Racism allowed for

Swedes only

Allways take backup copies of any criticism against the SSwedes!


Racism in Finland
Kirjoittanut: Uncle Tom 24.2.2007 klo 20.08

Have you noticed that there is a strong racist movement in Finland? Not against black africans, not against Arabic muslims, not against Russians, but - very surprisingly - against the white,light-haired and blue-eyed Finns themselves!

There is clearly an apartheid-like segration system in Finland. There are two classes of people, elite and servants. The division between them is the language they speak as their mother tongue.

The elite, superior race in Finland is the Swedish minority, the so called Finlandsswedes, who are bilingual, Swedish and Finnish, and then the large majority, the servants, who speak Finnish, but who must learn Swedish in order to be able to serve the superior Swedish elite in Swedish language where ever they may travel in Finland.

The racial segregation is based on the ideas of Axel-Olof Freudenthal, the mental fore-father of the Swedish People's Party. Freudenthal worked in Helsinki University in the middle of the 19th century.

Freudenthal taught that the Swedes are a better and wiser race and therefore the Finns must serve them, and that the Finns are at such a low level that they will never be able to do anything creative.

So the the so called Finlandswedes are racist by definition.

There are several privileges given to the so called Finlandsswedes, written in the law. For instance, many of the a civil servant jobs require the ability to speak Swedish, although it is not actually needed. The so called Finlandswedes also have very large quotas in the higher education, among universities. Actually most so called Finlandswedes are dumber than the Finns in the same schools, because of the language-based quotas. This is very racist against the Finns, because many of them have to accept lower education in order to give way to the so called Finlandsswedes.

The Finns are forced by law to study Swedish at all levels of education, including universities, and in addition they have to pass through Swedish tests when applying to many state or municipal jobs. Even in their working life the Finns must take addional courses in the Swedish language, by force. There are no language tests for the so called Finlandswedes.

So there are actually two different, parallel force-sweding systems in Finland to make sure that the so called Finlandswedes get their services in the Swedish language: 1) the quotas in higher level schools and 2) the force-sweding of the Finns.

The system creates numerous easy and well-paid "protege"-jobs for the so called Finlansswedes in the public servant system. All they have to be able to do is speak Swedish.

How is this possible? The main media is owned by either Swedes (like Aamulehti) or svedophiles (like Helsingin Sanomat), and the Finnish Broadcasting Company is occupied by the so called Finlandswedes. The biggest parties owe their guts to Swedish banks. So the liberty of speech has a different meaning in Finland than elsewhere.

Is that so
Kirjoittanut: Aussie 25.2.2007 klo 00.29

Well that sounds prety much like jews and no jews in America.
I think a part of the problem is the Finnish inferiority complex and give-up attitude.
They have been ruled by Swedes and Russians before and that's shows to their attitude even today.
I am a Finn,who lives in Australia(25years)and luckily I am not affected by bloody Finlandsweds.
Finns are very intelligent race and can do without swedeish dominance any day.
I reckon it's high time to do some dramatic changes to the Finnish constitution.
No more swedish language in Finland,full stop.
And jobs for Finlandfinns.
If Finlandswedes don't agree,let's kick them out of Finland.

To Foreign Trolls
Kirjoittanut: A Finn 25.2.2007 klo 09.39

We have a very equal society here in Finland. Both official languages as well as Sami and today even Russian are part of Finnish daily life. Foreign trolls' opinions are sometimes very amusing. Of course prejudiced misconception are understandable in English-speaking class societies. Eg. Australia is a colony born as a prison camp of the misfits of various nations. But we are ready take back even you, if you can learn to live in a modern, civized European society.

You got it wrong mate
Kirjoittanut: Aussie 25.2.2007 klo 09.55

Well Australia was not build by those convicts in the past,but mainly by skilled labour force from various countries including Finland.
We are pretty much a multicultrural society,where racism is not tolerated.
It ain't heaven,but a pretty good place to be.

Heaven has finally
Kirjoittanut: been found 26.2.2007 klo 19.09

"It [Australia] ain't heaven,but a pretty good place to be."

Surely the only heaven on earth is Finland. For the Finlandswedes only, of course.

You're an idiot
Kirjoittanut: a Real Finn 3.3.2007 klo 19.49

How are Sami, Russian and Swedish part of the daily life? I personally have never even heard anyone speak Sami(except on television) in my entire life. Russian I haven't heard in years and while I do meet people who speak Swedish quite often I just ignore them since I never bothered learning that unimportant language of theirs.

