

Olen matkustamassa yhdysvaltoihin ja yöpymässä ystäväni luona siellä. Koska en maksa yöpymisestä mitään, olisi mukava muistaa "isäntäperhettäni" kotimaisilla tuliaisilla. Yritinkin jo etsiä netistä vientirajoituksia, mutta nyt ei ainakaan osunut silmiin, tai sivut olivat yrityksiin liittyviä sivuja. Nyt kysynkin osaako joku kertoa, mitä ei saa yhdysvaltoihin viedä? Sen verran tiedän, että ruokaa ei saa viedä, eikä hedelmiä. Miten on erilaiset mausteet tai esim. sinappi? Olisivat halukkaita saamaan Hangon sinappia ainakin ja ilmeisesti Fazerin sinistäkin voi turvallisin mielin viedä...

Kiitos jo etukäteen vastauksista.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • wysig

      - lyhennetty -

      Many fruits and vegetables are either prohibited from entering the United States or require an import permit (for commercial importers) or a phytosanitary certificate from the country of origin. Every fruit or vegetable must be declared to a CBP Officer and must be presented for inspection - no matter how free of pests it appears to be.

      Failure to declare food products can result in a $10,000 fine. See special guidelines for produce from Canada below.

      Meats, livestock, poultry, and their products are either prohibited or restricted from entering the United States, depending on the animal disease condition in the country of origin. Fresh meat is generally prohibited from most countries. Canned, cured, or dried meat is severely restricted from some countries. See special guidelines for animal products from Canada below, and our Q&A on meat, poultry and swine products for a more complete discussion of food items from those sources.

      Bakery items, candy, chocolate, and cured cheese are generally admissible. Canned goods and goods in vacuum packed jars (other than those containing meat or poultry products)are also generally admissible if being imported for personal use.

      Dairy items such as milk, yogurt, butter are generally admissible, although this is subject to change, depending on disease outbreaks. Eggs may be admissible, although frequent outbreaks of Exotic Newcastles Disease and avian flu make it very likely that they will be denied entry. Hard cured cheese such as parmesan or cheddar are generally admissible, soft cheeses such as soft curd cheese and cheese in water (ricotta, feta, etc.) are not. Brie cheese can be admissible if it does not contain meat.

      Cooked and raw poultry is permitted from Canada except from the province of Saskatchewan. However, to bring poultry products from any province in Canada into the United States, you must have proof of the origin of the poultry. For example, proof of origin would be the grocery stores receipt where the product was purchased, or the label on the product indicates the province in which it was packaged

      Fish, if it is for your personal use, is generally admissible.

      Condiments such as oil, vinegar, mustard, catsup, pickles, syrup, honey, jelly, jam, etc., are generally admissible.

      Fruits and vegetables grown in Canada are generally admissible, if they have labels identifying them as products of Canada. Fruits and vegetables merely purchased in Canada are not necessarily admissible, ie. citrus or tropical fruits such as mangos, which clearly were not grown in Canada because it does not have a climate that supports those crops. (Potatoes from western regions of Canada are currently restricted because of a disease outbreak. While commercial imports are permitted under stringent guidelines, travelers from Canada should avoid bringing raw potatoes with them into the US).

      The Department of Agriculture has recently relaxed rules for travelers arriving from Canada with food products involving some meat products. Beef and game products are now allowed entry. This includes frozen, cooked, canned or otherwise processed beef, veal, venison, elk, bison, etc. Hunter harvested game, including deer, moose, wild sheep, goats and bison is admissible from Canada for the traveler's personal use if accompanied with a hunting license, tag or equivalent permit. Meat products from domestic lamb, sheep and goats is still prohibited entry from Canada.

      Pork and pork products are not admissible from Mexico.

      Effective January 14, 2010, cooked pork skins entering as commerical cargo or personal importation from countries/regions affected with certain exotic animal diseases must be accompanied by an original certificate issued by an official of the National Government/region of origin.

      Powder drinks must be sealed in orginal containers with ingredients listed in English. However, admissibilty is still under the discretion of the Agricultural specialist.

      Other then the above general guidelines, it is impossible to advise you in this forum about the admissibility of specific food items because it is so susceptible to change. Disease and pest outbreaks, which impact the admissibility status of fresh and packaged food items, occur all over the world at a moments notice.

      Failure to declare all food products can result in civil penalties.

      • nortsi_

        kiito tiedosta

      • suomenkiel kiitos
        nortsi_ kirjoitti:

        kiito tiedosta

        oisko mahollista saaha Suomeksi et saa esim alkoholipolitiikan selväks
        ei millää pahalla muute mutta toi englanninkielellä vastausten laittokielii britannia usa vastaisuuvesta

    • 20

      Oliko tuo suomea? Mina ainakaan en sita ymmartanyt.

      • 7+8

        Jos olet ulkomaille menossa niin kannattaisiko opetella kohdemaan kieltä?

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Tykkään sinusta tosi tosi paljon

      Siksi en pysty sisäistämään sitä, että se ei ole molemminpuolista. Sattuu liikaa. En osaa käsitellä sitä tunnetta, koska
    2. Mikä sai sut ihastumaan

      Mitä tapahtui?
    3. Kaupan kassalla kannataa olla kylmä käytös "19-vuotias Minja ja 59-vuotias Anne työskentelevät sillä todelli
    4. Mitä tehdä asialle?

      Jos laitan deitti-ilmon "40-vuotias nainen etsii seuraa" niin ketään ei kiinnosta (korkeintaan paria runkkaripenaa joill
    5. Mitä helvettiä pakolaisille pitäisi tehdä RAJALLA?

      Jos Venäjä työntää rajalle pakolaisia ja tekee Suomelle selväksi että heidän puolelleen ei ole pakolaisilla asiaa - mitä
      Maailman menoa
    6. Rajalakia menee läpi ja sekosi vastustajajia

      Korpeaa hheh heh.
    7. Hyvää heinäkuuta

      Hyvää huomenta ihanaa. 🦗🌾☔🤗🌻❤️
    8. Ethän syytä itseäsi

      siitä miten asia menivät. Mä en antanut sulle tilaisuutta.
    9. Olen pahoillani mies

      Olen surullinen puolestasi, ettet saanut kaipaamaasi naista. Yrititkö lopulta edes? Teistä olisi tullut hyvä pari
    10. Olet mies varmasti peto

      Makkarin puolella. 🤤