Evgeni Plushenko, Vancouver 2010




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Ninna

      Tätä on odotettu, onneksi mies tuli toisiin aatoksiin ja palaa jääkentille!! =D

      • Ninna

      • Ninna, ei jaksanut kirjautua
        Aishwarya kirjoitti:

        Siellä on ihanasti upeita videoita! :o) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWZtD7IUNr4&feature=related

        Tuo oli huippu, en ole ennen nähnytkään. Nyt vaan pitää malttaa odottaa, että saa nähdä mestarin taas kisaamassa.. Tosin, ei Brian J ole lainkaan ollut huono korvike =)

      • Ninna, ei jaksanut kirjautua kirjoitti:

        Tuo oli huippu, en ole ennen nähnytkään. Nyt vaan pitää malttaa odottaa, että saa nähdä mestarin taas kisaamassa.. Tosin, ei Brian J ole lainkaan ollut huono korvike =)

        Et ollut vielä nähnyt! Juu, Brian Joubert on tosiaan mestariluokkaa. :o)

      • Ninna
        Aishwarya kirjoitti:

        Et ollut vielä nähnyt! Juu, Brian Joubert on tosiaan mestariluokkaa. :o)

        Näin on, en ollut nähnyt. Onneksi korjasit tämän aukon sivistyksessäni =)))

      • sarah2288
        Aishwarya kirjoitti:

        Et ollut vielä nähnyt! Juu, Brian Joubert on tosiaan mestariluokkaa. :o)

        Minä kyllä toivon Brianin voittavan kultaa. Hänellä on ollut aika paljon epäonnea esim. viime mm-kisoissa mokasi ihan lopussa ja edellisissä tuli hopeaa koska käytti lyhytohjelmassaan musaa, johon oli laulettu päälle!! Eikös Plushenkolla ole jo yksi olympiakulta? On kyllä mielenkiintoista nähdä missä kunnossa Plushenko palaa, olen lukenut että on tehnyt näytöksissä jopa neloshyppyjä keväällä. Itse odotan jo seuraavia em-kisoja, jossa toivottavasti nähdään tämä brianin ja plushenkon kohtaaminen?? Siitä varmaan tulee kunnon taistelu.

      • tiukkaa
        sarah2288 kirjoitti:

        Minä kyllä toivon Brianin voittavan kultaa. Hänellä on ollut aika paljon epäonnea esim. viime mm-kisoissa mokasi ihan lopussa ja edellisissä tuli hopeaa koska käytti lyhytohjelmassaan musaa, johon oli laulettu päälle!! Eikös Plushenkolla ole jo yksi olympiakulta? On kyllä mielenkiintoista nähdä missä kunnossa Plushenko palaa, olen lukenut että on tehnyt näytöksissä jopa neloshyppyjä keväällä. Itse odotan jo seuraavia em-kisoja, jossa toivottavasti nähdään tämä brianin ja plushenkon kohtaaminen?? Siitä varmaan tulee kunnon taistelu.

        Johtaa Vancouverissa lyhyen jälkeen:
        1 PLUSHENKO Evgeni 90.85
        2 LYSACEK Evan 90.30
        3 TAKAHASHI Daisuke 90.25
        Kukaan ei kai enää epäile hänen paluutaan :)
        Näyttäisi siltä, että voitto on Plushenkon tai Takahashin.
        Jos Plushenko hyppää virheettömästi vapaassa, Lysacekillä ei ole mahdollisuuksia.

      • tiukkaa
        tiukkaa kirjoitti:

        Johtaa Vancouverissa lyhyen jälkeen:
        1 PLUSHENKO Evgeni 90.85
        2 LYSACEK Evan 90.30
        3 TAKAHASHI Daisuke 90.25
        Kukaan ei kai enää epäile hänen paluutaan :)
        Näyttäisi siltä, että voitto on Plushenkon tai Takahashin.
        Jos Plushenko hyppää virheettömästi vapaassa, Lysacekillä ei ole mahdollisuuksia.


        Perjantai 19.2. klo 03:05 - 07:05 (GMT 01:05-05:05) Channel Live-1

        Evgeni Plushenko luistelee viimeisenä.

    • kyllä..

      On ollut valtavan ihanaa seurata Zhenyan huikeaa paluuta, jota ehdin odottaa parisen vuotta. Tänä aamuna tuomarien antamat pisteet kylläkin hiukkasen närästivät.

      • tiukkaa

        Katselin äsken Plushenkon ohjelman ja ensimmäisen Lysacekin hypyn, en viitsinyt enempää. Raamikas kaveri tuo Lysacek, mutta kakkosluokan hyppääjä.

      • kommentoi
        tiukkaa kirjoitti:

        Katselin äsken Plushenkon ohjelman ja ensimmäisen Lysacekin hypyn, en viitsinyt enempää. Raamikas kaveri tuo Lysacek, mutta kakkosluokan hyppääjä.

        http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancou ... &type=lgns
        By Elvis Stojko, Yahoo! Sports
        VANCOUVER, British Columbia –

        The night they killed figure skating

        Sorry, Evan Lysacek.