Why bother
Kirjoittanut: with 7.3.2007 klo 09.55

Swedish? Finland's Swedes speak fluent Finnish. The Swedish language is not needed at all in Finland, nor anywhere else. In Sweden the Swedes speak fluent English (and if they don't, who cares?).

The fact that Finland's Swedes require the Finns to speak their stupid language proves only how idiotic and out of this world they are.

Kirjoittanut: Aussie 7.3.2007 klo 20.24


Don´t Belive
Kirjoittanut: jivab 25.2.2007 klo 15.22

You´re forgetting one thing; namely that the Finlandsswedes created the finnish language, finnish culture, litterature and much more...
We finns owe much to Finlandsswedes.
And I didn´t recognize much of the other things either. I only know, that the Finlandsswedes are no racists.
The strong racist movement in Finland is mostly against minorites, like the gypsies, the samish people up north and the Finlandsswedes.
Oh, yes; and of course against most of the immigrants.

The basic
Kirjoittanut: facts 26.2.2007 klo 18.46

"You´re forgetting one thing; namely that the Finlandsswedes created the finnish language, finnish culture, litterature and much more..."

You forgot one basic fact: All these were "invented" by ethnic Finns, even before the concept of Finlandswedes:-)

"I only know, that the Finlandsswedes are no racists."

Is that because you are a Finlandswede? Finlandswedes are racist by definition, because they are of a "more developed race" than the Finns, according to the teachings of Axel-Olof Freudenthal, the famous Finlandswedish racist, and inventor of the term Finlandswede.

The Finlandswedes have always urged Finns against other minorities in order to gather more previleges for themselves.

Still arguing with me?
Kirjoittanut: jivab 1.3.2007 klo 23.50

I´m not a Finlandsswede. In fact, I´m from a place that is far from anything swedish. Nevertheless I still don´t agree with you.
The truth is, that there has never been any inventing of anything that would be even close to finnish language, culture, litterature etc. by the ethnic finns.

And more; how harsh it may sound to you, an impetuous opponent of Finlandsswedes, they really were superior intellectually compared to ethnic finns, which also gives us more reason to belive that the Finlandswedes in deed were behind to create an odd language, create an exquisite culture and litterature. Do you honestly think, that a bunch of rustic dolts, like the finns were those days, could have done all that incredidble?
No, of course not. You know that, but are you man enough to admit it?

well said
Kirjoittanut: toot.too 2.3.2007 klo 18.17

You are right. There were jus some sor of 'tatters peelers' before the swede and Germany whom made the Finn nation and the language for them

Is that so
Kirjoittanut: Aussie 3.3.2007 klo 11.35

Well,I thought Finnish is a part of Finno-Ugrial language,so how is it,that Swedes and Germans made that language???
I understand,that contemporary Finnish has influences from those countries,but the roots and origin of Finnish language is shared by Estonian,Hungarian,and some smaller dialects in Russia like Vepsa,Komi,etc...
And about Finnish being 'tatter peelers'.well how about Swedes? Barbaric,murderous Vikings...
Cave man attitude.

Kirjoittanut: toot.too 5.3.2007 klo 10.31

You think Michal Agrikola was Finn ugri? or Manerheim,or Snelman or every else who set the stage for indepedent state.

No but...
Kirjoittanut: Aussie 5.3.2007 klo 12.25

Finnish language existed a long before Michal Agrikola,maybe not as a written language,but as an oral and spoken language.
Later it was modified and got it's influence from Swedish loan words,etc...
All languages change with the time,also Swedish and German,no exceptions.

Kirjoittanut: Dear 5.3.2007 klo 18.47

I am amazed at your English after 25 years.

Kirjoittanut: Aussie 5.3.2007 klo 20.49

Well,that's true.
Been here such a long time makes you good at it.

Kirjoittanut: Aussie 5.3.2007 klo 21.47

I just forgot to say,that you made out a beautiful sentence.
No mistakes... good on you.
Just a frinedly advice though,you don't need that dictionary next time.
See ya.

Kirjoittanut: Dear 6.3.2007 klo 20.37

Maybe you should use a dictionary and a spell-checker. And don't let the grammar book gather dust.

