Artikkeli sisältää mielenkiintoista tietoa kasvien kasvatuksesta. Sähköllä/magneettikentällä voidaan karkoittaa hyönteisiä ja nostaa kasvua.
"Beginning in 1885, the Finnish scientist Selim Laemstrom experimented with an aerial system powered by a Wimhurst generator and Leyden jars. He found that the electrical discharge from wire points stimulated the growth of crops such as potatoes, carrots, and celery for an average increase of about 40% (up to 70%) within 8 weeks. Greenhouse-grown strawberry plants produced ripe fruit in half the usual time. The yield of raspberries was increased by 95%, and the yield of carrots was increased by 125%. However, crops of cabbage, turnips, and flax grew better without electrification than with it. The Laemstrom system comprises a horizontal antenna suspended high enough to permit plowing, weeding and irrigation. The voltage applied to the antenna varies from 2 to 70 KV, depending on the height of the antenna. The current is about 11 amps."
"Spechniew and Bertholon obtained similar results a few years later, and so did the Swiss priest J.J. Gasner in 1909. Also that year, Prof. G. Stone showed that a few sparks of static electricity discharged into the soil each day increased soil bacteria up to 600%. "
Varsinkin tuo jälkimmäinen olisi kiva kokeilla, ainakin luomiviljelijöille. Eikös se ole luomua?
"Electricity also can cure trees of some diseases. A method was developed in 1966 to treat avocado trees affected with canker and orange trees with scaly bark. An electrode was inserted into the living cambium and phloem layers of the tree and the current passed into the branches, roots or soil. The treatment is best administered in the spring. The length of treatment depends on the size and condition of the tree. New shoots appeared after only one cycle of treatment. After the bark was removed, the trees began to bear fruit! The period of grafting stratification also can be shortened in this way.
The passage of an electric current modifies the physico-chemical properties of soil. Its aggregation increases, and its permeability to moisture improves. The content of absorbable nitrogen, phosphorus, and other substances is increased. The pH changes. Usually, alkalinity is reduced, and evaporation increases. Both alternating and direct electric currents have a bacterial action which also affects the soil microflora. Up to 95% of cabbage mildew and other bacteria and fungi can be destroyed by electrical disinfection."
Merkittävintä oli kuitenkin äänen ja eräänlaisen mineraaliseoksen käyttö yhdessä. Tietyllä aaltopituudella värähtelevä ääni(sama kuin linnun äänen aaltojen värähtelytaajuus) saa kasvit avaamaan lehdissä olevat huokosensa jolloin kasvi ottaa itseensä huomattavasti eniten ravinteita kuin normaalisti(jopa 700%). Tässä jokunen esimerkki.
"Growers using Sonic Bloom report dramatic increases in yield, better tasting vegetables and fruits, and more brilliant flowers. Cultivators can expect increased production and early maturity. Alfalfa sprouts will increase in weight by 1,200% within 3 days. The sprouts will have a much longer shelf life (2-3 weeks) than usual (3-4 days). Experiments with Sonic Bloom in Africa produced plants which survived extremely hot weather and flooding. Sonic Bloom also will produce fruit on first year trees. Apple farmers have reported triple-sized yields, 8-month shelf life, and a huge increase in nutrient values: 126% more potassium, 326% more chromium, 400% more iron, and 1,750% more zinc. Losses to diseases and pests have been reduced more than 80%."
Kasvit jotka ovat olleet kuolemaisillaa on Sonic Bloomilla saatu virkoamaan ja tuottamaan hedelmää.
Sitten oli vielä pulssitettu valoilmiö jolla saa ainakin vähintään yhtä mielenkiintoisia tuloksia aikaan ja isompia satoja.
UV&IR valon filtterointi:
"Particularly interesting experiments were conducted by the late
Dr. Kei Mori of Kao University in Tokyo. Dr. Mori raised plants under special light that filtered out IR and UV radiation. His unique process of fiberoptic sunlight collection and transmission, called "Himawari Sunlighting" (bottom left), is now marketed worldwide. At first Mori feared the filtered light would be detrimental. But after extensive experiments he claimed it could promote healing and "because the ultraviolet is blocked, this sunlight does not fade fabrics or damage skin."
"Under piped sunlight and controlled atmosphere, this tomato tree grew over 30 ft high and yielded more than 13,000 ripe tomatoes during the six months of the Expo!"
Jos jotain klassista musiikkia soittais niin vois olla että kasvit pitäis. Sitten pitäis filtteroida tuo uv-valo jotenkin,himawari kun on aika kallis menetelmä mutta todella hyödyllinen.
Vaihtoehtoinen lannoitus
- antamastani linkistä
"Dr. Wilhelm Reich (of Orgone fame) also found that plants could be grown without light if they were grown with magnetite that had been exposed to sunlight. The magnetite absorbs and reradiates solar energies that are utilized by plants."
Mitenköhän tuo mahtaisi onnistua.. joka tapauksessa Sonic Bloomilla ratkaistaisi maailman ongelmat. - hahaahhaa
>>The voltage applied to the antenna varies from 2 to 70 KV, depending on the height of the antenna. The current is about 11 amps."
Tuollaiset jännitteet ja virrat kärventävät kyllä ihmisen silmänräpäyksessä. Turvallisempaa olisi houkutella salamoita iskemään sille kasvimmaalle.
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