

You are like a star in the sky where the appeal is more than any other somewhere in space




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • hannu94

      You hear me when I'm calling you
      Wash away my tears
      My blood is poisoned, my soul is aching
      I'll die for you once more

      • Viola787

        I hear you.. I read you..

        Cleanse your blood, your soul will heal, restore your smile, I want you to last a lifetime...

    • MyThai

      Me love you long time, suki suki, bang bang, happy ending.. Send me some money!

    • hannu94

      Feeling like a little child
      Crying out for its mother
      I'm sitting here alone
      And I miss you ... so much
      The funny thing is--I don't know who you are ...
      This feeling inside will surely kill me someday
      I don't know when this feeling will go away
      I wash away my tears
      'cause I don't want nobody to see me cry

      Read more: Blutengel - A Little Love Lyrics | MetroLyrics

    • hannu94

      Feeling like a little child
      Crying out for its mother
      I'm sitting here alone
      And I miss you ... so much
      The funny thing is--I don't know who you are ...
      This feeling inside will surely kill me someday
      I don't know when this feeling will go away
      I wash away my tears
      'cause I don't want nobody to see me cry

    • hannu94

      Down by the water and up in the sky
      I'm searching for you and I wait.

    • hannu94

      You are a star you're a night
      you are a beacon towards which I walk alone in the dark
      splendor dazzles my eyes beauty mute the soul
      You are a star you are the moon you are the light that guides me
      without you there is only darkness and chaos.

      • Viola769

        My hands trembling and heart pounding because I know your innermost, your soul and your heart, you're in my thoughts all the time. You give strength and light for everyday life. I want you so bad

    • hannu94

      I hear your words my heart the power of the heat will turn my eyes to the wonderful your light you're shooting star beautiful and distant unattainable dream of moments frozen my heart can sense the presence you feel you disappear far away from me splendor fades and night covers the back of my world I am alone position in my heart the memory of you and one day you arrive once again to bring your light frozen my world.

    • Viola769

      I really look forward to you so, I miss the beauty of your eyes, your personality, what you have inside of you.. I know you to be a good person without love is just a dark..

      • Viola769

        I mean a life without love is dark but when life is love is a great time to live..

    • hannu94

      Viola 769 You can see the stars and the world is generated at the beautiful bright full of life like you do. Continue smiling and save the world

    • Viola769

      Yes I do.. I believe the residue, although it now would be the farthest so it shines brightest, believe in you.

    • sieLUU

      Are those some song words??
      so much words, full of empty

    • sieLUU

      ohm, there was hannu and Viola, only

      You send letters ( I felt full of emptiness ??

    • sieLUU

      I dont believe you have any love
      No one have not
      before ismo is with me
      And Toni

      You dont know what is love
      ( but now you faund toisenne
      HAnnu ja Viola wife and Husband?

      And it is too late
      thought they will be with me
      mankind never have love
      because they were bad they häpäisivät St Salome

      You can waiting for punishment.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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