Kirjoittanut: Aussie 6.3.2007 klo 22.28

G,day again my 'dear'.
If you had any problems to understand my message earlier,I can translate it for you into Finnish.
And I can do it free of charge,since you seem to be such a nice person.
BTW.I can recommend for you some good dictionaries...there are The Oxford and Cambridge,but then again,it has to be Finnish-English-English-Finnish...maybe you'd better buy ABC English made easy for foreigners,that would be benefitial for you.
Don't give up,you will get there some day...I hope.
Good luck.

Oh, C´mon!
Kirjoittanut: Jake77b 5.3.2007 klo 11.11

Do you honestly think, that a bunch of rustic dolts, like the finns were those days, could have done anything else than (stupid) kids?

a good joke
Kirjoittanut: Katimonkey 26.2.2007 klo 18.33

This was interesting and funny text. It makes you wonder how situation is in some other countries in this world. Not all are as democratic and egalitarian as Finland is. Think about all those civil wars during last 10 years. Sometimes the situation has been something like the one described in this text of Uncle Tom.

Luckily that is not the situation in real life. Swedish is very usable language to learn, in case one needs to travel, work etc in Scandinavia. It also helps you tolearn other languages. Finnish kids are in most cases fed up studying swedish in school, but that is just teenagers angst.

Kirjoittanut: fundamentals 26.2.2007 klo 19.03

Finland had a very severe civil war in 1918, at least as bloody as that in the Balkans recently.

After the civil war Finlandswedish shooting groups travelled from one prisoner of war camp to another, executing Finnish labor class prisoners and saving swedish-speakers.

That is the basis on which the present pro-swedish laws are based, starting from the official bi-lingualism - it is not the result of a democratic process but rather of a fascist one, co-forced by the state of Sweden.

Swedish language of course is useable in Sweden, but not much elsewhere. So there is no point in learning one small and otherwise unnecessary language like Swedish for the purpose of occasionally visiting Sweden. English is much more useable, both in Sweden and elsewhere.

The worst angst is currently in the Svenska folkpartiet's headquarters, because they cannot control internet, and the freedom of speech and information about the Finlandswedish racism is finally reaching also the Finns.

By the way, if an Englishman wishes to learn German, will you order him to first learn Swedish, because it is such an easy language, and makes learning German easier? Why not learn German straight away?

Kirjoittanut: finn from north 26.2.2007 klo 22.49

in this thread has very little to do with reality. It is more like organized propaganda by the microscopic size neo-nazi group IKL. This group tries to enter the coming parlamentary election by flooding all forums with this kind of crap (google for 'Seppo Lehto'). All Finnish speaking people want to keep the fast disappearing swedish speaking minority (under 4%) as an ingredient of the liberal Finnish culture scene.

According to several
Kirjoittanut: gallups 27.2.2007 klo 10.16

made during the last 15 years, by respectable research companies, approximately two thirds of the Finns want to put an end to the teaching of the forced-swedish "language".

And a steadily increasing amount of people want to put an end to the state bilingualism, too.

The main mass media is quiet, they keep a lid on Finland's swede-problem. They support the force-sweding of the Finns. They don't publish these gallups.

But they can't fight the internet.

Don´t worry my friend. We´re strong!!
Kirjoittanut: Köpä_W._Sorsaposki 27.2.2007 klo 18.44

Everything´s gonna be alright. I´d rather be a russian than a swede myself if I had to chose between these two miserable options. This bilingual system of ours is good for a joke and will not last but will collapse soon.

Let the Lion roar!!

K. W. Sorsaposki

Hae kaikki nimimerkin kirjoittamat viestit

Media is doing fine - look at this one
Kirjoittanut: MikkoZorros 4.3.2007 klo 12.33

This is from a DVD-extra published in Finland:


It prives Finland is a good country and edia is doing fine.


The best
Kirjoittanut: media joke 7.3.2007 klo 09.59

in Finland - and unfortunately also a true fact - is that the Finnish journalism prizes are dealt annually out by a Swedish publishing house, Bonnier!

And the "Finnish" journalists accept them!!!!

Kirjoittanut: Suomenruotsalainen 8.3.2007 klo 18.57

Yes they do because most people are not language racists. To them it's an acknowledgment of their work and it's not tied to language borders.

Hae kaikki nimimerkin kirjoittamat viestit

But maybe
Kirjoittanut: they are 9.3.2007 klo 10.11

language fascists, as they support the force-sweding of Finland by co-operating with the Swedish press in Finland, who support the force-sweding of Finland.

The journalism prices are not given to the best journalists from the Finnish point of wiev, but for the best co-supporters of the wievs of the Swedish press.

