Kuinka Conan O'Brien tapasi vaimonsa? Uskokaa tai älkää, työnsä merkeissä. Heidän ensitapaamisensa on videolla. Ja sinä voit nyt todistaa sen omin silmin! Ja, tämä on 100% aito.
Klikkaa "Portfolio", sieltä "LNwCOB" ja sieltä part 1.
Paikalla olleet kertoivat sen olleen rakkautta ensi silmäyksellä!
Conanin vaimo, Liza Powel on se blondi nainen videolla.
Englanninkielinen lehtijuttu aiheesta (vuodelta 2001, Conan tapas Lizan alkuvuodesta 2000):
Now for the cute-meet story in which a chainsaw-wielding Texas furniture dealer named Hilton Koch plays Cupid.
Early last year, O'Brien had a running on-air routine about how his show aired at 2:40 in the morning in Houston. This, of course, led to a riff on the low-rent advertisers who were signing up for O'Brien time. Actors like Koch reenacted The Texas Chainsaw Massacre by slicing off bedposts as a symbol of his cost-cutting zeal. The show flew Koch to New York that March for "an advertising makeover" at FCB, the nation's largest ad agency, where, by chance, Liza Powel worked as a copywriter. Watching the tape with the hindsight of eighteen months, you feel the chemistry. Even though she was part of a five-person team, Powel dominates every scene as both O'Brien and the camera play to her. When the FCB ad is unveiled, likening Koch to such advertising champions as Tiger Woods and Michael Jordon, Powel gets to explain on camera, "We have taken your chainsaw concept and elevated it to another level."
Head writer Mike Sweeney, who back in his days as enlisted man was in charge of the ad-makeover routine, recalls, "I could tell during the remote what was going on. I think Conan actually asked her, 'Do you have a boyfriend?' They were flirting on camera, and you could see that they hit it off right away." As Sweeney tells this story in his own debris-strewn office, he cradles a pogo stick in his lap. "Somewhere in this building, we have all the outtakes of their meeting on tape," he says. "Forget the wedding videos -- we'll show their future children how they met. We'll tell them, 'Don't mind the man with the chainsaw. It was just a mating ritual back in the 1990s.' "
Moments after Sweeney finishes this extended riff, the groom-to-be sticks his head into the office. Spying me trapped in the writer's lair, O'Brien warns, "Beware the misery that's steeped in those walls."
Over coffee a few blocks from O'Brien's Upper West Side apartment, Powel, who will be entering the graduate fiction-writing program at Columbia University this fall, offers her account of the on-camera romance. "It was embarrassing," the 30-year-old blonde giggles. "I was in the middle of colleagues. They were giving me a real hard time afterward. I didn't know if it was real, or if it was just, 'Oh, there's a girl in the room,' and that's his bit. We talked right after that, and it was pretty clear that there was a connection. We just couldn't shut up."
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Kuinka Conan tapasi vaimonsa
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