in the mid-1980s.[12][13] In November 2014, the political scientist Franz Walter presented the final report about his research on a press conference.[14]"
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