Havan Ashes



Opettavainen ja karmiva tarina adi_shakti_forumilta. Laitan sen tähän. En tiedä missä maassa tämä on tapahtunut. Enjoy the story:

Regarding the above post, I have a true story to tell. It is a cautionary tale of how easy it is for Sahaja Yoga to be undermined and derailed by idiotic leaders but how ultimately the power of
Mother's love will be triumphant over the evil corruptors of Mother's Will.

One day, in a nearby country, many years ago, the Sahaja Yogis had just learned a new technigue called 'havan'. It was performed in the
usual, prescribed way. However, at the end of the havan, one leader, probably having a flash of evil inspiration, asked the yogis to
apply havan ash to their Agnyas - presumably the correct way to benefit from the havan, no doubt. Most of the yogis duly and innocently obeyed. Apparently, no one had heard or cared about Shri
Mataji's warning against applying anything other than red kumkum on the Agnya but in this case, with havan ash, no less!

More uses were found for the havan ash other than smearing on the Agnya. Soon word spread on the magical properties of this wonderful
black powder. Disgusting as it sounds, many of the yogis in this country started using havan ash to flavour their food, especially
curries. Havan ash was added to coffee, probably to give it an additional kick! Havan ash was also believed to be able to protect homes by spreading it over the house compound. Havan ash could even be used as a weapon. There were instances of Sahaja Yogis throwing havan ash into supposedly hostile territory like churches and temples, purportedly to neutralise the enemy.

At the conclusion of each havan, the ash was meticulously collected and packed into little packets for the yogis to take home. The
choicest offal and excrement, so to speak, from every havan was carefully treasured and consumed! At the end of every havan it was
not uncommon to see yogis smearing their foreheads, faces, necks and arms with the ash. While in the rest of the Sahaj world the handling
of such hazardous material would have necessitated the application of strict radioactive decontaminant procedures, the idiotic leader had proclaimed the wonder and efficacy of this excreta of the havan
ceremony. Such was the negation and madness and stupidity!

There were a small number holdouts and conscientious objectors to this obnoxious practice, and true to Sahaj style, these were
labelled 'uncollective' and 'negative' by the leadership.

When Shri Mataji, on a visit to this country, was informed of this bizarre practice, She apparently reacted with bemusement and She
said something to the effect that 'If you find it useful, carry on with it.' She could well have meant 'We'll see where this tomfoolery
will take you,' but the point was lost on the dim-witted leadership.

In fact this was taken to mean approval from Mother since She did not explicitly forbid it.

So this tomfoolery continued for several years more. One day a visiting leader from India was present when a havan was performed and at the end of the havan he was aghast when he saw what the yogis were doing with the havan ash. Spontaneously he loudly and firmly
ordered a stop to this repugnant practice. It was as if the Divine had acted at last! The yogis having been entranced all these years
by the negativity, appeared to suddenly wake up from their delusion and this vile and grotesque debasement of the havan ritual was stopped once and for all.

The above story would be hilarious were it not for its dark and sinister undertone. This incident demonstrates how easy it is for
the bhootas, pretas and pishachas to possess a Sahaja collective if the numskulls who think they are great organisers of Sahaja Yoga and
who are nowhere near attaining the Spirit continue with their sly and devious schemes of manipulation, domination, power and control.

But does anybody believe, for a moment, that the Divine Mother would allow Her innocent and inherently dharmic children to be led to
destruction by such buffoonish and evil leaders?





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • pieni totuudentorvi

      Tiesin ton vaibreissontasolla, että havanna tuhka ei ole mitenkään maailman ihmeellisintä ainetta. Tiedostin jotenkin, että tuhkassa voi olla jäämiä havannoitsijoiden poltetuista negatiivisuuksista.

      En taaskaan luottanut sisäiseen ääneen vaan keräsin Capellasta tuhkaa kotiin vietäväksi. Heitin tuhkat kukkapenkkiin. Ei joogien tarinoissa ollut mitään pohjaa. Ei ne kukat nyt mitenkään ihmeellisesti siitä tykänneet. Tuntui, että huonommin kasvoivat:D

      Onneksi mussa on tieto. Sahaja joogassa ollessani mun ei annettu lukea Sahaja tekstejä. Voipi olla, että korkeella sieluntasolla tyypit tiesi, etten niitä tarvinnut eikä syy ollut tietoisella tasolla, että olin liian kykenemätön ottamaan vastaan. Tietenkin, ainahan ne erilaisempia ihmisiä pitää huonompina. Tai sellaisia, joita ei muuten vaan jakseta ymmärtää.

      • Sahaaja

        >> Sahaja joogassa ollessani mun ei annettu lukea Sahaja tekstejä. Voipi olla, että korkeella sieluntasolla tyypit tiesi, etten niitä tarvinnut eikä syy ollut tietoisella tasolla, että olin liian kykenemätön ottamaan vastaan. Tietenkin, ainahan ne erilaisempia ihmisiä pitää huonompina. Tai sellaisia, joita ei muuten vaan jakseta ymmärtää.

        Näin se on. Toisaalta erilaisuus on raskas taakka, mutta toisaalta se suojelee. Ei ole pakko aina hölmöillä mukana. Yksinäinen ihminen on vapaa; - ja ehkä valmiimpi kuin muut kohtaamaan toisen suuren yksinäisen - Jumalan.

        :-) Iloa, ja voimaa tällä tiellä,

      • pieni totuudentorvi

        Sahaaja, minä tunnen sinut. Minusta sinä olet aina ollut hyvien puolella. Minulla on aina ollut sinusta hyvä käsitys. Et ole kuin muut joogit. Lisäksi olet lähellä eniten äitiä;)

        Kiitos, linkistäkin.

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