Kirjoittanut: Suomenruotsalainen 8.3.2007 klo 18.48

There are undoubtedly racism present in Finland. But a part of it seem to be ok, the one that target Swedish speaking Finns. If you you would have written this article and changed the word Finlandsswedes to Somalians or the name of any other refugee group and changed the text to fit that group this post would have been reported as racist and removed a long time ago.

But since it only targets Finlandsswedes it's ok. It's ok to make up lies, it's ok to be a racist against Finlandsswedes, it's ok to write texts on the Internet that are racist by definition.

In my mind it's not ok!!!

Hae kaikki nimimerkin kirjoittamat viestit

Do you define
Kirjoittanut: yourself as 9.3.2007 klo 10.28

a Finlandswede? Do you accept that the term is based on the ideas of Freudenthal? Before him this term did not exist. People were either Finns, Swedes or Russians here. Do you accept that Freudenthal was a racist?

Most so-called Finlandswedes were actually originally Finns who have opportunistically taken a Swedish name and the Swedish language, in order to get PRIVILEGES over the common Finns, who - by Freudenthal - were not able to take care of themselves and therefore needed to be governed by the Finlandswedes. Therefore they also needed no scools or education - these nprivileges were long reserved for the Swedish-speakers only, especially the higher education. There are still a few universities reserved for the Swedish-speakers only! There are NO universities reserved for Finnish-speakers.

Today the only reason to be a so-called Finlandswede are the PRIVILEGES for the "native" Swedish-speakers, based on the bi-lingualism of Finland. If bi-lingualism and the privileges are all taken away, who would want to be a Finlandswede any more? With only the shame left?

There are very strong racist features in the bi-lingualism system of Finland - they are in favour of the Finlandswedes and against the Finns.

It can be called an apartheid system, and the supporters of it can be called racists.

I personally do not like racism. And I outright hate it when it is targeted against me and my Finnish folks. And I want you to know it.
   Vastaa tähän viestiin


   On report again
Kirjoittanut: Suomenruotsalainen 12.3.2007 klo 09.34

   The last time i reported this thread it was removed because it was racist. Now you had made a copy of that same thread. So not only is the racist post up again but it's also a copy of an earlier post. That breaks two rules. I have reported it.
   Vastaa tähän viestiin

   Hae kaikki nimimerkin kirjoittamat viestit

   That is the way the
Kirjoittanut: Finlandswedes 12.3.2007 klo 09.38

   participate in discussion in Finland. If they can't control it and if they do no not have valid arguments, they do their best to prevent the discussion and destroy all evidence of it.

The Nick "Suomenruotsalainen" (="Finlandswede") is the perfect example.
   Vastaa tähän viestiin


   Racist propaganda
Kirjoittanut: Suomenruotsalainen 12.3.2007 klo 09.49

   The so called debate on your behalf is racist propaganda. Remove the word "Finlandswede" from the propaganda and you exchange it with any name of any other people in the world that are the victims of any propaganda in the world. It's nothing new, it's the same, only the name changes.

It's does not hold the truth of the Finlandswedes but your own shortcommings. Believe or not, most people don't care about language differences. It's exist only in your very small world and since the first post on this thread will be gone soon that world will be gone tomorrow...
   Vastaa tähän viestiin

   Hae kaikki nimimerkin kirjoittamat viestit

   I would really
Kirjoittanut: like to see 12.3.2007 klo 10.02

   some real and proper arguments from you. But obviously you do not have them. So all you can do is call the other people liers and ask to destroy their messages.

That really is no proper discussion. That is Finlandswedish discussion.

I was only referring to what the Swedish People's Party, sfp/rkp told themselves on their own net site just a few months ago (now it is "cleaned", but I have a copy of it), that the so called finlandswedism is based on the ideas of Axel-Olof Freudenthal. Plus the now well-known fact that Freudenthal was a racist, actually the worst kind there ever was.

And those ideas on which the concept of Finlandswedism is based are racist: According to Freudenthal the Finlandsswedes are the better part, the rulers, and the Finns are the worse parts, the laborers or even slaves, of the inhabitants of Finland.

