Blue Star hotelli


Hei. Varasimme kahden viikon loman neljän tähden hotelli Blue Stariin Alanyaan. Kellään kokemuksia hotellista? All inclusive kuuluu joten siitäkin mielellään kokemuksia. Deturin listoilla näkyy ainakin hotelli olevan, itse varasimme hotels4u.comin sivuilta kun tuli niin paljon halvemmaksi, 590€ kaks viikkoa kahdelta lennot 530€. Syksyllä mennään ja sille ajankohdalle ois Deturilta ostettuna maksanut melkein 2000€ joten jonkin verran säästöä tuli.
Toivon asiallisia ja monipuolisia vastauksia, ei pelkästään hotellista vaan muutenkin Alanyasta saa kertoa kokemuksia, nimittäin ensimmäistä kertaa ollaan menossa.
Kiitos jo etukäteen!




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • alaarvoista

      “BAD BAD BAD.Never again.Holiday from hell.”
      Blue Star Hotel
      traindriver 1 contribution norfolk
      8 May 2008 | Trip type: Family We just spent a week in the 'Blue Star' hotel in Alanya Turkey. We have been on many holidays but i can honestly say this was the worst ever, all because of the hotel we stayed at. Four star hotel. More like two. It was awful. The entertainment was so poor and the staff had no manners what so ever. All they were interested in was how much money they could make out of you.
      The Hotel photographers were rude beyond belief and when my husband and myself tried to purchase some of the photographs they had taken they were very unhelpful. They ended up throwing money back at us and told us to leave and all because they wouldn't help us with our choice of photographs.
      The children's entertainment was a joke. Mini disco ten minutes long consisting of three songs. O and don't expect a smile from the entertainment team cause you won't get one.
      The food was great if you were German, Russian or Turkish. There was no English food what so ever. My children lived on bread and weird looking cucumber all week. Thank god for the shops that sold a little English food. For an all inclusive hotel it was awful. Not even an ice cream for the children. What was included was not worth it.
      The facilities the hotel had to offer were poor. The indoor pool as promised was broken and there was nothing to entertain the children with during the day and this was classed as a family hotel. Kids club was in a shed like building with a few colouring pencils and paper to keep the children entertained. My children hated it and would not go. In fact it was empty.
      I could go on for ages with many bad experiences we had of Turkey and it's 'Blue Star' Hotel but it gets me down talking about it so i will leave it there.
      We are far from a fussy family and believe in what you pay for is what you get but this was poor by far and we would hate to think of any other families having to experience what we did. Never again. It was a relief to leave.

      “dont even bother”
      Blue Star Hotel
      bettyboop00 1 contribution southampton
      6 May 2008 | Trip type: Family would not bother with this hotel if you are english, we have just come back,( myself, my husband and my inlaws aged between 41 -68), the staff speak very little english and the catering is not geared towards the british, the staff also have very little time for the british, the first time they spoke to us was on the morning of our departure., the entertainment was on par with what your nursery school children can produce.
      Alanya is beautiful, and the people in the town are really friendly and helpful, but check the hotel reviews before you book, would go back to Alanya but someone recommend a good hotel.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Melkein lähetin viestin.

      Onneksi tulin järkiini. Mukavaa kesää
    2. Sulla on nainen muuten näkyvät viiksikarvat naamassa jotka pitää poistaa

      Kannattaa katsoa peilistä lasien kanssa, ettet saa ihmisiltä ikäviä kommentteja.
    3. Ikävöimäsi henkilön ikä

      Minkä ikäinen kaipauksen kohteenne on? Onko tämä vain plus 50 palsta vai kaivataanko kolme-neljäkymppisiä? Oma kohde mie
    4. Liikenne onnettomuus

      Annas kun arvaan -Nuoriso -Ajokortti poikkeusluvalla -Ylinopeus
    5. Kuka jäi auton alle

      Kuka jöi kantatiellä auton alle eilen
    6. Oli kyl kunnon reissu

      Jopa oli bileet hotellissa! Kunnon menot ja Kuhmon rytkyt liikenteessä. Onneksi ei ollu tuulipukua päällä! 😂👍🏻
    7. Muistatko ensimmäisen kahdenkeskisen hetken

      kaivattusi kanssa?
    8. Vähän pelottaa

      Että ten suuren mokan. Tämä muuttaa nyt liikaa asioita.
    9. Plösö ja synttäriruusut

      Joko Plösö sai hommattua ne 100 ruusua sankarille vai vieläkö sankarin odotus jatkuu?
      Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut
    10. Tiedätkö autereen?

      Se on vähän niinkuin sinä. Eräänä päivänä se hehkuttaa eteerisenä, laiskan hauen tavoin. Toisena se iskee kuin nälkäinen