        You’re a great skater and all.

        But that wasn’t Olympic champion material.

        In Thursday night’s men’s free skate, Lysacek skated slow and his jumps weren’t close to the technical ability of defending Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko.

        How can you be Olympic champion when you don’t even try the quad? If you’re going to take the quad out, why not take out another triple axel and just have more of the other stuff so the International Skating Union can make it more into an “art.”

        Plushenko had a great performance. His footwork was great and maybe his spins weren’t quite as good as Lysacek’s, but he had some spins that were fast. He also had a quad toe triple toe that wasn’t even attempted by anyone else. He did both triple axels, so all the jumps were there.

        But the judges’ scoring was ridiculous.

        Because of it, the sport took a step backward. Brian Boitano did the same thing, technically, in 1988. There are junior skaters who can skate that same program.

        And the judges’ scoring probably killed figure skating because kids now are going to see this and say, “Oh, I don’t need a quad. I can just do great footwork for presentation marks and do a couple of nice spins and make it to Olympic champion.” With that type of scoring, you don’t have to risk it. You can play it safe and win gold.

        In what other sports do you have to hold back in order to win?

        The International Skating Union has taken the risk out of figure skating and it makes me sick.

        Now, Lysacek does have quality to his skating. But when you compare it to Plushenko’s, there is no comparison.

        If Plushenko was making a whole bunch of mistakes, then sure, maybe Lysacek deserves gold. But when you take the risk out of skaters’ programs, it doesn’t compute to me.

        And it’s not a personal thing. I like Evan. But when you compare performances and have an outcome like this, the sport is going backward. And it hurts me to say it because I love this sport. But the judges made a mockery of it by giving Lysacek the gold.

        I don’t want to rain on anybody’s parade because it’s not the skaters’ fault. It’s the system. And the figure skating community wants to control who wins and who loses. And what it does is it makes the component score more valid than the jumps so it can control whatever it wants. And that’s exactly what happened Thursday night at Pacific Coliseum.

        How can the sport be put back on the right path? I have no idea. I haven’t even thought about it. It’s not up to me. Because people at the ISU obviously seem to know what they’re doing. Well, they think they know what they’re doing.

        For me, the outcome on Thursday night was disappointing.

        A few more thoughts on the men’s free skate:

        • I thought Daisuke Takahashi was awesome. He tried the quad and he had the guts to go for it, and he should’ve been ahead of Lysacek in that aspect.

        • Johnny Weir was great. He should’ve been higher than sixth – above Patrick Chan, who was fifth. Weir outskated Chan. He might’ve skated a little bit slow but he went out there and did his stuff. I feel bad for him.

        • People say I’m hammering certain skaters. I’m not. That’s why I’m telling you that Weir skated great and should have been higher.

      • edelliseen
        kommentoi kirjoitti:

        http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancou ... &type=lgns
        By Elvis Stojko, Yahoo! Sports
        VANCOUVER, British Columbia –

        The night they killed figure skating

        Sorry, Evan Lysacek.

        You’re a great skater and all.

        But that wasn’t Olympic champion material.

        In Thursday night’s men’s free skate, Lysacek skated slow and his jumps weren’t close to the technical ability of defending Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko.

        How can you be Olympic champion when you don’t even try the quad? If you’re going to take the quad out, why not take out another triple axel and just have more of the other stuff so the International Skating Union can make it more into an “art.”

        Plushenko had a great performance. His footwork was great and maybe his spins weren’t quite as good as Lysacek’s, but he had some spins that were fast. He also had a quad toe triple toe that wasn’t even attempted by anyone else. He did both triple axels, so all the jumps were there.

        But the judges’ scoring was ridiculous.

        Because of it, the sport took a step backward. Brian Boitano did the same thing, technically, in 1988. There are junior skaters who can skate that same program.

        And the judges’ scoring probably killed figure skating because kids now are going to see this and say, “Oh, I don’t need a quad. I can just do great footwork for presentation marks and do a couple of nice spins and make it to Olympic champion.” With that type of scoring, you don’t have to risk it. You can play it safe and win gold.

        In what other sports do you have to hold back in order to win?

        The International Skating Union has taken the risk out of figure skating and it makes me sick.

        Now, Lysacek does have quality to his skating. But when you compare it to Plushenko’s, there is no comparison.

        If Plushenko was making a whole bunch of mistakes, then sure, maybe Lysacek deserves gold. But when you take the risk out of skaters’ programs, it doesn’t compute to me.

        And it’s not a personal thing. I like Evan. But when you compare performances and have an outcome like this, the sport is going backward. And it hurts me to say it because I love this sport. But the judges made a mockery of it by giving Lysacek the gold.

