Global Peace and Love


GLOBAL STATE - earth has one government
FREEDOM TO MOVE - everyone is free to come and go when and where he wants
CITIZEN PAYMENT - minimum money for basic life: food, clothes, home, family, health for all people in the world by keeping strong taxes for rich people


SOFT FAMILY VALUES - parenthood could be nowadays a profession according astrology if person has soft home values, because hard one will simple not stay at home and will want to look after it. Hard Zodiacs are good in another society work, but some of the soft value Zodiacs are simple HOME PARENTS for whom GOVERNMENT SHOULD PAY A NORMAL EVERY MONTH PAYMENT and leave family peace.



Everyone's duty is Peace and Love.


People are valuable equal despite Age, Race, Sex and Social Status position.


Finland needs Refugees a lot.
Immigration of Finland is only 40 years old.
That's why everything is so stupid.

All the honer for immigrants living in the North of Finland!!

Finland should keep Refugees and NOT give them away.
Why to give away?
Who don't want to stay, they can go.
Do not Return refugees by force!!! That is crime.
Look Human Rights Codas!!!




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • GiganElmenSak

      Finish people eats Global food, uses Global import products from fruits to car fuel and much more. They has no Right to be Racists!!

      • GiganElmenSak

        Global Earth is one, there is NO or is less and less separated governments. We all are hanging on each others.

        Question of Immigration is the Question number 1 in contemporary World. Good Politics will take accord that question that no one will suffer anywhere.

        Nationalism is old fashion. Racism is Wrong.

        Human is Love.

      • GiganElmenSak

        By driving Refugees, human traffic endlessly there and back, be Finland smart and practical, keep Refugees, give them home, show respect and care and World will Thank You.

        By acting that Finland is Higher than Refugees, Finland make's a great mistake. By sending Refugees away and treating Refugees bad, Finland is making a great mistake.

      • GiganElmenSak

        Do Not Send Anyone!!
        Safe Human Lifes
        Safe Time
        Safe Money

      • GiganElmenSak

        Many nationalities - Good
        Little nationalities - Bad.

      • 94949

        Hahhaa. Someone has eaten too much too much mushrooms, you know, the type that twists your brains and makes you see things. Ideology like that has no any realism, fancy ideas, but with no any connection to real life.

        Happiness and love for all... Too bad muslims won't tolerate gays, other religions and most of the western culture. And you want them here to spread their ignorance and hate religion?

    • fsdffdgedr

      Fuck human rights! Only reason to immigrants to come Finland is money. That money comes from taxpayers. Immigrants never pay back. Never.

      • dfgfhfgjsf

        Did you see the videos where those beggars arrive at a Western counhtry and demand: "Give us our money!" Their money? Excuse me! A real refugee, fleeing from a violent warring country, would be humble and grateful for any help, willing to work. And they would return home as soon as possible.

        Don't people see that flooding former rich countries with fighting aged men is part of the plan, and that plan is not for people's well being. It's purpose is violence, poverty, slavery, dictatorship. UN-lead nwo would be the end of even an illusion of democracy - whatever democracy means in this mad world.

        I ask one thing: If Finland belongs to the whole world, which country belongs to us Finns?

    • dontcomehere

      To all shitheads! Go to hell, You are not wellcome to Finland.

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