Ever heard of the slogan: Svenska talande bättre folk? - That is it, in a nutshell.
   Vastaa tähän viestiin


   Over 30 postings
Kirjoittanut: near 2000 12.3.2007 klo 09.34

   readings. No wonder the Finlandswedes got worried about their racicm being revealed to all the world!
   Vastaa tähän viestiin


   Censored for a reason
Kirjoittanut: a forum voice 10.3.2007 klo 19.22

   This hate thread by "white,light-haired and blue-eyed Uncle Tom" was a organized swedish-finnish neonazi propaganda. Strongly related to parlamentary election next week. There are forums also in Finland where that kind of people can have their free speech. But this place is for decent people.
   Vastaa tähän viestiin


   Of all the people...
Kirjoittanut: Surprised 12.3.2007 klo 09.29

   "But this place is for decent people."

So may I ask what are you doing here?
   Vastaa tähän viestiin


   I reported it
Kirjoittanut: Suomenruotsalainen 12.3.2007 klo 09.27

   I reported it as a racist post and the staff of suomi24 seemed to agree with me since it was gone the next day...
   Vastaa tähän viestiin

   Hae kaikki nimimerkin kirjoittamat viestit

   I agree. It
Kirjoittanut: revealed 12.3.2007 klo 09.31

   the racism of the Finlandswedes. And that is a bad thing for them. It has so far been a tabu subject in Finland.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • in this country

      Racism is not problem in general in Finland. But there is group of citizens with low self esteem. Some Swedish-speakers have a inferiority complex towads succesfull Finnish speakers. And vice versa.

      • don't know

        what racism means.

        Racism is a system where one ethnic group has previleges over another, like the whites used to have over the black in the USA and in South Africa, or like the Swedes (still) have over all the other citicens in Finland.

        Racism is written in the law in Finland. And these are not old laws. For instance the position of the Swedes was improved in the change of constitution in 1995.

        A few years ago a new language law was established (in a very fascist way) giving improved privileges for the Swedes.

        And just this year another new pro-swedish law was established: For the first time (certain) private bisnesses must provide service in the Swedish language! Ealier the swedish-speaking requirement was only in the official branch, state and municipal.

      • Julian
        don't know kirjoitti:

        what racism means.

        Racism is a system where one ethnic group has previleges over another, like the whites used to have over the black in the USA and in South Africa, or like the Swedes (still) have over all the other citicens in Finland.

        Racism is written in the law in Finland. And these are not old laws. For instance the position of the Swedes was improved in the change of constitution in 1995.

        A few years ago a new language law was established (in a very fascist way) giving improved privileges for the Swedes.

        And just this year another new pro-swedish law was established: For the first time (certain) private bisnesses must provide service in the Swedish language! Ealier the swedish-speaking requirement was only in the official branch, state and municipal.

        or just a blockhead like "Uncle Tom" if you think that speaking different language makes a person being different race. People like you perhaps need little patronizing guidance from more informed people. Lycka till!

      • the one who
        Julian kirjoitti:

        or just a blockhead like "Uncle Tom" if you think that speaking different language makes a person being different race. People like you perhaps need little patronizing guidance from more informed people. Lycka till!

        thinks so. The finlandswedes think that they are better than the Finns, because they have another language.

        The language actually is the only thing separating the Finns and the so-called finlandswedes who are nothing more than greedy opportunists who have taken a swedish name and identity in order to get privileges in Finland.

      • excabbie
        the one who kirjoitti:

        thinks so. The finlandswedes think that they are better than the Finns, because they have another language.

        The language actually is the only thing separating the Finns and the so-called finlandswedes who are nothing more than greedy opportunists who have taken a swedish name and identity in order to get privileges in Finland.

        ..don't know nothing about the history of this country, mate. Where do you come from? Mars?

      • don't you
        excabbie kirjoitti:

        ..don't know nothing about the history of this country, mate. Where do you come from? Mars?

        tell me and the others so that we can be equally knowledgeable as you.

      • excabbie
        don't you kirjoitti:

        tell me and the others so that we can be equally knowledgeable as you.

        ..shouldn't really. All this sort of crap should be posted to another forum. This one is supposed to be for english speaking. If you go to any other forum here, concerning i.e politics or whatever, you will find these kind of attacks against the swedish speaking people in Finland.

        There used to be a kind of an "upper class" in this country. Most of them had swedish as their first language. I´m talking now, say, a hundred years back. Nowadays, however most "finlandssvenskar" are just ordinary people, who work for living.

        As for "intelligent races" and things like that, I don't have much confidence in it. I don't know about you, but the fellow, who wrote the original message up there, either lives in an other age, or more likely, on another planet. Cheers

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