        I don’t want to rain on anybody’s parade because it’s not the skaters’ fault. It’s the system. And the figure skating community wants to control who wins and who loses. And what it does is it makes the component score more valid than the jumps so it can control whatever it wants. And that’s exactly what happened Thursday night at Pacific Coliseum.

        How can the sport be put back on the right path? I have no idea. I haven’t even thought about it. It’s not up to me. Because people at the ISU obviously seem to know what they’re doing. Well, they think they know what they’re doing.

        For me, the outcome on Thursday night was disappointing.

        A few more thoughts on the men’s free skate:

        • I thought Daisuke Takahashi was awesome. He tried the quad and he had the guts to go for it, and he should’ve been ahead of Lysacek in that aspect.

        • Johnny Weir was great. He should’ve been higher than sixth – above Patrick Chan, who was fifth. Weir outskated Chan. He might’ve skated a little bit slow but he went out there and did his stuff. I feel bad for him.

        • People say I’m hammering certain skaters. I’m not. That’s why I’m telling you that Weir skated great and should have been higher.


      • ...
        kommentoi kirjoitti:

        http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancou ... &type=lgns
        By Elvis Stojko, Yahoo! Sports
        VANCOUVER, British Columbia –

        The night they killed figure skating

        Sorry, Evan Lysacek.

        You’re a great skater and all.

        But that wasn’t Olympic champion material.

        In Thursday night’s men’s free skate, Lysacek skated slow and his jumps weren’t close to the technical ability of defending Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko.

        How can you be Olympic champion when you don’t even try the quad? If you’re going to take the quad out, why not take out another triple axel and just have more of the other stuff so the International Skating Union can make it more into an “art.”

        Plushenko had a great performance. His footwork was great and maybe his spins weren’t quite as good as Lysacek’s, but he had some spins that were fast. He also had a quad toe triple toe that wasn’t even attempted by anyone else. He did both triple axels, so all the jumps were there.

        But the judges’ scoring was ridiculous.

        Because of it, the sport took a step backward. Brian Boitano did the same thing, technically, in 1988. There are junior skaters who can skate that same program.

        And the judges’ scoring probably killed figure skating because kids now are going to see this and say, “Oh, I don’t need a quad. I can just do great footwork for presentation marks and do a couple of nice spins and make it to Olympic champion.” With that type of scoring, you don’t have to risk it. You can play it safe and win gold.

        In what other sports do you have to hold back in order to win?

        The International Skating Union has taken the risk out of figure skating and it makes me sick.

        Now, Lysacek does have quality to his skating. But when you compare it to Plushenko’s, there is no comparison.

        If Plushenko was making a whole bunch of mistakes, then sure, maybe Lysacek deserves gold. But when you take the risk out of skaters’ programs, it doesn’t compute to me.

        And it’s not a personal thing. I like Evan. But when you compare performances and have an outcome like this, the sport is going backward. And it hurts me to say it because I love this sport. But the judges made a mockery of it by giving Lysacek the gold.

        I don’t want to rain on anybody’s parade because it’s not the skaters’ fault. It’s the system. And the figure skating community wants to control who wins and who loses. And what it does is it makes the component score more valid than the jumps so it can control whatever it wants. And that’s exactly what happened Thursday night at Pacific Coliseum.

        How can the sport be put back on the right path? I have no idea. I haven’t even thought about it. It’s not up to me. Because people at the ISU obviously seem to know what they’re doing. Well, they think they know what they’re doing.

        For me, the outcome on Thursday night was disappointing.

        A few more thoughts on the men’s free skate:

        • I thought Daisuke Takahashi was awesome. He tried the quad and he had the guts to go for it, and he should’ve been ahead of Lysacek in that aspect.

        • Johnny Weir was great. He should’ve been higher than sixth – above Patrick Chan, who was fifth. Weir outskated Chan. He might’ve skated a little bit slow but he went out there and did his stuff. I feel bad for him.

        • People say I’m hammering certain skaters. I’m not. That’s why I’m telling you that Weir skated great and should have been higher.

        olen kuin Elvis, paitsi että Johnny Weir oli juuri sillä paikalla kuin pitikin. Olinko vielä unessa vai mitä, mutta eikö siltä Wieriltä jäänyt yksi piruetti tekemättä? Kai nyt kärkiviisikkoon täytyy kaikki piruetit tehdä???
        Mutta Plushenkon olisi pitänyt voittaa!!!!

      • ... kirjoitti:

        olen kuin Elvis, paitsi että Johnny Weir oli juuri sillä paikalla kuin pitikin. Olinko vielä unessa vai mitä, mutta eikö siltä Wieriltä jäänyt yksi piruetti tekemättä? Kai nyt kärkiviisikkoon täytyy kaikki piruetit tehdä???
        Mutta Plushenkon olisi pitänyt voittaa!!!!

        Rakastan häntä! Hän on aito kultamies!

    • J-fani

      vastustamaton pellavapää tämä Jevgeni joka avitti venäjää myös euroviisuvoittoon.
      hänen paluustaan iloitaan.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Takaisin ylös

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