A current and popular book caused great consternation for Afghan owners around the world when it rated the Afghan dead last in its "working intelligence" list. Working intelligence has nothing whatever to do with the actual "smartness" of any breed. Those breeds developed to work closely with man will, of course, be more amenable to training than the clever Afghan, whose job was to tackle dangerous prey on his own, relying on his own wits to see him through to live and hunt another day.
working robots vs. free thinkers
Af Ghan
- Pinsku
Yes ! I agree. I think I've read the book as well.
The thing is, that people tend to think that "Intelligent" is synonumous with "obedient" which it is not!! E.g. trainability and intelligence are separate things, which is why there aren't any terriers, or afghans for that matter ,as police dogs.It is also frustrating to try and find a proper training manual, as most seem to be written by people who are into breeds which are highly trainable, and the methods consequently not that suitable for sighthounds/terriers/ spitz type dogs, &C.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
Sai potkut Yleltä. https://yle.fi/a/74-201400005288328- 2342798
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Aamuseuraa/rehevää naista
uhkean rehevät m-xxxl naiset/rouvat/pari 18-80v kutsu luokses 31.1 aamusta päiväpanoille 32v hetero mies.oon innokas nuo42378- 1782090
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24h Kirppis
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Ugissa muisteltu kunnolla. 🔥 https://www.kansalainen.fi/kansallismieliset-jarjestot-muistelivat-tammisunnuntaita-eri-p21646- 811275
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