A man and a woman meet at a bar in Pörsänmäki one day and are getting along really well. They decide to go back to the woman's house where they engage in passionate love making.
Suddenly, they hear a noise at the door and the woman says, "Quick, my husband is home. Go hide in the bathroom!"
The husband comes up into the bedroom and looks at her. "Why are you naked?" he asks.
The woman smiles and says coyly, "Well, I heard you pull up outside, so I thought I would come up here and get ready!"
"Okay," the husband replies, "I'll be back in a minute."
Before his wife can stop him, he goes into the bathroom and sees the naked man standing there clapping his hands.
"Who the hell are you!" the husband asks.
"I'm from the extermination company. Your wife called me in to get rid of the moths you are having trouble with."
The husband, getting angrier by the moment, exclaims, "Then why you are naked!"
The man then looks down at himself and exclaims, "Those little bastards!"
alasti pörsänmäellä
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