Ei mitää 'nippuside' vaan oikeaa VOIMAA-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGxb1aoe-00
kattokaa tätä jamppaa,älkää mietttikö mitä nousis sling tms kureliiveillä!
Raw penaa kivempi katella(kin)
- paikkaansa notta
jos tohon tulis joku läskimaha ja laittas yhet kiekot lisää,ei tee mitään mulle..tai jamppa balsamoituna
2 kiekot lisää.lähinnä nauraisin. - oksettaa nyt jo
haisee tänne asti, hyi vittu
- ei uppoo
Mikä vitun RAW???
Jätkällä rannesiteet. Varustepelle! - Totuudenlaukoja 3
Totuus on se, että jos perusjantteri tökkii 150 raakana penkiltä julkisesti, se kiinnostaa naurismaan aitojakin, mutta jos tankoon lastataan 500kg, niin saadaan tupa täyteen.
- rauta ei vaan lennä
Ei Suomesta(kaan) löydy montaa jamppaa joka ottaa 250kg ilman balsamointia,Nummiston Ilu muistelen
otti aikoinaan Kimmon salilla Turun Urkkahallilla,matti&teppo soi kevyesti taustalla..tästä on kait "30 vuotta
aikaa",huh,ja nyt on 2011 eikä tätä näkyä eli 'NELJÄNNESTONNI' penkillä vieläkään usein näe,kuitenkin
treeni metodit,välineet,ravinteet kehittyneet huikeasti.Pidän harvoja 300kg raakanostoja aivan käsittämättöminä suorituksina!
Mitä sitten tuolla nostellaan palikoilla,paidoilla,vinsseillä ja vivuilla jätän ihan omaan arvoonsa e.v.v.k ! - Mcdonald LegendBench
rauta ei vaan lennä kirjoitti:
Ei Suomesta(kaan) löydy montaa jamppaa joka ottaa 250kg ilman balsamointia,Nummiston Ilu muistelen
otti aikoinaan Kimmon salilla Turun Urkkahallilla,matti&teppo soi kevyesti taustalla..tästä on kait "30 vuotta
aikaa",huh,ja nyt on 2011 eikä tätä näkyä eli 'NELJÄNNESTONNI' penkillä vieläkään usein näe,kuitenkin
treeni metodit,välineet,ravinteet kehittyneet huikeasti.Pidän harvoja 300kg raakanostoja aivan käsittämättöminä suorituksina!
Mitä sitten tuolla nostellaan palikoilla,paidoilla,vinsseillä ja vivuilla jätän ihan omaan arvoonsa e.v.v.k !mies on jo yli 60 vuotta.Niille jotka eivät 'tätä Mcdonaldia' tunne kerrottakoon että hän on AINOA mies
maailmassa jolla on ollut yhtäaikaa 4 eri sarjassa Penkin ME,tuolloin ei ollut muita tukia kuin äiteellä
tukisukkahousut...3x nosti oman painonsa RAAKANA tietenkin!
Kertokaapa joku jos olette kuulleet tuoreempia uutisia Penkki Legendasta?!
Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:22 AM
Mike MacDonald called me earlier today. He has been dieting down and training body weight bench press reps. He is down to 160# at 5'9.5"....this is a guy who once officially bench pressed 603.5# at 240# in a meet raw and 608.87# in a meet at 232# raw! His lightest bench press record was done raw with 522# at 181#...he looked pretty shredded then so I can't even imagine what he looks like at 160#. He says he hopes to get 50 reps with body weight in the bench press soon. When I asked him about max singles, he said that he thinks if he were to train for such he could get to 400# or more as a 165# raw. He was benching over 400# raw at 198# not too many years ago. This all raw and drug free (since about 1985 or so). He is currently over 60 years of age! Pretty amazing. He said that Dr. Judd from Powerlifting USA called him the other day to inquire about his opinion on the bench press shirt...should be interesting. Historically Mike set about 36 world records in the bench press shirt without elbow wraps or a bench shirt (bests of 522# @ 181#, 562# @ 198#, 582# @ 220#, and 603.5# @ 242#...also did 608.87# @ 232#, but not accepted due to a slight rule infraction). He said he experimented with a "bench shirt"....a poly-cotton blend...but he only wore it at two meets, a Nebraska meet at which he did 545# @ 198# and the Oklahoma Grand at which he did 4 records in one day finishing with 507# @ 181#....he eventually exceeded both of these raw officially with his 522# @ 181# and 562# @ 198#. His 582# and both his 603.5# and 608.87# lifts were raw and either shirtless or in a cotton T-shirt only. I'm interested to hear what he has to say, since he set his records without a shirt, but did use a type of shirt on those two occasions. - legendat on ikuisia
Mcdonald LegendBench kirjoitti:
mies on jo yli 60 vuotta.Niille jotka eivät 'tätä Mcdonaldia' tunne kerrottakoon että hän on AINOA mies
maailmassa jolla on ollut yhtäaikaa 4 eri sarjassa Penkin ME,tuolloin ei ollut muita tukia kuin äiteellä
tukisukkahousut...3x nosti oman painonsa RAAKANA tietenkin!
Kertokaapa joku jos olette kuulleet tuoreempia uutisia Penkki Legendasta?!
Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:22 AM
Mike MacDonald called me earlier today. He has been dieting down and training body weight bench press reps. He is down to 160# at 5'9.5"....this is a guy who once officially bench pressed 603.5# at 240# in a meet raw and 608.87# in a meet at 232# raw! His lightest bench press record was done raw with 522# at 181#...he looked pretty shredded then so I can't even imagine what he looks like at 160#. He says he hopes to get 50 reps with body weight in the bench press soon. When I asked him about max singles, he said that he thinks if he were to train for such he could get to 400# or more as a 165# raw. He was benching over 400# raw at 198# not too many years ago. This all raw and drug free (since about 1985 or so). He is currently over 60 years of age! Pretty amazing. He said that Dr. Judd from Powerlifting USA called him the other day to inquire about his opinion on the bench press shirt...should be interesting. Historically Mike set about 36 world records in the bench press shirt without elbow wraps or a bench shirt (bests of 522# @ 181#, 562# @ 198#, 582# @ 220#, and 603.5# @ 242#...also did 608.87# @ 232#, but not accepted due to a slight rule infraction). He said he experimented with a "bench shirt"....a poly-cotton blend...but he only wore it at two meets, a Nebraska meet at which he did 545# @ 198# and the Oklahoma Grand at which he did 4 records in one day finishing with 507# @ 181#....he eventually exceeded both of these raw officially with his 522# @ 181# and 562# @ 198#. His 582# and both his 603.5# and 608.87# lifts were raw and either shirtless or in a cotton T-shirt only. I'm interested to hear what he has to say, since he set his records without a shirt, but did use a type of shirt on those two occasions.Nuorempaa nostajaa on viikatemies niittänyt tasaiseen tahtiin!
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