Täältä löytyy hyvä englanninkielinen artikkeli siitä, miksi Saksa menestyy vuodesta toiseen noissa jalkapalloilun arvoturnauksissa:
"One factor is certainly the teams consistent strength up the middle. Successful German national teams will always have an intimidating goalkeeper, a dominant defender in the middle, a leader in the heart of the midfield, and a robust scorer. Disappointing German teams have always lacked one of the links in this chain...But at least as important is the team's stability. In Germany's opening Euro 2008 match against Poland, it fielded eight players who had played in the World Cup two years previously."
"In England, Spain and Italy, the local boys are often in the minority on the rosters of the best club teams...The Bundesliga can’t afford to compete financially with its Spanish, Italian and English counterparts. Instead, the German league allows local talent to develop, blossom, lead and take responsibility. And by so doing, it creates players who care fiercely about national pride and uniform. Only Bayern München consistently imports superstars for positions where local talent is not good enough."
The Secret of Germany's Football Success
Deutscher Fussball Bund
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