Tervetuloa keskustelemaan
Ryhmän aihepiirejä ovat mm. Crystal Skulls, Spirituality, Enlightenment, Consciousness, Healing, 2012, Starseeds, U.F.Os, Buddhism, Egypt, Mayas etc etc.
Uusi keskusteluryhmä avattu
- hsbsg
crystall skulls.....hahaha, eiköhän oo new age äärihihhuleilla jääny indiana jones levy päälle
- Blue Lotus
Crystal Skull legenda on ollut jo piiitkän olemassa ilman Indiana Jonesia.
The Calling of the Crystal Skulls
There exists a legend that one day the 13 'Original' crystal skulls
will come together and the information they contain will become
available. This information will help humankind to shift into a higher
level of consciousness and create a world of peace and love. This
legend exists in one form or another in the stories of numerous
indigenous peoples. In addition, when we bring crystal skulls
together, we experience powerful energy fields being created.
Those familiar with crystal skulls feel an increasing urge to bring
their skulls together, in particular the ancient crystal skulls. At
the same time, we need the contemporary crystal skulls to prepare
ourselves to ultimately make the gathering of the legend possible.
Bringing crystal skulls together is part of the mission of Angel
During the event we will hold a special ceremony, 'The Calling of the
Crystal Skulls', to bring the hidden crystal skulls out into the world
and together. We believe there are ancient crystal skulls that have
not yet been found. There are crystal skulls that are not out in
public, but with tribal people, secret societies and private
collectors. By sending out the 'Call' through the energy grids of the
Earth it will reach those who need to hear in order to prepare
consciously or unconsciously for bringing out their ancient skulls, or
to guide people to crystal skulls still hidden in the Earth. We will
use the power of the workshop participants and crystal skulls in this
important and powerful part of the event.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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