Missäs se nettisanakirja oli, jossa sai käännettyä kokoniasen lauseen jollakkin valitsemalle kielelle?
Puolaa pitäisi kääntää :)
lauseen kääntäjä sanakirja...
- tss
...kääntää ainakin englanniksi.
- F0rg0tt3n
Antti kirjoitti:
Niin makeet naurut sai kun kokeili tota googlen kääntäjää :D Se tekee sitten niin pimeitä lauseita että huhhuh :DDD
- jeeiijauu!!
F0rg0tt3n kirjoitti:
Niin makeet naurut sai kun kokeili tota googlen kääntäjää :D Se tekee sitten niin pimeitä lauseita että huhhuh :DDD
niin kyllä sai ihan tosi makeet naurut mulle pisti englannin kielisiä sanoja väliin! :Dsiis toi googlen sanakirja!
- PeTrau
Antti kirjoitti:
Välillä toi googlen kääntäjä kääntää väärin!
- fggf
- Huono giälpää
Nostetaanpa tämä ylös! Minua kiinnostaa saada tähän vastaus. Kiitän!
- toikkalainen
Hello How are you? I know that my letter for you is a surprise, but I very much would want to get acquainted with you!
My friend Ekaterina has found the love on a site be2 and I as well as she I want to try the happiness!
I shall attach to the letter a pair of the photos for you that you could see me, I as would like to see your photo!
I search for serious relations if you I shall be interested in dialogue with me is very glad!
I hope that you free the man and if it so that write to me the answer please!
I with impatience shall wait for your letter!
Alevtina - Maire jk.
toikkalainen kirjoitti:
Hello How are you? I know that my letter for you is a surprise, but I very much would want to get acquainted with you!
My friend Ekaterina has found the love on a site be2 and I as well as she I want to try the happiness!
I shall attach to the letter a pair of the photos for you that you could see me, I as would like to see your photo!
I search for serious relations if you I shall be interested in dialogue with me is very glad!
I hope that you free the man and if it so that write to me the answer please!
I with impatience shall wait for your letter!
AlevtinaOlen luottanut netin laajimpaan sanakirjaan:
Toimii - tarkenna
toikkalainen kirjoitti:
Hello How are you? I know that my letter for you is a surprise, but I very much would want to get acquainted with you!
My friend Ekaterina has found the love on a site be2 and I as well as she I want to try the happiness!
I shall attach to the letter a pair of the photos for you that you could see me, I as would like to see your photo!
I search for serious relations if you I shall be interested in dialogue with me is very glad!
I hope that you free the man and if it so that write to me the answer please!
I with impatience shall wait for your letter!
AlevtinaSiis haluatko, että joku suomentaa tuon?
toikkalainen kirjoitti:
Hello How are you? I know that my letter for you is a surprise, but I very much would want to get acquainted with you!
My friend Ekaterina has found the love on a site be2 and I as well as she I want to try the happiness!
I shall attach to the letter a pair of the photos for you that you could see me, I as would like to see your photo!
I search for serious relations if you I shall be interested in dialogue with me is very glad!
I hope that you free the man and if it so that write to me the answer please!
I with impatience shall wait for your letter!
AlevtinaOiii. Mita sekamelskaa tama kirjoitus!!!
- ilexham
Mitä tarkoittaa CCR:n biisi "Lookin' Out My Back Door" ???
Onko siinä joku monimerkityksellinen juttu? Vai onko se vaan "kattelen ulos takaovestani" vaiko "Varo mun takaovea" ??
Toi lontoo kun ei oo mun parhaita puoliani... :)
-ile-- Lookin' Out My Back
eiköhän toi oo sitä homojen hommoo
- pakoputkesta
Lookin' Out My Back kirjoitti:
eiköhän toi oo sitä homojen hommoo
Yhdyn edellisen viestin jättäjän pakoputkeen.
- Pettynyt12
Siis te ette tee mitään muuta täälä kun jakelette paskoja kommentteja kukaan ei naura noille HOMMATKAA ELÄMÄ ja ei hyvin mee....
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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